7maxims, GoVols10, Orange Daddy, orange44, Press, QVOL81, steelmagnolia, sterlingsgold, VolinSippi, whinervol1----
all voted to fire him now per your FIRE BUTCH NOW POLL
865Chris, bamawriter, Batman33, bay224, Boogienite, BoostN, BoroVol20, Brianchevy, callmez, champyvol, DocVol, Eddie Vol Halen, eek006, gnm53108, happyloaf, JonWard, jortfreeTN, jro0622, jvol1982, ketron47, Merlot, northknoxvol, Ole_Virgil_Cane, orangeblood1, PackersVols91, pasadenavol, photovol, rugbyvol87, Sandvol, SDV, Spirit_of_98, State of the Vols, TAF, TGVol, tn88volfan, TnMuleman, TnTech_Vol, UTK, VeeOhElEsYes, volfalcon7, volfanecs, volonrails, volsohard99, WesternKyVol, zehr27-----
all voted to fire him if we do not make it to a bowl next year.
-Rifleman-, 09dunbar, 1 in 102,455, 1725gatorhater, 2011Vol, 3 Rocky Top Cove, 54fighting, 90 Vol, 91Vols, AF_VOL, alldayvols, allsgood21, allvol38, AllVol85, allvol9, amauto, American Pig, Amsterdam, AndyW, Antwturn, Ashevolle, ATLVols, atlvolunteer, Backwards K, Bama_Hater, BBushVols, bchin2020, beachbums624, Beatlebrainiac, beefythevol, Berry4Heisman14, bham_orange, Big Orange 1, Big Orange#1, bigbadlee10, bigOG, BIGORANGEBUBBA, BigOrangeHomer, BigOrangeLoyalist, BigOrangeTrain, bigvolsfan69, BilboTN, billemert11, birdman42, bkbasketball, BleedingButch, BleedsOrange11, BlessedOmega, blitz, Bluetic, Bms4880, Boca Vol, BoColoco, born-n-raisedvol, BornOrange33, brad37128, Brewers, Brian McCat, bryhez, BSAvol, btate, BucWildVol, buford t justice, bullet20, bUTchLookin4Dimez, butzie30, byobbio, Caleb, Candlebox, Carl Pickens, CascadeVolunteer, Catbone, CaVOLry, cbrad25, CBVols, CharlestonSCVol, chinkachu, ChiroVol, ColoradoVol8, crovol, DaddyChad, daniel102081, Danron, darkskyes71, DARTH KONG, dave3171, DAVOL, DBark24, dd4vols, dederk16, DeepSpringsVol,
DERELICK_MY_VOLS, Dickel#12Vol, DiderotsGhost, dillyo51, DinkinFlicka, dive_medic, DMG, DoolaidDrinker, Doyle Hargraves, Dr H Lecter, dr. moreau, Dragon18, drgreear, dstn21, dukieboy4, EastT, Easttnken, easttnvolman, EconVol92, edistodkb, englewoodcog, Enki_Amenra, Escape Goat, EZE, f77f00, Fatman Photos, FEAR-THE-PANTS, FearTheVols, feathersax, FlVols, FLVOL_79, franchuck, Fudge Pickle, gandycv, gatorhater1509, GBO97, General Jack, GFieldVolFan, GiveHimSix!, GKSS 61, GLDunlap, Glenng, GoBigOrange33, GoBigOrangeVols, golf437, gordonr24, governmentmule, govol35, govols105, govols120, govols528, govols717, GreveHaller, GreySmokey, griffdog14, GrindHARD, GrowVol, gwlyles214, hadl, HATINGBAMAISAWAYOFLIFE, Hayezb, hog88, HomeGrownVol, Honky, hubmann, I Love Lamp, I-bleed-orange, IAM410EC, Ibleedorange0013, ice, Ice_Vol, iluvsmesumdooley, immyaxl, InVOLuntary, jackcrevol, Jake Tate, jarnol32, Jasongivm6, jaxvol69, jbcollins, jbradley1382, JCSvol, JFBanicki, jglover, jgoofer, jihad_joe, JimmyCheeksBooger, jmcvol, joelkthx, John Vol