Jones biggest mistake was

So we should just assume that the first year of rebuilding be successful? Yes you should set goals, but they need to be realistic ones. Like this past season, I read many places picked us to go 5-7 and 6-6 would have been great. This was before Auburn and Mizzou exploded.

So how long should a rebuild take in your opinion? Butch was not irrational in setting those goals. However I wonder if he would have made those goals if knew about Mizzou and Auburn before he said that. Things happen. Obviously you don't think we are rebuilding and also think that in year 2 we should see massive improvements. I have no problem in waiting 3-5 years to get great again. I guess that's somehow too long to wait these days.

How good or bad Auburn or Mizzou were or weren't had no bearing in the choice to put and leave Peterman in the game at Florida, nor did if affect the fact that Jones had two weeks to prepare for Vandy, and still didn't have a viable game plan in place come game time.
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How good or bad Auburn or Mizzou were or weren't had no bearing in the choice to put and leave Peterman in the game at Florida, nor did if affect the fact that Jones had two weeks to prepare for Vandy, and still didn't have a viable game plan in place come game time.

Agreed. I think our offense is way to simple to defend. I realize we need playmakers and good qb play but it seems like we only have a handful of plays we run.
our fans are the reason peyton manning will never coach here...lose one game and they would want to fire him

I'm not sure that Peyton would really make a good coach. Before anyone loses their mind, let me explain. He is an offensive genius but he might have the same problem that Ted Williams had when he tried to manage. The amazing things that Ted did as a player seemed to have come to him easily due to his natural talent. He couldn't understand why it was so difficult for his players to do the things that seemed trivial to him. Peyton might have that same problem as a coach.
Chaney was a solid OC but I'm glad CBJ brought a guy in who runs his system. It was time for a change.

Only Dooley hire I really miss is Wilcox. Had a solid D both of his years with Nick Reveiz as his starting MLB. Imagine what he could do with the guys Jones is bringing in.
I'm not sure that Peyton would really make a good coach. Before anyone loses their mind, let me explain. He is an offensive genius but he might have the same problem that Ted Williams had when he tried to manage. The amazing things that Ted did as a player seemed to have come to him easily due to his natural talent. He couldn't understand why it was so difficult for his players to do the things that seemed trivial to him. Peyton might have that same problem as a coach.

Peyton will be a front office gm type IMO.
I'm not sure that Peyton would really make a good coach. Before anyone loses their mind, let me explain. He is an offensive genius but he might have the same problem that Ted Williams had when he tried to manage. The amazing things that Ted did as a player seemed to have come to him easily due to his natural talent. He couldn't understand why it was so difficult for his players to do the things that seemed trivial to him. Peyton might have that same problem as a coach.

I wonder if michigan fans talk about Tom Brady comming back to coach?
I only saw 2 glaring mistakes from CBJ all season.

1.) Starting Peterman for the Florida game. I know what he said as far as Peterman having a great week of practice but I still think some of that was he was feeling the pressure of trying something new.

2.) Handicapping Dobbs in the second half of the Vandy game and playing not to lose.

I don't think handicapping Dobbs was Butch's plan. In the Auburn game, there were receivers wide open down the middle the entire game and all he did was throw short slants or comebacks. We've got to take chances down the middle. We would've fared better that game if we did that, I guarantee it. I had season tickets this year in M on the first row on the field. There were about 2 or 3 times where we were close to the endzone and we had a WR wide open right in front of me standing there and Dobbs wouldn't throw it. We were all yelling at him to throw it to the guy!
Not trying to retain Chaney. I know I know, Jake is his guy in his system. That's fine. However, I think in this situation you stick with what's working and keep the good coaches unless you have an amazing one already on your staff. I believe Worley would have played amazingly better and actually let this team to a 7-5 record.

