JUST DECLASSIFIED: The Russia hoax was Hillary’s plan

This is absolutely hilarious to watch Trump pull the levers of government to further advance foreign disinformation campaigns. It was known within the intelligence community soon after the fact that Russia was behind the July DNC hack. The idea that Hillary created, whole cloth, a theory THAT JUST HAPPENED TO BE TRUE is absurd.
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Before becoming DNI, Jim Clapper had worked in U.S. intelligence for nearly fifty years and personally headed two of the nation's 17 intel agencies.

By comparison, John Ratcliffe was the mayor of Heath, Texas, pop., 8000.

But, gotta admit, Ratcliffe is good at this:

"YES, SIR, MR. TRUMP, SIR! ANYTHING YOU SAY, SIR!" [Resume complete].

View attachment 310168
Nice background but Clapper was not very bright.

DNI Clapper retreats from 'secular' claim on Muslim Brotherhood

James Clapper has found another reason why he lied about NSA spying

With all that experience, how can one explain his "momentary lapses of reason"?
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Did you read it?


In 2016, US Intelligence received intel that Hillary's campaign plan was to demonize Trump as Russian compromised.

US intel immediately notified Obama's administration.

Obama's DoJ then spied on Trump's campaign and administration based on a dossier, purchased by Hillary's campaign, and filed with Russian claims. They lied to the FISA court to do so. all while having intel that this was Hillary's campaign plan.

They destroyed a member of rump's cabinet based on "suspicions" that he was a link to Russia, even though they knew he was a CIA asset for the US. They lied to do so.

The Mueller probe stretched on forever, smearing Trump and trying to destroy his presidency, even though there was intel that indicated that it was a Hillary campaign tactic.

Dem-controlled congress impeached him based on suspicions that intel indicated was a Hillary campaign tactic.

And you want act like this isn't an absolute MOAB?

Allegations in the memo are clearly listed as being alleged by Russian intelligence.

So, and I don't believe I have to ask this, you and others here believe Russian intelligence operations are credible sources of information now?
Lol don’t be a hater cause you can’t refute that statement. The Senate process is as close as you get to a trial in our system for a sitting POTUS. But hey in Jan 2025! 😂

BTW you put some work into that pride spelling. Respect ✊

"Don't be a hater" - WTF are you on about? I give you props for your troll and you blast me?

Lighten up.
Allegations in the memo are clearly listed as being alleged by Russian intelligence.

So, and I don't believe I have to ask this, you and others here believe Russian intelligence operations are credible sources of information now?
I agree but they put Trump under the bus on much less.
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So you’re ignorant, huh?

No wonder you’re so off your troll game. You have no clue what’s happening.

Weird how erry'body loves to tell me how my troll game is off, for years I've been hearing that.

I must have been GOD level back in the day if I'm still twisting your panties without even meaning to do so.

I knew Trump was sandbagging something. Be prepared for more of these bombshells leading up to the election.

Good timing as well just before the debate.

I have said all along that Obama was in on the Trump-Russia hoax. Now this revelation confirms this. I knew Obama was downplaying the Russian interference threat in 2016 for a reason. He isn't an idiot. Both he and Hillary wanted to destroy Trump's Presidency.
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I knew Trump was sandbagging something. Be prepared for more of these bombshells leading up to the election.

Good timing as well just before the debate.

I have said all along that Obama was in on the Trump-Russia hoax. Now this revelation confirms this. I knew Obama was downplaying the Russian interference threat in 2016 for a reason. He isn't an idiot. Both he and Hillary wanted to destroy Trump's Presidency.
Hillary isn't running....LOL.....dirt surfaces on Trump almost daily....yes, I do expect Trump to spew a few hundred more lies/false claims leading up to the election that only his minions believe...there will be no real evidence
I agree but the put Trump under the bus on much less.

Trump, and his defenders, are capable of pushing back and you have to trust the American people can see through the swamp gas both parties put out to make the best bad decision for themselves.

I think Trump has a chance here in the closing days to make a better case about what his vision is for the coming term, and that might allow him to get the EC victory again.

I know he would be better served focusing on that than playing the victim of, by comparison, milquetoast figures like Obama and Hillary.
Allegations in the memo are clearly listed as being alleged by Russian intelligence.

So, and I don't believe I have to ask this, you and others here believe Russian intelligence operations are credible sources of information now?

Read the timeline again. This is an absolute **** look for Obama, anyone associated with his administration, and his entire DoJ.

They had intel that Hillary's campaign was going to try to frame Trump for being a Russian asset. They took the dossier Hillary bought, claimed to have verified it, thus defrauding the FISA court, then spied on the Trump campaign and presidency based on it.

We don't do that **** in America. Well... We didn't.
Trump, and his defenders, are capable of pushing back and you have to trust the American people can see through the swamp gas both parties put out to make the best decision for themselves.

I think Trump has a chance here in the closing days to make a better case about what his vision is for the coming term, and that might allow him to get the EC victory again.

I know he would be better served focusing on that than playing the victim of, by comparison, milquetoast figures like Obama and Hillary.

This is true and I do think the sudden last minute poo slinging from the MSM and Dems will backfire on them. We've seen 4 years of "we got him now headlines" that lead to nothing, only so many times you can cry wolf before people tune you out.
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Deflection confirms I’m right. You’re clueless

Completely clueless is more of an apt descriptor, I'm not woke at all. I leave it to all you big brain 4chan sleuths to uncover the truth.

Read the timeline again. This is an absolute **** look for Obama, anyone associated with his administration, and his entire DoJ.

They had intel that Hillary's campaign was going to try to frame Trump for being a Russian asset. They took the dossier Hillary bought, claimed to have verified it, thus defrauding the FISA court, then spied on the Trump campaign and presidency based on it.

We don't do that **** in America. Well... We didn't.
They haven’t even thought about in these 👆simple terms.

Because muh Trump, Orange Man Bad!
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