I think Mr Bush went into Iraq because of the reasons that has been discussed a billion times here and elsewhere, he broke upteen UN violations, we had intelligence from several countries (including Russia) that he had WMD's, and Bush made it perfectly clear that he was going to be pre-emptive after 9/11. Now as far as me personally, I think he thought that Iraq was a good place to start some kind of stability (I know what you're thinking, but hey you asked) in the region. I believe Iraq had WMD's because a) They had used them and b) A General from the Iraqi army under Saddam admitted they did. I don't believe he had some kind of personal agenda, and I don't think it was for the oil. I think he pissed off a lot of Dems and the UN because he didn't sit around and wait (And France and the UN didn't want them to go in for reasons such as the Oil for Food program). That's it for me, go back to the Bush bashing, I've had 2 hours of sleep and I'm spent. I'm not die hard Bush fan, like I said he's been great at some things and terrible at others. To say he took an entire country to war over his dad is just sad.