What was working was Bray to CP, Bray to Hunter, Bray to Z. Rogers, Bray to Michael Ramirez. Chaney wasn't going to do any better with a new offense than Coach Jake. Case in point... Ark's 3-9 record this season.
And Super Bowl rings

And MVP's, all time career TD's, all time season TD's, all time career yards, all time 400+ yard games, etc (all in Peyton's favor).
Regarding super bowl rings here is what Rodney Harrison who played with both QB's said about this:

Tom Brady vs. Peyton Manning: Who Is the Better Quarterback All-Time? | Bleacher Report

"I think Peyton has been so unfairly judged because he really didn't have that defense over the years like Tom," Harrison said. "Tom had a lot of veteran players, a lot of really good defenses, where if he didn't play particularly well, he knew that he had a defense with a lot of veteran players that could save him. Whereas, Peyton didn't really have that advantage. If Peyton was on our team, I think we could have easily won three Super Bowls, no doubt about it."
Go back to this board when it was announced that Peterman was starting the UF game. Champagne corks were popping everywhere.

After the UF game, those same posters were questioning Butch's decision of starting Peterman. That's the benefit of being a're NEVER wrong. If you are, there's no one there to call you on it and you're allowed to turn on a coach in a split second.

Agreed, cause I wanted to see Peterman myself. Not many quick solutions this year at QB. I dont really recall a glaring mistake, like Dools running the clock out in the Mizzou game or something. The reality is that we were VERY close to beating both UGA and Vandy. Just one of those games would have meant that virtually every fan on this site would have been happy...going bowling and all. Looking forward to the future with this great class! GBO!
Great recruiting class coming in, but to expect immediate turn around this fall would be ludicrous. Would not be shocked if they only got 6 wins. Another great class needed with this one. 2015-16 expectations will be very high.
Chaney running Butch Jones' system? I'm sorry that's just stupid. The offensive product put on the field is CBJ's system for better or worse. We simply didn't have the pieces to make it work. Our skill position were just hopelessly, hilariously outgunned by our SEC peers. WR wasn't up to par, TE was probably the worst it has been in a long time.

7maxims, GoVols10, Orange Daddy, orange44, Press, QVOL81, steelmagnolia, sterlingsgold, VolinSippi, whinervol1----all voted to fire him now per your FIRE BUTCH NOW POLL

865Chris, bamawriter, Batman33, bay224, Boogienite, BoostN, BoroVol20, Brianchevy, callmez, champyvol, DocVol, Eddie Vol Halen, eek006, gnm53108, happyloaf, JonWard, jortfreeTN, jro0622, jvol1982, ketron47, Merlot, northknoxvol, Ole_Virgil_Cane, orangeblood1, PackersVols91, pasadenavol, photovol, rugbyvol87, Sandvol, SDV, Spirit_of_98, State of the Vols, TAF, TGVol, tn88volfan, TnMuleman, TnTech_Vol, UTK, VeeOhElEsYes, volfalcon7, volfanecs, volonrails, volsohard99, WesternKyVol, zehr27-----all voted to fire him if we do not make it to a bowl next year.

