JUST DECLASSIFIED: The Russia hoax was Hillary’s plan

After the crap your side pulled on our President, you should be ashamed.

Oh, you mean the impeachment? Well, he was guilty, was impeached, and should have been removed form office.

But, hey, no worries... we'll take care of that shortly.

2020 US Presidential Election
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OMG.....they are stuck on Hillary, like she is off living her best life right now. The cons are trying the 2016 playbook? Someone need to tell them that Hillary is not running. Their playbook on Joe Biden is a little weird. He has dementia, but he take adderall. Make that make sense.....ADHD is not Dementia. Unless they are saying Joe Biden has a cure for Dementia.....I don't know.
Oh, you mean the impeachment? Well, he was guilty, was impeached, and should have been removed form office.

But, hey, no worries... we'll take care of that shortly.

2020 US Presidential Election
Well actually no Cletus. He was indicted/impeached and found not guilty. Womp womp.
John Ratcliffe......someone tell him Hillary ain't running. The memo should've been about Hunter Biden.
This is insulting to my boys Beavis and Butthead.

The movie wasn't bad but I never saw too much of the TV show. King of the Hill is one of my all time favorites, though, and Office Space and Silicon Valley are both brilliant. Mike Judge could probably pull off a show where Beavis and Butthead were Congressmen.
There was never a "not guilty". He wasn't removed from office, but everyone including most Republicans in Congress knows he's guilty
LMFAO. The equivalent of a trial was held. He was acquitted. It’s a binary decision, guilty or NOT guilty. I don’t recall “kinda guilty” being an option. Move along. 😂
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LMFAO. The equivalent of a trial was held. He was acquitted. It’s a binary decision, guilty or NOT guilty. I don’t recall “kinda guilty” being an option. Move along. 😂
The Senate sh!tshow was not equivalent to a trial.
This actually makes me sad for Jr. with the breathless way he tweeted something he clearly can't is simply too lazy to read:

To quote the document: "Russian intelligence analysis alleging . . . "

So you're telling us Russian intelligence wanted to undermine Hillary? Not exactly a scoop.
Did you read it?


In 2016, US Intelligence received intel that Hillary's campaign plan was to demonize Trump as Russian compromised.

US intel immediately notified Obama's administration.

Obama's DoJ then spied on Trump's campaign and administration based on a dossier, purchased by Hillary's campaign, and filed with Russian claims. They lied to the FISA court to do so. all while having intel that this was Hillary's campaign plan.

They destroyed a member of rump's cabinet based on "suspicions" that he was a link to Russia, even though they knew he was a CIA asset for the US. They lied to do so.

The Mueller probe stretched on forever, smearing Trump and trying to destroy his presidency, even though there was intel that indicated that it was a Hillary campaign tactic.

Dem-controlled congress impeached him based on suspicions that intel indicated was a Hillary campaign tactic.

And you want act like this isn't an absolute MOAB?
Did you read it?


In 2016, US Intelligence received intel that Hillary's campaign plan was to demonize Trump as Russian compromised.

US intel immediately notified Obama's administration.

Obama's DoJ then spied on Trump's campaign and administration based on a dossier, purchased by Hillary's campaign, and filed with Russian claims. They lied to the FISA court to do so. all while having intel that this was Hillary's campaign plan.

They destroyed a member of rump's cabinet based on "suspicions" that he was a link to Russia, even though they knew he was a CIA asset for the US. They lied to do so.

The Mueller probe stretched on forever, smearing Trump and trying to destroy his presidency, even though there was intel that indicated that it was a Hillary campaign tactic.

Dem-controlled congress impeached him based on suspicions that intel indicated was a Hillary campaign tactic.

And you want act like this isn't an absolute MOAB?
The leftists will never believe any of that, because they would have to admit that their Dem politicians played them for suckers, and fed them lie after lie.

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