Joe Biden-Gaffes or something more

How does his lying azz get away with such over the top fiction and there is barely a mention of it? You can even tell his lying azz is struggling with the correction after he was called out.
You can’t support a massive liar and biatch about the other liar
Except this guy. He thinks Trump actually gives a **** about him.

As I told someone last week your feelings posts read as a teenage girl wrote it. I don't think Trump cares about me but I do think Trump cares about America and America is the people. Trump does not apologize for American excellence. Trump intentions are transparent. The hidden agenda libs, not so much.
How does his lying azz get away with such over the top fiction and there is barely a mention of it? You can even tell his lying azz is struggling with the correction after he was called out.
I think Lyin Biden studied this guy:
It’s not whataboutism. It’s called not being a giant hypocrite. But you do you bro.

Point it out and I will be objective about it. I'm not talking about slow growth or the anticipation of slow growth but Trump calling it huge, or Trump underestimating COVID-19. I'm talking about something where clearly he is misstating his record.
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As I told someone last week your feelings posts read as a teenage girl wrote it. I don't think Trump cares about me but I do think Trump cares about America and America is the people. Trump does not apologize for American excellence. Trump intentions are transparent. The hidden agenda libs, not so much.

It's funny you say that because when you post about Trump, it reads like a teenage girl pining for the affections of men who will never acknowledge her.

What's it like being front row at a Jonas Brothers concert?
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It's funny you say that because when you post about Trump, it reads like a teenage girl pining for the affections of men who will never acknowledge her.

What's it like being front row at a Jonas Brothers concert?

Be careful talking bout them Jonas Brothers, Mickey's watching.......Mickey don't mess around......

And this would have been the easiest time that I can remember for them to flip the WH and make him a one term president. So to make that happen they trot out... Joe Biden. And he beat a whole field of challengers! Yes this literally was their mirrored answer to 2016.
Biden is the Democrats version of John McCain. chance to flip the WH and you roll out the “Life time Achievement Award Winner”
I'm not on a roller coaster I was fat and got unfat. I just know what fat looks like and I'd bet my paycheck he's not close to 260 on my doctors scale (or the laughable 243 claimed last year). He and I are about the same height and I absolutely know what I look like at each weight.
Did you ever thing Trump is much lighter below the waist?
No, the world generally accepted a long time ago that things like disability payments are a good idea, and certainly that the right to vote should extend beyond homeowners with jobs
The “world” at one time generally accepted that you couldn’t have large-scale agriculture without slavery, the sun revolved around the earth, witches caused disease, bleeding patients with leaches, floods and droughts were caused by angry gods, the earth was flat, etc. It’s good because the world accepts it is an unconvincing appeal to popularity.

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