Jones, jpiburn, jps2194, Jreed615, jtlhotspot, k-town_king, kadafi21, KBVol, kcboost, Kedp, keekeerun, Kevingarrabrant, KnoxVillain, LibertyVolance, Linds, LittleDTO, logjammin', LookinUp, LWSVOL, maddux5150, Mallicoat, MaTaLa, mccvols6, meanbass123, MedicT, MEDVOL, memtownvol, Messer85, MG1968, Miami-Beach-Vol, MikeVol44, mistermatt31, mmajaz12, Monkey Wrench, MOOOOONEY, Morpheus, MrBiggles, MSCE09, MSHrebel20, MTPVOL, MurfVol, MustafaRasta, mustbeAmoocow, NC_Orange, newandbetter, newokie03, NewYorkVolFan, nikesportsfan, NissanVol, nomads-11, norriscraftbasser, Ohio_Vol, OJ, OldGrandad, OldTimer, onthefield, OoltVol, Orange rock, orangeB, orangeblooded2, orangebloodgmc, OrangeByBirth, OrangeCeramicDog, Orangedogsrule, OrangeDonkey, orangegirl56, orangegrass, orangeluvr, orangeslice13, orangetitanfan, OrangeUTopia, orbs son, orchidvol, OrebankVol, Orlando Vol, P.O.T.S. VOL, PapaBurgundy, patriot-vol, pattiycake, PaVolsfn, peerless98, peytonwh, Phacerros, phil, phoenixvol, phowell23, possumtownVol, PowerWookie, PrattvilleVol, primmdds, PureVol, r3vo, RagingOrange, RDU VOL#14, Rechoryan, Redbone, ReelfootVol, rekinhavoc, rev_greg, rexjazz, rmvol, rob22278, rockytop114, rockytop25, RockyTop94, rockytopalabama, Rockytoptalker, Rocky_Top_Vol13, RollerVol, RossVegasVols, rote, ruffbunch, russvol, RustyBas, RWB427, Ryan Rocky Top, SaintLouisVol, SanguineVol, SC Wolfpack, SC-Vol, Schasz, scoopnscoot, Sgtmaj, Shadowboxer, ShowMeVol, SJ21XDC, sjt18, skasper06, slickstirs, SlipKidVol, slobberknocker, smokey07, smokey1969, SmokeyX, SmokinBob, smyborovol, sofflavol, SoMissVol, SouthernBelRinger, Spartacavolus, spikesglaring, sport3500, ssukonic, stevenrich2003, Stig, StillStanding, STL Vol Fan, StlCardinals2618, Stoerner's Fumble, strongj81, stuvol86, Sudden Impact, SuperableMars90, surfin' vol, SUXitduckman, SyfiC, s_hendricks, t-town, T16, T2P_Priceless, Tbam, TBtheGBwiththeTD, tdvol, TeddyYeti, TedUTfan, TennesseeJet, Ten_Titans, tgoins3, TheEndlessEnigma, TheGimp, theman21, TheManFromTenn, TheRain, theutvolunteers, Through_The_T, Titleistvol, tmodaniel, TNfaninMS, tnlacombe, tnmarktx, TNnative, TNsnyper20, TNTechVol, TNVOLNUT, tnvolsfan09, Tnwoodsman, TN_Vol_Fo_Life, tommyboy, ToptheTerrible, Trash1, TVA, UNAVol89, UrbanCryer, USNSeabee999, UTCorey, utksf7374, UTRocky, utvol83, utwls66, v0ltan, Vegas_Ferguson, VFL 24/7, Vol in, Vol in Mich, Vol knight, vol11, Vol1986, vol24/7/365, vol445, vol4life80, Volbeat, volbunch, VolDave53, voldawgforever, volfan411, volfan_89, VolGal423, volguy27, VolHeel, VolinMichigan, VOLinPride, volinSmyrna, volintears, VOLINVONORE, volley, Volman130, Volmania, VOLnMiami, Volosaurus rex, volpadre, volprof, volroadwarrior, vols1389, vols4evah, volsack7, volsare1, Volsfan2013, VOLsince68, VolsinVA, volstuckinNC, volstuff37641, volswillrise12, Vols_14, Vols_Deep, vols_fan_68, Volteacher, volunator, volunteer2, volunteer27, VolUpInCumming, Vol_51, Vol_Doc, vol_fan89, vol_sec, wfd53, white65, WillD333, Willy999, wolfej, Wolfeman_Vol, wtvfl, Wylo, xfactorutk, XIVolNinjaIX, xtnntx, zach8502, zaqhhh, Zeppelin18241, ZoeVol----
all voted he needs 3-5 years