Yeah. It's not about wanting the sports writer to be a homer, nor is it about wanting someone who'll kiss up to the athletics department, I don't need that. I've never asked for that. And all the folks saying "he's supposed to be neutral, he's not a fan" -- okay swell, sure, I can agree with that. But it'd be nice if it actually was neutral, then. For Heaven's sake, why should I want to read a sports column where the writer for Tennessee is just as likely to take a sarcastic dunk on the Vols, as he is say anything even-handed about it? I've read enough of his columns - at least, I had before they paywalled it all back in the day - to recall plenty of acerbic commentary over the years. It got tiresome.
Heh, I even remember him drawing Fulmer's ire to the point Fulmer and Mike Hamilton wrote columns in response to Adam's remarks. I suppose that tickled some people, they were sour on Fulmer by that point anyway. Anyway, I just don't know why the choices have to be either wanting to read a slobbering homer or sarcastic takedowns.