John Bolton: Swamp Creature

All of them are swamp creatures and POS ...including Trump.

Trump isn't messiah... He just got lucky and "got in there" / won.

BUT, nevertheless, he was / is a better choice for America than another POS known as Hillary Clinton.
The only thing that I'm positive about is that if he makes your side piss and moan like a 2 year old, he's the right man for the job.

Unfortunately, that appears to be Trump's primary criteria (pissing is off), which has gotten us people like DeVos, who may go down as the dumbest, least qualified education secretary ever.
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Unfortunately, that appears to be Trump's primary criteria (pissing is off), which has gotten us people like DeVos, who may go down as the dumbest, least qualified education secretary ever.
Right. The education system has been a complete goatf**k for the last 30 years or more.
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Right. The education system has been a complete goatf**k for the last 30 years or more.

I know. Just when you thought we had reached the bottom, Trump's like "Hold my beer, gotta call this ditzy donor. I think I may have a spot for her."
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I know. Just when you thought we had reached the bottom, Trump's like "Hold my beer, gotta call this ditzy donor. I think I may have a spot for her."
U.S. Department of Education shouldn't exist, so there should be no spot for anyone.
All of them are swamp creatures and POS ...including Trump.

Trump isn't messiah... He just got lucky and "got in there" / won.

BUT, nevertheless, he was / is a better choice for America than another POS known as Hillary Clinton.

He just got lucky and "got in there" / won

I think that's what ever American male thinks about Trump and Stormy and the Playboy model.
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You really think a double Yale grad was going to join the national guard in 1970 for any reason other than avoiding going to Vietnam?

Nope probably not. But it was available to him to do so thus he would have been stupid not to do so no? It doesn’t make him a coward and it damn sure is not draft dodging. He did not ignore a summons.

You really REALLY want to infer more on his Guard service than is really there.
I don't know how old you are, but if you weren't draft age in 1970, you wouldn't understand. By that time, anybody who could avoid that war did.

Which was exactly his point.

Bolton was against spilling his own blood in Vietnam, but has no problem with other teenagers spilling blood in the sands of the Middle East.
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You're not wrong, but I'm not one of "them", yet I think he's a terrible choice.

I know you aren’t that was why I replied to you.

Bolton to state I would agree on terrible. Not so much here yet. After 8 years of the world looking at our president as a ***** I’d like to see an aggressive stance on intel and even in state. Just not Bolton aggressive on state.
Nope probably not. But it was available to him to do so thus he would have been stupid not to do so no? It doesn’t make him a coward and it damn sure is not draft dodging. He did not ignore a summons.

You really REALLY want to infer more on his Guard service than is really there.
The Guard can always be called up. Draft dodgers couldn't when they were in Canada.
I know but he did confirm the statement. And to your other post most anybody who could get a valid deferral was doing so at that time. And I don’t blame them.

He didn’t “draft dodge”. He joined the guard. That was allowable. He didn’t refuse to answer a call to his lottery number which is exactly the inference that was made.

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Nope probably not. But it was available to him to do so thus he would have been stupid not to do so no? It doesn’t make him a coward and it damn sure is not draft dodging. He did not ignore a summons.

You really REALLY want to infer more on his Guard service than is really there.

Yes, it was available to him. He didn't technically dodge the draft by running to Canada. But he wasn't exactly willing to put his life on the line for a war he supported. Fine for some inner city kids to go off and die, but not for Mr. Porn Stache.
If a peace-nik burned his draft card and ignored his call up he should have gone to jail and not have a say.

If instead you take the path Bolton did there is no disqualifier even though we know you guys really really want there to be one!

Why did he join the National Guard and not the US Army or Marines directly?
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How many armed conflicts did Bill Clinton get us involved in while he was President? Did he not protest against the Vietnam War and evade the draft?

No, hypocrisy goes on both sides of this issue.

George W. Bush joined the Air National Guard. How many conflicts did he get us in?
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Yes, it was available to him. He didn't technically dodge the draft by running to Canada. But he wasn't exactly willing to put his life on the line for a war he supported. Fine for some inner city kids to go off and die, but not for Mr. Porn Stache.

I know you’re gonna be shocked by this but the world is not a fair place. He broke no law and adhered to procedures available to him. He’d have been an idiot not to.
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All of them are swamp creatures and POS ...including Trump.

Trump isn't messiah... He just got lucky and "got in there" / won.

BUT, nevertheless, he was / is a better choice for America than another POS known as Hillary Clinton.

I said I would give Trump some time before I made any kind of assessment on him, but I've seen enough now to know that there really isn't much difference between him and Hillary.
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George W. Bush joined the Air National Guard. How many conflicts did he get us in?

So what was Slick Willy’s service record again? And W got us in one war (which he shouldn’t have) the first one came looking for us due to the previous dumbass’s lack of security.
I know you’re gonna be shocked by this but the world is not a fair place. He broke no law and adhered to procedures available to him. He’d have been an idiot not to.

All true, but none of your points show that he was anything other than a cowardly hypocrite who abided by the law.
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