Joe Biden the racist.

Now you are reverting to bull hock. Newt talked a lot but did close to nothing. And the guys that followed Newt were way worse. I'm not saying that Republicans never do anything well, anywhere. But they really messed up Florida, and they really messed up the federal government. I shouldn't saay that. It was a fairly productive Congress when Newt was House Leader, but he was in love with himself and started taking the money.
Ok. You’re blaming republicans. What excuse are you going to make up for Obama, Pelosi and Reid doing nothing? You can’t blame the GOP, the democrats had large enough majorities to freeze them out of any legislative action ( see ACA).
Going back over this whole tax policy discussion it’s laughable at the implied assertions made on progressive, regressive, zone, Tampa 2 policies.

The government needs X amount of money to run. We have Y taxpayers. That’s easy algebra.

But it isn’t “fair”. Of course it’s fair it’s the most straight forward method of determination.

But rich people can afford more! Ok fine. Tax them on their participation in the economy. IE consumption.

But that’s regressive the poor people have to spend more of their money on base needs. Well no **** rich people have more disposable income. It’s theirs. Get over it.

They need to pay their share. They are if you tax them on their participation. It’s simple.

There is a basic assertion that people are entitled to other peoples stuff. And the government is also. That is simply false nobody has attachments to another’s wealth or income. That is the very definition of socialism.

If you want proportional sharing of the burden then tax people on their participation in the economy. Anybody who spends nothing is not participating. So they don’t owe anything (there is no way this can happen you have to buy essentials that you can’t self produce) Rationalizing any assertion on another’s fruits of their labors (or their ancestors labors doesn’t matter) is the most basic form of socialism and wealth redistribution.

Pass the Fair Tax.
Consumption taxes are regressive, as the poor will be taxed at an effective higher percentage of their income because they spend their entire income on consumption (food, utilities, etc).

If the gov didnt print money, less inflation, hence stronger dollar and more buying power.
I cannot count the number of times I've seen that, either, because I've never seen it. Not saying it does not happen. I'm saying that you are focusing on such abuses and exaggerating in order to draw attention away from the fact that there are a lot of poor people in this country who work forty hours a week without being able to pay rent and put food on the table for their children, because you don't care.
Why not wait to have children until you’re in a financial position to do so?
You’re right, the media will cover up his misdeeds. But we all know he’s the most racist person in politics.
I think that’s a stretch, AV. Do you think my boy Barry would’ve picked a VP that was racist??
Well, shoot...guess I should have voted for the failure that is Donnie cause he's definitely not a racist...

He was never considered a racist until he became POTUS. So, you’re right.

Biden also did the eulogy for a high ranking member of the clan. Called him the finest man he ever knew.
So I take you oppose other forms of regressive taxation (such as sales tax) as racist and believe we should have more progressive forms of taxation that ask those most able to pay to do so? I almost feel we've made progress here.

I may be wrong but here goes. I think he means that Joe wants to keep poor helpless against those that would do them harm. And, an unarmed poor community can’t rise up against those who oppress them.
He was never considered a racist until he became POTUS. So, you’re right.

Biden also did the eulogy for a high ranking member of the clan. Called him the finest man he ever knew. we want to actually have a discussion about all the things one did or said prior to becoming president??
If you knew anything about tax policy you'd also know that taxes on specific products are used to disincentive behaviors. In this case, taxing guns would disincentive their purchase.
Why would anyone ever disincentivize a god-given right? we want to actually have a discussion about all the things one did or said prior to becoming president??

Actually, Joe did most of this while he was in office. Meaning he served as a senator.

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