Joe Biden-Gaffes or something more

That is exactly my point.

Biden had a stutter as a kid and has never been a fluid speaker. This is now being presented as a new development somehow.

Trump on the other hand was a very quick witted and eloquent interviewee just 15-20 years ago and now he just yammers and slurs in thought-circles.

If we are going to be honest , be all the way honest .. what’s happening with Biden now isn’t just a stutter . That blown out left eye is a symptom of something .
Yes, I saw it and it was awesome because the guy was either lying or misinformed and just tried to talk louder than Joe rather than listen to the response.

What was the guy misinformed or lying about ?
Yes, I saw it and it was awesome because the guy was either lying or misinformed and just tried to talk louder than Joe rather than listen to the response.
Had Trump done the same exact thing you and the other leftists here would be crying like 4 year old little girls. Your hero was confronted and he can't handle when that happens.

And just like that all the fake sayings from the left like "we need to bring dignity back to the office of the Presidency" are all gone.
It will be very interesting to see if the MSM give some honest equal coverage to the dumb things that both Biden and Trump say in the coming months should Biden get the nomination.
There's going to be a shat-ton of stupid comments. It's going to be epic.
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Perhaps but who cares what he had as a kid, you are trying to pass his stuttering off as the same thing as forgetting where he is or confusing his sister for his wife.

I have nothing to be afraid of, the President is doing a great job despite you unhinged lunatics on the left.

You all are struggling because reality has set in that you all had a bunch of worthless candidates with yuuuge flaws and you all picked the one who cusses voters and forgets his own name

I guarantee I have more shoe leather burnt on GOP campaigns--state, local and national--than you do. But the disaster that is Donald Trump has ended that for me and a lot of the friends I've made working on those campaigns.

While you sit here crap-posting thousands of times about nonsense, I'm going to be out in the world using all my hard-earned experience to make sure Joe Biden wins Virginia by 20 points over Trump.

Fare you well, sir!
It's clear that Joe Biden will be the D nominee for President. I think we should keep up with a document the ongoing deterioration of whatever is going on with him, potentially going senile. Either way he isn't fit to be President.

-On going history of groping and smelling women and children
- All men and women created by — you know, you know, the thing.
-Don't be a horses ass
-Telling a voter he's "full of s**t"
-Telling a voter he (Biden) doesn't work for him
-Telling a female voter she's a lying dog face pony soldier
-He's an O'Biden/Bama democrat
-Continues to forget Obama's name
-Thinks he's running for the Senate
-Often forgets which state he's in
-Confuses his sister for his wife
-Needs a chair to sit down for Sundays debate
-Confuses Chris Wallace for Chuck Todd

I'm sure I missed some so I will rely on others to help keep the list updated.

He isn't fit to be POTUS because he's got a deteriorating senile brain, yet you find Trump fit? Listening to Trump talk with a teleprompter is like listening to the oldest guy at the nursing home pontificate.

Just more proof that volfanjussie does not give a **** about what's actually happening. It's all about the division and what team you play for.

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He withdrew from the 1988 Presidential race after admitting to plagiarism and lying about his educational background and accomplishments.

Not only is he losing what little mind he had, he is a lying and corrupt piece of scum career politician. Nobody in their right mind would cast a vote for him. It's way beyond time for a serious third political party that can be a serious contender for office.

Over 40 years with zero accomplishments and riding a half black guy’s coat tails. Oh yea, he got his pos crackhead son rich by being a corrupt pos himself.
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I guarantee I have more shoe leather burnt on GOP campaigns--state, local and national--than you do. But the disaster that is Donald Trump has ended that for me and a lot of the friends I've made working on those campaigns.

While you sit here crap-posting thousands of times about nonsense, I'm going to be out in the world using all my hard-earned experience to make sure Joe Biden wins Virginia by 20 points over Trump.

Fare you well, sir!
If that's true and I doubt it we are better off without hacks like you

I have no doubt you will because you want a short tempered senile corrupt democrat. And he doesn't need your help, he will win VA anyway. As I am very proud of my state for voting for President Trump and against the modern radical socialist left
I guarantee I have more shoe leather burnt on GOP campaigns--state, local and national--than you do. But the disaster that is Donald Trump has ended that for me and a lot of the friends I've made working on those campaigns.

While you sit here crap-posting thousands of times about nonsense, I'm going to be out in the world using all my hard-earned experience to make sure Joe Biden wins Virginia by 20 points over Trump.

Fare you well, sir!