-Rifleman-, 09dunbar, 1 in 102,455, 1725gatorhater, 2011Vol, 3 Rocky Top Cove, 54fighting, 90 Vol, 91Vols, AF_VOL, alldayvols, allsgood21, allvol38, AllVol85, allvol9, amauto, American Pig, Amsterdam, AndyW, Antwturn, Ashevolle, ATLVols, atlvolunteer, Backwards K, Bama_Hater, BBushVols, bchin2020, beachbums624, Beatlebrainiac, beefythevol, Berry4Heisman14, bham_orange, Big Orange 1, Big Orange#1, bigbadlee10, bigOG, BIGORANGEBUBBA, BigOrangeHomer, BigOrangeLoyalist, BigOrangeTrain, bigvolsfan69, BilboTN, billemert11, birdman42, bkbasketball, BleedingButch, BleedsOrange11, BlessedOmega, blitz, Bluetic, Bms4880, Boca Vol, BoColoco, born-n-raisedvol, BornOrange33, brad37128, Brewers, Brian McCat, bryhez, BSAvol, btate, BucWildVol, buford t justice, bullet20, bUTchLookin4Dimez, butzie30, byobbio, Caleb, Candlebox, Carl Pickens, CascadeVolunteer, Catbone, CaVOLry, cbrad25, CBVols, CharlestonSCVol, chinkachu, ChiroVol, ColoradoVol8, crovol, DaddyChad, daniel102081, Danron, darkskyes71, DARTH KONG, dave3171, DAVOL, DBark24, dd4vols, dederk16, DeepSpringsVol, DERELICK_MY_VOLS, Dickel#12Vol, DiderotsGhost, dillyo51, DinkinFlicka, dive_medic, DMG, DoolaidDrinker, Doyle Hargraves, Dr H Lecter, dr. moreau, Dragon18, drgreear, dstn21, dukieboy4, EastT, Easttnken, easttnvolman, EconVol92, edistodkb, englewoodcog, Enki_Amenra, Escape Goat, EZE, f77f00, Fatman Photos, FEAR-THE-PANTS, FearTheVols, feathersax, FlVols, FLVOL_79, franchuck, Fudge Pickle, gandycv, gatorhater1509, GBO97, General Jack, GFieldVolFan, GiveHimSix!, GKSS 61, GLDunlap, Glenng, GoBigOrange33, GoBigOrangeVols, golf437, gordonr24, governmentmule, govol35, govols105, govols120, govols528, govols717, GreveHaller, GreySmokey, griffdog14, GrindHARD, GrowVol, gwlyles214, hadl, HATINGBAMAISAWAYOFLIFE, Hayezb, hog88, HomeGrownVol, Honky, hubmann, I Love Lamp, I-bleed-orange, IAM410EC, Ibleedorange0013, ice, Ice_Vol, iluvsmesumdooley, immyaxl, InVOLuntary, jackcrevol, Jake Tate, jarnol32, Jasongivm6, jaxvol69, jbcollins, jbradley1382, JCSvol, JFBanicki, jglover, jgoofer, jihad_joe, JimmyCheeksBooger, jmcvol, joelkthx, John Vol Jones, jpiburn, jps2194, Jreed615, jtlhotspot, k-town_king, kadafi21, KBVol, kcboost, Kedp, keekeerun, Kevingarrabrant, KnoxVillain, LibertyVolance, Linds, LittleDTO, logjammin', LookinUp, LWSVOL, maddux5150, Mallicoat, MaTaLa, mccvols6, meanbass123, MedicT, MEDVOL, memtownvol, Messer85, MG1968, Miami-Beach-Vol, MikeVol44, mistermatt31, mmajaz12, Monkey Wrench, MOOOOONEY, Morpheus, MrBiggles, MSCE09, MSHrebel20, MTPVOL, MurfVol, MustafaRasta, mustbeAmoocow, NC_Orange, newandbetter, newokie03, NewYorkVolFan, nikesportsfan, NissanVol, nomads-11, norriscraftbasser, Ohio_Vol, OJ, OldGrandad, OldTimer, onthefield, OoltVol, Orange rock, orangeB, orangeblooded2, orangebloodgmc, OrangeByBirth, OrangeCeramicDog, Orangedogsrule, OrangeDonkey, orangegirl56, orangegrass, orangeluvr, orangeslice13, orangetitanfan, OrangeUTopia, orbs son, orchidvol, OrebankVol, Orlando Vol, P.O.T.S. VOL, PapaBurgundy, patriot-vol, pattiycake, PaVolsfn, peerless98, peytonwh, Phacerros, phil, phoenixvol, phowell23, possumtownVol, PowerWookie, PrattvilleVol, primmdds, PureVol, r3vo, RagingOrange, RDU VOL#14, Rechoryan, Redbone, ReelfootVol, rekinhavoc, rev_greg, rexjazz, rmvol, rob22278, rockytop114, rockytop25, RockyTop94, rockytopalabama, Rockytoptalker, Rocky_Top_Vol13, RollerVol, RossVegasVols, rote, ruffbunch, russvol, RustyBas, RWB427, Ryan Rocky Top, SaintLouisVol, SanguineVol, SC Wolfpack, SC-Vol, Schasz, scoopnscoot, Sgtmaj, Shadowboxer, ShowMeVol, SJ21XDC, sjt18, skasper06, slickstirs, SlipKidVol, slobberknocker, smokey07, smokey1969, SmokeyX, SmokinBob, smyborovol, sofflavol, SoMissVol, SouthernBelRinger, Spartacavolus, spikesglaring, sport3500, ssukonic, stevenrich2003, Stig, StillStanding, STL Vol Fan, StlCardinals2618, Stoerner's Fumble, strongj81, stuvol86, Sudden Impact, SuperableMars90, surfin' vol, SUXitduckman, SyfiC, s_hendricks, t-town, T16, T2P_Priceless, Tbam, TBtheGBwiththeTD, tdvol, TeddyYeti, TedUTfan, TennesseeJet, Ten_Titans, tgoins3, TheEndlessEnigma, TheGimp, theman21, TheManFromTenn, TheRain, theutvolunteers, Through_The_T, Titleistvol, tmodaniel, TNfaninMS, tnlacombe, tnmarktx, TNnative, TNsnyper20, TNTechVol, TNVOLNUT, tnvolsfan09, Tnwoodsman, TN_Vol_Fo_Life, tommyboy, ToptheTerrible, Trash1, TVA, UNAVol89, UrbanCryer, USNSeabee999, UTCorey, utksf7374, UTRocky, utvol83, utwls66, v0ltan, Vegas_Ferguson, VFL 24/7, Vol in, Vol in Mich, Vol knight, vol11, Vol1986, vol24/7/365, vol445, vol4life80, Volbeat, volbunch, VolDave53, voldawgforever, volfan411, volfan_89, VolGal423, volguy27, VolHeel, VolinMichigan, VOLinPride, volinSmyrna, volintears, VOLINVONORE, volley, Volman130, Volmania, VOLnMiami, Volosaurus rex, volpadre, volprof, volroadwarrior, vols1389, vols4evah, volsack7, volsare1, Volsfan2013, VOLsince68, VolsinVA, volstuckinNC, volstuff37641, volswillrise12, Vols_14, Vols_Deep, vols_fan_68, Volteacher, volunator, volunteer2, volunteer27, VolUpInCumming, Vol_51, Vol_Doc, vol_fan89, vol_sec, wfd53, white65, WillD333, Willy999, wolfej, Wolfeman_Vol, wtvfl, Wylo, xfactorutk, XIVolNinjaIX, xtnntx, zach8502, zaqhhh, Zeppelin18241, ZoeVol----all voted he needs 3-5 years

