JUST DECLASSIFIED: The Russia hoax was Hillary’s plan

I seriously don't think they actually understand what this document was saying.
I understand exactly what it is saying. It is saying that the Obama administration, his entire DoJ, and the D congress had intelligence that should have stopped the stupid and illegal Trumputin investigation(s).
Evidence (not that you radical commies care about evidence) supports the people you vote for are puppets of Putin’s. You idiots were fed a bunch of bullschiff for years and bought every bit of it
Calling people commies doesn't make you sound cool or funny. Plenty of evidence concerning Trump ties to Putin. Much like Trump, you have no real credibility.
I understand exactly what it is saying. It is saying that the Obama administration, his entire DoJ, and the D congress had intelligence that should have stopped the stupid and illegal Trumputin investigation(s).

That's really the point - the revelations that they knew the Steele source as a Russian asset, that they had nothing on Flynn and that there was enough evidence to refer Clinton to the FBI - all this shows they knew the Russiagate stuff was BS.
Another day, another shiny object of disinformation for the Trumpers to dry hump.
LMFAO. The equivalent of a trial was held. He was acquitted. It’s a binary decision, guilty or NOT guilty. I don’t recall “kinda guilty” being an option. Move along. 😂

Good stuff, excellent.

I can appreciate this kind of strong work.

Oh, you mean the impeachment? Well, he was guilty, was impeached, and should have been removed form office.

But, hey, no worries... we'll take care of that shortly.

2020 US Presidential Election
Impeachment plus your moronic Russia Hoax.
The leftists will never believe any of that, because they would have to admit that their Dem politicians played them for suckers, and fed them lie after lie.
They'd better hope that timeline is never mentioned to moderate undecideds. And it happens to have been declassed the day of the Presidential debate, when everyone who are interested in the election will be watching, and Trump can absolutely hammer Joe (law and order is on the ballot) Biden, who was the Vp of the dirtiest administration in history.
Calling people commies doesn't make you sound cool or funny. Plenty of evidence concerning Trump ties to Putin. Much like Trump, you have no real credibility.
In case you haven’t figured it out I don’t GAF what you commie liberals say or think. If there was so much evidence your boy Weissmann’s report would have been different. This was a hoax created by people you vote for
In case you haven’t figured it out I don’t GAF what you commie liberals say or think. If there was so much evidence your boy Weissmann’s report would have been different. This was a hoax created by people you vote for
You haven't got the first damn clue. Your mindless, immature drivel is like a broken record
Did you read it?


In 2016, US Intelligence received intel that Hillary's campaign plan was to demonize Trump as Russian compromised.

US intel immediately notified Obama's administration.

Obama's DoJ then spied on Trump's campaign and administration based on a dossier, purchased by Hillary's campaign, and filed with Russian claims. They lied to the FISA court to do so. all while having intel that this was Hillary's campaign plan.

They destroyed a member of rump's cabinet based on "suspicions" that he was a link to Russia, even though they knew he was a CIA asset for the US. They lied to do so.

The Mueller probe stretched on forever, smearing Trump and trying to destroy his presidency, even though there was intel that indicated that it was a Hillary campaign tactic.

Dem-controlled congress impeached him based on suspicions that intel indicated was a Hillary campaign tactic.

And you want act like this isn't an absolute MOAB?
Some just are not bright enough to get it. Most of those vote Democrat.
This is absolutely hilarious to watch Trump pull the levers of government to further advance foreign disinformation campaigns. It was known within the intelligence community soon after the fact that Russia was behind the July DNC hack. The idea that Hillary created, whole cloth, a theory THAT JUST HAPPENED TO BE TRUE is absurd.
There were plenty of witnesses. Their testimony was collected in the House hearings and was part of the Senate trial. You are confusing the Senate not calling "additional" witnesses with there not being witness testimony in the trial.
it's not a traditional trial.

the collective "meh" of the electorate tells you how well the process has been received so far. no one other than extreme partisans give a crap about it.

The point is the House gets no say in the Senate process. Refusing to send articles if you don't approve of the process is completely self defeating
Before becoming DNI, Jim Clapper had worked in U.S. intelligence for nearly fifty years and personally headed two of the nation's 17 intel agencies.

By comparison, John Ratcliffe was the mayor of Heath, Texas, pop., 8000.

But, gotta admit, Ratcliffe is good at this:

"YES, SIR, MR. TRUMP, SIR! ANYTHING YOU SAY, SIR!" [Resume complete].

Good stuff, excellent.

I can appreciate this kind of strong work.

Lol don’t be a hater cause you can’t refute that statement. The Senate process is as close as you get to a trial in our system for a sitting POTUS. But hey in Jan 2025! 😂

BTW you put some work into that pride spelling. Respect ✊
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