Joe Biden-Gaffes or something more

Trump has made name calling an acceptable form of debate for many people. It isn't. Just because I have a different view of what America could be than other people doesn't make me evil or unhinged. If people would actually listen they would realize we have far more in common that we know. The Republicans don't have all the answers nor do the Democrats, but we are so married to party affiliation we don't listen to ideas that come from the other tribe. It is disheartening to watch our country devolve into sides that hate each other. We are all Americans and we all want what is best for this country. We need to realize that we can come together and compromise to attain better results.

I hear much less name calling now that I did before 2016 . Maybe it’s just different names . You can’t be anymore sick of people called whatever name under Trump than Republicans being called racist with anything that came out of their mouths in disagreement with the democrats march to the left . Obama owns that one .
You never have anything to say other than normal leftist stuff: Trump bad, Trump mean

I've never heard Trump call himself O'Pence or request a chair to sit down during a debate

But the problem with these points is it doesn't make him different from Trump.

I've never heard Biden argue that he knows all the best words. See how that works? They're both senile. Is that a normal leftist talking point to call Biden senile?
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As I said, I disagree with many things Obama did. However, he didn't demean the office by name calling and insulting citizens who disagreed with his position.

Yes he did , he was just smoother with it ..

CBS correspondent says 'it should be noted' that the Obama White House 'demonized' Fox News daily

Also which is worse ? Trump calling people he disagrees with names or Obama taking action against his political rivals through the office of the president ?
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you don't think that trump takes action against political rivals through the office of the presidency? He just got impeached for it.

You keep saying it was Trump that started this or made it acceptable, I’m pointing out that it’s not true . It was already going on . Trump did what Obama sent Biden there to do . It’s all about perception and how the media push’s or doesn’t push the things that happens .
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They did the same with Hillary last time. The more people saw her, the less they liked her.
On one of the news channels, can't remember which, interviewed a local Democratic Party figurehead in a rural county in Michigan after the election. They asked her why she thought Hillary lost Michigan. Her response was "I don't like Trump, but every time he came here he talked about what had happened to the local economy, implementing tariffs and fixing bad trade deals, and jobs coming back. Every time Hillary came here, which wasn't all that often, she talked about transgender bathrooms and how society is so racist and sexist."

With Joe, they have to keep his appearances short, topical, and grounded in a practical issue. And even then is probably isn't going to be enough.
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Trump has made name calling an acceptable form of debate for many people. It isn't. Just because I have a different view of what America could be than other people doesn't make me evil or unhinged. If people would actually listen they would realize we have far more in common that we know. The Republicans don't have all the answers nor do the Democrats, but we are so married to party affiliation we don't listen to ideas that come from the other tribe. It is disheartening to watch our country devolve into sides that hate each other. We are all Americans and we all want what is best for this country. We need to realize that we can come together and compromise to attain better results.
Would you like his presidency better (not him personally) if he were more well behaved? Or, is it more like you don't like his policies AND his childish ways ruffle your feathers?

I like what Biden did there. The guy was being antagonistic and leveling unfair accusations. Biden aggressively defended himself and didn't mind using coarse language in the process. Each opinion of that clip will vary depending upon the perspective that one brings into it. You would probably applaud Trump for being a "counter puncher" in such an exchange, but with Biden, you are making a point about civility. You can say what you want, but Biden doesn't sound programmed there. He shows energy and he doesn't allow himself to be bullied by a guy who is reading Republican Party talking points straight from his phone. Biden should have told the guy to put his phone down and make his argument with his own words.
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Had Trump done the same exact thing you and the other leftists here would be crying like 4 year old little girls. Your hero was confronted and he can't handle when that happens.

And just like that all the fake sayings from the left like "we need to bring dignity back to the office of the Presidency" are all gone.

I believe Trump called security on someone who was shouting out at him. That's a pussified move.
You are the one that came in praising barry, someone calls you out and now it's but but but Trump

You need to read more carefully. I was talking about the name calling and I said Obama was a much better representative of the office in that respect. Another poster had questioned...

Also which is worse ? Trump calling people he disagrees with names or Obama talking action against his political rivals through the office of the president ?

The question by its very nature assumes that Trump does not use the office of the presidency to intimidate or take action against political rivals. So, I challenged the premise of the question. Get it now?
I believe Trump called security on someone who was shouting out at him. That's a pussified move.
I guess to make you libs happy he should have got in the face of the protester, put his finger in the protester's chest, told him to come outside and cuss the person
I like what Biden did there. The guy was being antagonistic and leveling unfair accusations. Biden aggressively defended himself and didn't mind using coarse language in the process. Each opinion of that clip will vary depending upon the perspective that one brings into it. You would probably applaud Trump for being a "counter puncher" in such an exchange, but with Biden, you are making a point about civility. You can say what you want, but Biden doesn't sound programmed there. He shows energy and he doesn't allow himself to be bullied by a guy who is reading Republican Party talking points straight from his phone. Biden should have told the guy to put his phone down and make his argument with his own words.
I have no doubt you do because he's your guy, again you all cry and whine about civility and what you all think acting Presidential means. Had Trump done the same thing you and your liberal/socialist pals would have a completely different reaction. Listen I knew all along this fake "we care about civility" was all crap, you leftists were not fooling anyone
I guess to make you libs happy he should have got in the face of the protester, put his finger in the protester's chest, told him to come outside and cuss the person

There is a time honored tradition of people catcalling a politician and getting a response. No need to call security unless you are a putz or scared.
I like what Biden did there. The guy was being antagonistic and leveling unfair accusations. Biden aggressively defended himself and didn't mind using coarse language in the process. Each opinion of that clip will vary depending upon the perspective that one brings into it. You would probably applaud Trump for being a "counter puncher" in such an exchange, but with Biden, you are making a point about civility. You can say what you want, but Biden doesn't sound programmed there. He shows energy and he doesn't allow himself to be bullied by a guy who is reading Republican Party talking points straight from his phone. Biden should have told the guy to put his phone down and make his argument with his own words.
"To gun owners out there who say, well, a Biden Administration means they're going to come for my guns..."
"Bingo, you're right" -Joe Biden
I like what Biden did there. The guy was being antagonistic and leveling unfair accusations. Biden aggressively defended himself and didn't mind using coarse language in the process. Each opinion of that clip will vary depending upon the perspective that one brings into it. You would probably applaud Trump for being a "counter puncher" in such an exchange, but with Biden, you are making a point about civility. You can say what you want, but Biden doesn't sound programmed there. He shows energy and he doesn't allow himself to be bullied by a guy who is reading Republican Party talking points straight from his phone. Biden should have told the guy to put his phone down and make his argument with his own words.
Biden told the union guy "he's not working for him and told him not to be "such a horse's a--." If Biden became POTUS who the heck does he think he works for? He believes he is an elitist and above someone.
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Biden told the union guy "he's not working for him and told him not to be "such a horse's a--." If Biden became POTUS who the heck does he think he works for? He believes he is an elitist and above someone.
Biden stood his ground and showed that he wasn't going to be intimidated by a loud mouth. The guy took a hostile stance against him and was obviously reading talking points straight from his phone. It was obnoxious. This clip helps Biden more than it hurts. Biden shows vigor and attitude here. Good for him. We need to see more of this.
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