While you are here , you can help your other fellow American try and keep our 2a rights from the progressive liberals in office .
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I guarantee I have more shoe leather burnt on GOP campaigns--state, local and national--than you do. But the disaster that is Donald Trump has ended that for me and a lot of the friends I've made working on those campaigns.

While you sit here crap-posting thousands of times about nonsense, I'm going to be out in the world using all my hard-earned experience to make sure Joe Biden wins Virginia by 20 points over Trump.

Fare you well, sir!

Hope you have plenty of shoe leather to invest.

When will people learn to stop making absolutist predictions. Just because you have disqualified a candidate in your mind doesn't mean they won't win.

A lot of Hillary bots 4 years ago repeated that Trump could never win like a mantra. A lot of Bernie bots were very confident about Michigan last night, but he lost every single county there.

Trump should be considered the favorite against all possible opponents as the only incumbents to lose recently were Carter and HW Bush, who had approvals in the low 30s before the election. Still, Biden has a chance as long as he is on the ballot.

You sound absolutely brimming with confidence.
He isn't fit to be President because he's got a deteriorating senile brain, yet you find Trump fit? Listening to Trump talk with a teleprompter is like listening to the oldest guy at the nursing home pontificate.

Just more proof that jussie does not give a **** about what's actually happening. It's just about the division.

Your fellow leftists already tried the "yeah but Trump" crap, you all have plenty of "I hate Trump" threads, please take your weak outrage over Trump to one of those.

/conversation with a closet liberal
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Your fellow leftists already tried the "yeah but Trump" crap, you all have plenty of "I hate Trump" threads, please take your weak outrage over Trump to one of those.

/conversation with a closet liberal

I hate Trump and Biden. That's beside the point. The point is that you are hypocritically saying this stuff makes him unfit when Trump does it, too.

If you had half a brain you wouldn't have started the thread with the point that implies Trump is also unfit. If you had just said "let's make fun of Biden" and left it at that, I'd have nothing to say.
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Who is Cornpop?

I’m guess he’s the other imaginary figure Joe thought he fought back in the 50s . Him and his brother use to call him lying horsed face ponysoilder corn pop because that’s what John Wayne use to call him . 😂
I hate Trump and Biden. That's beside the point. The point is that you are hypocritically saying this stuff makes him unfit when Trump does it, too.

If you had half a brain you wouldn't have started the thread with the point that implies Trump is also unfit. If you had just said "let's make fun of Biden" and left it at that, I'd have nothing to say.
You never have anything to say other than normal leftist stuff: Trump bad, Trump mean

I've never heard Trump call himself O'Pence or request a chair to sit down during a debate
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Had Trump done the same exact thing you and the other leftists here would be crying like 4 year old little girls. Your hero was confronted and he can't handle when that happens.

And just like that all the fake sayings from the left like "we need to bring dignity back to the office of the Presidency" are all gone.

Not from. I am sick of the name calling unimaginative stupid crap. Whether Biden does it or Trump does it... it is beneath the office. I disagreed with plenty of things Obama did, but he handled hecklers with grace and class...

Not from. I am sick of the name calling unimaginative stupid crap. Whether Biden does it or Trump does it... it is beneath the office. I disagreed with plenty of things Obama did, but he handled hecklers with grace and class...

Obama didn’t have a problem showing his nice side in public ( community organizer with good oratory skills ) Obama kept his nasty side behind closed doors “spying on the reporters and turning a government department into a weapon to use against his opposition” . ( IRS)
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Trump has made name calling an acceptable form of debate for many people. It isn't. Just because I have a different view of what America could be than other people doesn't make me evil or unhinged. If people would actually listen they would realize we have far more in common that we know. The Republicans don't have all the answers nor do the Democrats, but we are so married to party affiliation we don't listen to ideas that come from the other tribe. It is disheartening to watch our country devolve into sides that hate each other. We are all Americans and we all want what is best for this country. We need to realize that we can come together and compromise to attain better results.
Obama didn’t have a problem showing his nice side in public ( community organizer with good oratory skills ) Obama kept his nasty side behind closed doors “spying on the reporters and turning a government department into a weapon to use against his opposition” . ( IRS)

As I said, I disagree with many things Obama did. However, he didn't demean the office by name calling and insulting citizens who disagreed with his position.
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As I said, I disagree with many things Obama did. However, he didn't demean the office by name calling and insulting citizens who disagreed with his position.

He publicly race baited, called terrorism workplace violence, admonished law enforcement, incited riots, etc all in the public eye. Wtf is your definition of demeaning?

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