Judging from stats

Here is what I am concerned about and havent seen anyone post it yet.. What happens when the hurry up offense goes against ORE or UF and we go 3 and out a few time and the D gets gassed quickly? I remember not so many years ago when we tried to go fast, against good teams, it could backfire..

Im not a negative nancy, i loved the game today, just something I was thinking as I watched the game
first post btw, after a long time of lurking.. In the Navy stationed in Japan, so I have to wake up in the middle of the night to watch football, on Sunday, but its worth it!
We put up 42 points in the first half. Our second and third team defense closed out a shut out. We had ZERO penalties. Over all not a bad day.

Worley threw a few passes behind the receivers..... its game one of year one in this offense. Adjustments will be made. Its why they practice.

STOP IT. You're interfering with the efforts by many here to find the bad in a game where the 1st O scored TD's on 6 of 6 possessions and the 1st D pretty much dominated the opponent. Some are just absolutely desperate to find a reason to believe this season will be awful.

APSU is a bad team of course so what we can take away has its limits... but there were few first half mistakes, no penalties, good signs in the run game, and correctable problems. UT played a TON of 2nd and 3rd string guys to get them experience.

All in all... isn't this pretty much what you would have wanted to have accomplished vs a team like that?
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Here is what I am concerned about and havent seen anyone post it yet.. What happens when the hurry up offense goes against ORE or UF and we go 3 and out a few time and the D gets gassed quickly? I remember not so many years ago when we tried to go fast, against good teams, it could backfire..

Im not a negative nancy, i loved the game today, just something I was thinking as I watched the game

Cut had a similar design his last two years in K'ville. UT gets to the line in a hurry... that doesn't mean they have to snap it right away. They can hold the snap until late in the clock and still wear the D out some by making them wait.
If Worley had Bray's arm we would have our next great QB.

Worley can't have Bray's arm on account Worley's body would reject the transplant. Something to do with blood type and immune system reaction, I'm told. :)

Seriously, it did look like he just couldn't put any real zip in his throws. I fear SEC or Oregon CBs with their speed would have have picked him off. But on the other hand, Peterman had zip and the receivers, except maybe for Pig, I think, couldn't handle the ball. Not sure what to think after the AP game. But Shirley and I will be there for WKU. Since she's almost as tall as North, I may volunteer her as an extra WR. Scratch that, she just said "Like hell! The moment some guy put his hands on me, I'll kick his teeth in." Sigh! Oh well, I believe her having seen her beat up and literally stomp some guys before in Zona. Anyway, we will be there for the WKU game. This will tell us pretty much what kind of team we really have.
Blacked out from Comcast here in Arky, I'm just following the game on gamescast (espn). From stats it looks like we are going to struggle throwing the ball downfield this year. 119 yds passing 3/4 of the way through the game against AP? I expected more - I know we are young, but just about everyone on here, myself included, predicted over 250 yds passing. Looks like D is playing good (granted, its Peay) and good to see us run the ball well. Thoughts from anyone who is watching??

They took out almost all the first team after halftime.
Here is what I am concerned about and havent seen anyone post it yet.. What happens when the hurry up offense goes against ORE or UF and we go 3 and out a few time and the D gets gassed quickly? I remember not so many years ago when we tried to go fast, against good teams, it could backfire..

Im not a negative nancy, i loved the game today, just something I was thinking as I watched the game

Thing is, it's not a hurry up really. Just a no huddle.
Well, he's no Johnny Football but he wasn't exactly the picture of good attitude either. Of course, with Dooley at the helm I think we might should give some players some slack about attitude problems. jmo

^This, if I had an ass clown as a head coach I'd probably show my ass at times too.
And you just swallowed your gum...dark clouds abound
Posted via VolNation Mobile

You should just put me on your little ignore list there buddy because I'm going to call it like I see it all season. This team is still unproven, an elite high school team could've curb stomped AP. The primary thing I learned from last night is that our team has bought in and is disciplined (when they're winning). Zero penalties and they kept their cool when AP players were running their mouths, I was impressed.

Remember how good UT looked against lesser competition last year?
The biggest thing that I came away with after watching the game was discipline. The team ran everywhere on the field, handed the ball directly to the refs, and never looked disappointed. They did wear their feelings on their sleeves when something went wrong. The speed of the game wasn't break neck, but was controlled speed (not much confusion). Worley looked in control. He played well, but managed the game better. I think that with all of the changes the team did great, and they will continue to improve even though the season will only get tougher. I don't think CBJ will let this team get down on themselves (to me that was one of Dooley's biggest faults).
5 wins may be tops for this team, I don't see a bowl in cards. Team appears to be well coached but lack of depth and secondary play leads us to another 5-7 campagne

Agreed. Neal is average. Worley plays in slow motion. Gonna be a long year. I just want to see discipline.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Austin Peay matched the Vols for passing yardage....this is not Good... fans
Tyler would put up 500+ passing yards vs these guys, the kid could and can ball.
Yes and last yrs defense would have given up 300 passing yds 150 rushing and 24 PTs...
And we probably would have made only 70-80 yds. rushing and 1st string would have been in most of the game.

I did see a well coached game, but we can't forget we lost many play makers from last year on offense. I think many of our fans thought coach Jones could turn things around immediately with just a coaching change....no coach is that good.....patience Vol fans
Actually, I think the coaching change did turn things around and made a big difference. See the above posts, plus zero penalties, mostly 2nd and 3rd. string in 2nd half, disciplined and excited players. Granted it was AP. I don't believe we would have had the same results with last years coach and team. JMO

first post btw, after a long time of lurking.. In the Navy stationed in Japan, so I have to wake up in the middle of the night to watch football, on Sunday, but its worth it!
I know that feeling. Where you stationed? I spent a couple years up at NAF Misawa when I was in the Navy in the mid/late 80's. A few shipmates and I installed and operated the Ripsaw bombing range there before the AF took it over. Best duty I ever had, after Final Checking on the flight decks of the Kitty Hawk, Ranger, and Constellation.:salute:
Was my birthday and 50th year as a Vol fan. Got drunk and fell asleep before the game came on(you know how us blue haired, sunshine pumpers are). From these posts it appears that AP has pulled off the upset of the century and beaten my Vols.

Well hell, 2 wins tops this year cause everybody sucks. At least we still have the greatest and most loyal fanbase in America!!
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You should just put me on your little ignore list there buddy because I'm going to call it like I see it all season. This team is still unproven, an elite high school team could've curb stomped AP. The primary thing I learned from last night is that our team has bought in and is disciplined (when they're winning). Zero penalties and they kept their cool when AP players were running their mouths, I was impressed.

Remember how good UT looked against lesser competition last year?

I don't have a little OR large ignore list...feel free to forfeit our season one game in...then allow me to retort...this was no gauge...positive or negative of future performance...follow my lead and let some games commence before filing official paperwork :p
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Our second team offense/defense is a good match for Austin Peay......it is what it is
This is a silly take on things. Worley was of 11 of 13 ..8 yards per attempt. This is not inaccurate . If by 'multiple throws' you mean 2 throws ...well maybe you have a point.

This is Butch's offense. A 4 vertical attack with with short and intermediate throws. He will attack with running plays as long as he can ..meaning that if the D cannot stop his off from running 3.5 yards a carry , he may never pass .
When he does pass , the passing game is an extension of the running game .

Reminds me of Cutcliffe offense when Ainge was here. And when run correctly is a lot tougher to defend then bombs Eve time u turn around.
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I think CBJ settled the accuracy issue in his presser today ...the receivers were running their routes too deep .
which seems to be believable ..considering the inexperience of the receivers and the fact that it kept happening

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