I was glad to be in the majority opinion, but four years is plenty enough time to complete the turn around. IMO. :hi: Y'all be careful b/c DMV and God are keepn' score. :birgits_giggle:
Great recruiting class coming in, but to expect immediate turn around this fall would be ludicrous. Would not be shocked if they only got 6 wins. Another great class needed with this one. 2015-16 expectations will be very high.

As it has been said numerous times, 6-6 is not an "immediate turnaround" it's the expectation that Jones himself expected to achieve. Acting as if 5-7 was the only outcome of this season from the get go is dishonest, and denigrates what talent did exist on team 117.
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The offensive product put on the field is CBJ's system for better or worse. We simply didn't have the pieces to make it work.

But we also don't know if CBJ system will work in SEC. Did not look very promising in year 1 - that may be because he did not have the right players, or because Bajakian is over his head. That's an open question and reason why these arguments will keep coming up over and over again until he proves the critics wrong, or the critics are proven right when in a year or two he has his recruits but the offense is still bad. So best advice for everyone over the next couple of years is the following

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What kind of a record is 26 of 42 for 240 yards? 5.7 yards per attempt is weak.

Dobbs was a true freshman, making his first start, against top 10 Missouri on the road. Yet he was by far UTs best offensive player that game.

He completed 26 passes, would've had several more without all the drops by his WRs....including a huge one by who else, Josh Smith, which would've gone for about 45 yds and a td. He was also UTs leading rusher.

N for not pulling him after TO num 2.. No way u allow him another chance n that game.

Plus that game showed me butch isn't anything special n then candy happened n bad taste about coach n staff....

So n my mind rec is the only thing they r doing at a high level at this point..

N no way he gets more than 3 years to get us to 10 or 11 wins.. If he is at 8 wins in yr 3 then he is john majors 2.0

You are so unrealistic....sometimes you say the most ..##$%## things.

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