Joe Biden-Gaffes or something more

Biden is the Lefts version of Trump. He's every bit the idiot minus the business resume. Anyone ever criticising Trump but now offering support for, it making excuses for Biden have zero credibility and no intellectual honesty. LOL this is hilarious and scary at the same time.
Biden is the Lefts version of Trump. He's every bit the idiot minus the business resume. Anyone ever criticising Trump but now offering support for, it making excuses for Biden have zero credibility and no intellectual honesty. LOL this is hilarious and scary at the same time.
And this would have been the easiest time that I can remember for them to flip the WH and make him a one term president. So to make that happen they trot out... Joe Biden. And he beat a whole field of challengers! Yes this literally was their mirrored answer to 2016.
And this would have been the easiest time that I can remember for them to flip the WH and make him a one term president. So to make that happen they trot out... Joe Biden. And he beat a whole field of challengers! Yes this literally was their mirrored answer to 2016.

Maybe he chokes to death on his morning moon pie and literally anything that takes his place will do a better job.
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Agree, Lyin Joe Biden is way worser than "anything takes his places" lol

I'd rather be guilty of the occasional typo than have a general lack of oxygen that hinders my critical thinking capabilities at every turn.

Sit down, Billy Joe, and wipe that orange tanning cream off of your lips.
Biden is the Lefts version of Trump. He's every bit the idiot minus the business resume. Anyone ever criticising Trump but now offering support for, it making excuses for Biden have zero credibility and no intellectual honesty. LOL this is hilarious and scary at the same time.

The ONE thing you can say about Trump is he bases ALL of his decisions on American interests and his indubitable love of America. He will not deviate from the idea that America is great. As an American citizen I take comfort in having someone in office with unconditional love for America. I think we are at the end of a 250 year run where this is case.

This idea is foreign to the Left, literally and figuratively. America will change as we know it once they continue to fast track it to globalism, socialist policies and a turnover of the citizenry with foreign nationals.
The ONE thing you can say about Trump is he bases ALL of his decisions on American interests and his indubitable love of America. He will not deviate from the idea that America is great. As an American citizen I take comfort in having someone in office with unconditional love for America. I think we are at the end of a 250 year run where this is case.


Holy sh*t. Ho. Lee. Sh*t.

That's rich.
Really, Trump is fat? Well I must be fat too. Dang.

You're seriously asking me if this is considered fat?

Look, I get that you're indoctrinated and completely consumed with the idea that he pisses excellence, but if your perspective is so distorted that you think this is the picture of health, then seek help.


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Really, Trump is fat? Well I must be fat too. Dang.
Yes he is. In the past couple of years I've personally been every weight between 280 and 190 at 6'2" (200# currently). Despite his attempt to hide it under what appear to be off-the-rack JC Penney suits he is clinically obese. Maybe just another way he shows he identifies as a real American?
Yes he is. In the past couple of years I've personally been every weight between 280 and 190 at 6'2" (200# currently). Despite his attempt to hide it under what appear to be off-the-rack JC Penney suits he is clinically obese. Maybe just another way he shows he identifies as a real American?

You had me right up until the JCP suit . I’ll bet money that man has never even touched a suit that’s come off the rack .
You had me right up until the JCP suit . I’ll bet money that man has never even touched a suit that’s come off the rack .
I said appears to be since they fit no better than one. An expensive suit should be tailored to fit better than that. It's not important to me but he does not present himself well. I rate it about on the level of how he destroys a good steak
You know dems are panicking when they are now down to: well Trump is fat.

Not panicking but out of curiosity, where do you stand on Trump *this* week?

I remember when Cruz was your guy, then it was never Hillary, then you were tooting the Trump train, then he lost your 2020 vote for closing down Dave and Busters in March, now it's okay because he was forced into it by the media he so brazenly defies.

Help me out here, Justin. It's hard to keep up with the spin cycle that is all 4 of your brain cells.
You had me right up until the JCP suit . I’ll bet money that man has never even touched a suit that’s come off the rack .

And I'm gonna bet you haven't worn a tailored suit before.

The rags can cost 5 grand, but he still looks like his mommy is dressing him for Sunday school.
And I'm gonna bet you haven't worn a tailored suit before.

The rags can cost 5 grand, but he still looks like his mommy is dressing him for Sunday school.

Why would I need a tailored suit? That’s like saying I’ll bet you’ve never worn a hard hat or a pair of used leather gloves with gear grease and rust on them .
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Yes he is. In the past couple of years I've personally been every weight between 280 and 190 at 6'2" (200# currently). Despite his attempt to hide it under what appear to be off-the-rack JC Penney suits he is clinically obese. Maybe just another way he shows he identifies as a real American?
You and I have both been on this weight roller coaster and we’ve talked about it. Yes, he’s absolutely obese. No question about it. But the term morbidly has been casually thrown in here and I don’t think he meets that BMI threshold just from the images.
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Not panicking but out of curiosity, where do you stand on Trump *this* week?

I remember when Cruz was your guy, then it was never Hillary, then you were tooting the Trump train, then he lost your 2020 vote for closing down Dave and Busters in March, now it's okay because he was forced into it by the media he so brazenly defies.

Help me out here, Justin. It's hard to keep up with the spin cycle that is all 4 of your brain cells.
Well at least you stopped pretending to not be a dem, progress.

I sure was for Cruz. I was against Trump until I see what he was doing with regards the the economy. I was disappointed how he handled the CV-19 situation. He has my vote.

You sure are a tough guy over the internet with all the shots you try to take at us conservatives here.
Yes he is. In the past couple of years I've personally been every weight between 280 and 190 at 6'2" (200# currently). Despite his attempt to hide it under what appear to be off-the-rack JC Penney suits he is clinically obese. Maybe just another way he shows he identifies as a real American?

Pretty good. Well I'm considered overweight too but I don't think anyone would see me and say "fat".

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