Just got my Bill Maher tickets

It is as if people are living in a third world country while playing their PS3s on their HDTVs. Oh the horror.
These gas prices have reduced me to only 2 52 inch HDTV's. So joke all you want, but my bathroom really needs one. :no: Oh, and I don't even have a PS3. I just have an XBOX 360, a PS2 and a Wii smart guy.

And, perhaps the Dems could have offered up something better than Bush? You know, since he is so awful. That is too hard for the Dems to do?
Unfortunately in politics, you can't just offer up something and voila, it's passed. Of course, you already know that.
These gas prices have reduced me to only 2 52 inch HDTV's. So joke all you want, but my bathroom really needs one. :no: Oh, and I don't even have a PS3. I just have an XBOX 360, a PS2 and a Wii smart guy.

Well I stand corrected then. It is obvious the country is in deep doo doo. But your rebate check is coming. So perhaps you can get your bathroom big screen.
No, mine will be supporting the single mothers swinging from a pole.
At least he is not spending his on Bill Maher tickets.

Bill said Blockbuster is merging with Circut city. Great, a place that never has the movie you want combined with the high preasure sales tactics from know nothing teenagers all under one roof.
Exacerbate the current problems? Who cares anymore? We're so far down in the hole it doesn't even matter. If only the conservatives would've exercised such caution before voting Bush into the White House in the first place, we wouldn't have to worry about exacerbating the current problems.
If this can get a hardcore Dem like you down in the hole far enough to quit caring, then I'm for a Bushie style idiot about once every 20 years.

You are correct about the current problems not being problem under Kerry / Gore. They would have happened about 5 years ago and still be heading south. Taxing the wealthy is nothing but an invite to high unemployment, low capital spending and sputtering economy.
If this can get a hardcore Dem like you down in the hole far enough to quit caring, then I'm for a Bushie style idiot about once every 20 years.

I'm not in the hole. The only hole I'm concerned with is the the gaping one between Bush's ears.
Bill said Blockbuster is merging with Circut city. Great, a place that never has the movie you want combined with the high preasure sales tactics from know nothing teenagers all under one roof.

Circuit City better merge with somebody. With Wal-Mart upgrading their electronics section and also offering cheaper warranties than Best Buy and Circuit City, they are on the edge of being done with.

I know its a joke, just saying.
so who did you mean by we? Was that the ever dangerous non-inclusive we?

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me
now that you put it that way, nevermind.

we do have big problems since those making brighter days are in the hole and no longer care. The children are freakin' screwed.
You know who is bitter ? I AM! Because Crap-kickers voted twice for a retarded guy they wanted to have a beer with, and everyone else has to suffer the consequences!:eek:lol::eek:lol::eek:lol:

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