Joe Biden-Gaffes or something more

The debates will be quality reality TV 😂

I think the dnc is devising a plan to try to avoid the debates with help from msm. That is why the COVID-19 narrative means so much more to them. It is everything to keep Biden in the basement. How does this even appear to be leadership? Biden appears more afraid than a child during a thunderstorm. It's like people don't realize it and wave in the towel.
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He's up in the polls. He is trying ti hide it out. It's like running your car in fumes for the last mile.
Not going to work until November. Also, the same phenomenon we saw w Hillary is playing out now except even more so where people won’t say they’re voting for Trump.
I think the dnc is devising a plan to try to avoid the debates with help from msm. That is why the COVID-19 narrative means so much more to them. It is everything to keep Biden in the basement. How does this even appear to be leadership? Biden appears more afraid than a child during a thunderstorm. It's like people don't realize it and wave the towel.
Oh that’s EXACTLY what is going on. Biden can only go down if he comes out of his basement and starts talking. Everybody in the DNC and MSM know this. The conservative media sites are goading him to come out of his basement to look for his shadow.
Not going to work until November. Also, the same phenomenon we saw w Hillary is playing out now except even more so where people won’t say they’re voting for Trump.

One thing is true is that we can't expect the crazies to lose this time. People will have to man up, go vote and we take victory. I always equate life back to sports. Don't go expecting the other team to lose but go out an win...well unless JG is starting for you. 🙂 Ok, nobody get should get bent out of shape about that quib.
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Yeah, Trump could get even more hated by then.
You all on the loony left have hated him for 4 years, so you all have been locked in on that and lost 4 years ago. The only thing that could get O'Biden elected is if women forget 8 years under O'Biden/Bama and falsely believe the racial divide would lessen under O'Biden.
Not going to work until November. Also, the same phenomenon we saw w Hillary is playing out now except even more so where people won’t say they’re voting for Trump.
I have never been approached in any of these “polls”. In fact in my friends circle the only ones who admit to contact with these people lean left. Might be a regional thing don’t know. And there’s no chance in hell of them making phone contact with our house. Even if they get past the screener we don’t answer unless we know the number.
You all on the loony left have hated him for 4 years, so you all have been locked in on that and lost 4 years ago. The only thing that could get O'Biden elected is if women forget 8 years under O'Biden/Bama and falsely believe the racial divide would lessen under O'Biden.

Dude, military people are turning on Trump like wolves. He'll be lucky if a disgruntled vet doesn't try something stupid before November.
Oh that’s EXACTLY what is going on. Biden can only go down if he comes out of his basement and starts talking. Everybody in the DNC and MSM know this. The conservative media sites are goading him to come out of his basement to look for his shadow.

Some of them are while others have fallen for the blm narrative and gone straight lib. There should be more of a united front but I think some of Trump's juvenile behavior on twitter makes some pause.

Think about it. I was reading articles from a few months ago. Biden was in the tank. He was uninspiring, a vocal joke and couldn't generate donations. All of a sudden COVID-19. That provided some life due to the economy but it was fading. The dnc and msm knew it and was angry and worried. The the golden ticket protests came along. Something anarchists have also been waiting for. They will ride this if we let them.
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Dude, military people are turning on Trump like wolves. He'll be lucky if a disgruntled vet doesn't try something stupid before November.

The only ones turning on Trump are psycho's like Maddis, Kelly, etc. They would be crazy to want someone else. They are getting more and better enlistment and retention bonuses. Merit increases. Better weaponry. Etc. I know this for a fact. More exciting career opportunities with the new frontier in space.

Under Obama morale was down, the rules of engagement were stupid, budgets were cut, enlistment was down.

The left wants to go back to that. The fruitcakes in the party openly discuss it. This is factual.

Look how they treat the police. It would not surprise me if some want the USA to fall in the world order - like Omar, Tliab, AOC, Pressley, etc. These are commies. That would be a terrible mistake.
The only ones turning on Trump are psycho's like Maddis, Kelly, etc. They would be crazy to want someone else. They are getting more and better enlistment and retention bonuses. Merit increases. Better weaponry. Etc. I know this for a fact. More exciting career opportunities with the new frontier in space.

Under Obama morale was down, the rules of engagement were stupid, budgets were cut, enlistment was down.

This is factual.

Right. But none of that matters when Trump lets his Vladdy put a bounty on our troops. Hey soldier...bang're dead, courtesy of Russia.
Right. But none of that matters when Trump lets his Vladdy put a bounty on our troops. Hey soldier...bang're dead, courtesy of Russia.
There's always been bounties, even back to Viet Nam. It's nothing new under Trump, and he did not "let" it happen. Didn't you already get schooled on this by @FLVOL_79 yesterday?
There's always been bounties, even back to Viet Nam. It's nothing new under Trump, and he did not "let" it happen. Didn't you already get schooled on this by @FLVOL_79 yesterday?

I’ve been waiting for someone to point out the Irony of us basically creating the Taliban and Bin Laden ( supplies, arms, training, money ) to fight the Russians then we get all twisted when the Russians start using the attack dog we created on us . Proxy wars are fun am I right ?
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antifa/BLM is the base of your party
The party received 63 million votes in the last presidential election. Antifa and BLM are a small majority of that number. Besides, if Antifa and BLM are truly anarchists like many of your fellow reps think then neither is participating in the political process.

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