Just got my Bill Maher tickets

You're the one babbling on about neocons, Bush is evil etc. It's tired and old. Take a stand and say who you're voting for. Otherwise, if all you can bring to the debate is neocons are evil, then that's more babble than anything I could hope to post.
I'll probably vote for the same party I've voted for in every other Presidential election I've had the privilege to participate in.
Yeah, let's give the terrorists the same rights as Americans.
Those are the terrorists that are going to follow us home if we don't stay in Iraq for the next 100 years, right? Keep pushing the scare tactics. When you can't run on any accomplishments, just try and petrify people.
You're the one babbling on about neocons, Bush is evil etc. It's tired and old. Take a stand and say who you're voting for. Otherwise, if all you can bring to the debate is neocons are evil, then that's more babble than anything I could hope to post.
He's not the only one who thinks Bush sucks.
Disapproval of Bush breaks record - USATODAY.com
Hell he even beat Nixon right before he was gonna be charged with high crimes and misdemeanors that's bad.
Those are the terrorists that are going to follow us home if we don't stay in Iraq for the next 100 years, right? Keep pushing the scare tactics. When you can't run on any accomplishments, just try and petrify people.
you must be really uncomfortable with the democrats and just hate the dearth of accomplishments available in the candidates.
If by "conservatives" you mean free spending, imperialistic, Bible licking, torture advocating, wiretap addicted chicken hawks like Cheney and his puppet, you got me.

You are correct in bashing the current roster of GOP leaders for their free spending ways and to a certain extent, the eroding of civil liberties in the name of security. But to criticize them for torture is lame. There is no way I can take any terrorist seriously when they claim that being held on a Carribean island with 3 hots and a cot (Gitmo) is torture compared to whatever rat nest they crawled out of in Jalalabad or Tikrit. There is no way anyone should be taken seriously when they make claims of American torture that amount to playing loud rock music continuously, keeping suspects up for long hours during interrogation, or heaven forbid putting a leash on their neck. What the Americans are accused of is child's play compared to beheading a prisoner with a knife.

The Bible licking comment on one level has some warrant, in that these guys have sanctimoniously thrown around their Christian beliefs on the nation. But having said that, there is no way any sane person can say that they would feel safer as an atheist amongst a group of radical Islamists over a room full of radical Christians. The most you would have to worry about from the radical Christians is a bunch of rhetoric spewing and badgering to give money to some church/pastor. But in a room for of radical Muslims, you may lose your life...
Those are the terrorists that are going to follow us home if we don't stay in Iraq for the next 100 years, right? Keep pushing the scare tactics. When you can't run on any accomplishments, just try and petrify people.

Oh come on... Al Gore has been screaming that the sky is falling for 15 years with all of his global warming nonsense.
Those are the terrorists that are going to follow us home if we don't stay in Iraq for the next 100 years, right? Keep pushing the scare tactics. When you can't run on any accomplishments, just try and petrify people.

Scare tactics? Like little old ladies won't get their meds and will starve? You're right though, Iraq is the cause for all bad things in the world. If you can't win on your policies, try and scare people.
I'm not the one babbling on with typical neocon prattle. You people aren't conservatives. You're utter disgraces to the legacies of men like Reagan, Goldwater, and Rockefeller. Nothing was more telling than seeing Goldwater, at the end of his life, being forced to admit that Bill Clinton was more adherent to the social principles of the founding fathers than the Bible thumping charlatains who have hijacked the GOP. At least America is slowly wising up. McCain, while a liar and a huckster, was at least able to eliminate a snakehandling rube like like Huckabee with little effort. There may yet be hope for the republic.

When we have a choice between McCain (as you called him "a liar and a huckster") and either Obama or Hillary, the republic is already lost.
You're the one babbling on about neocons, Bush is evil etc. It's tired and old. Take a stand and say who you're voting for. Otherwise, if all you can bring to the debate is neocons are evil, then that's more babble than anything I could hope to post.

If I remember correctly, Hat is an attorney. That along with the tone of his responses and the use of the word neocon should tell you everything you need to know about his party preference.
If I remember correctly, Hat is an attorney. That along with the tone of his responses and the use of the word neocon should tell you everything you need to know about his party preference.

Heavens forbid you generalize and assume all attorneys are democrats. Or else, we may get out of hand and characterize all GOP members as Bible thumping hicks.
If I remember correctly, Hat is an attorney. That along with the tone of his responses and the use of the word neocon should tell you everything you need to know about his party preference.

Oh, I know perfectly well who he's probably voting for, I just want to hear him say it.
Heavens forbid you generalize and assume all attorneys are democrats. Or else, we may get out of hand and characterize all GOP members as Bible thumping hicks.

If I remember correctly, Hat is an attorney. That along with the tone of his responses and the use of the word neocon should telling you everything you need to know about his party preference.

If I were going to generalize, it would have read the above instead.
Oh, I know perfectly well who he's probably voting for, I just want to hear him say it.
At least you're consistently wrong. I've voted for the Libertarian candidate in each Presidential election in which I've been eligible to vote, and full well plan to do so again. Now, go watch Fox News so they can tell you what you think.
If I remember correctly, Hat is an attorney. That along with the tone of his responses and the use of the word neocon should tell you everything you need to know about his party preference.
Wow, you're lost as the other guy. Did the wife take the remote and you didn't get to watch Sean Hannity for some new material tonight?
Maher is decent in a studio setting. Wouldn't pay to see him do standup. However, he is 100% correct on the most important issue of this generation. George W, Bush is the second worst president in American history(Warren G. Harding) and all of his supporters have done America a massive disservice.

What about William Howard Taft?
Yeah, inhibiting medical research because the lamebrain inhabitant of the Oval Office thinks stem cell usage offends God, that really is saving religious freedom. Attempting to put limits on a woman's right to make her own reproductive decisions is essential to people's free exercise of religion. Right.

Here, here! :clap:
This thread has been exceedingly amusing so far. MOAR!
You finally dropped an accurate post. Congratulations.

Hatvol: everyone sucks but me.

Now pat yourself on the back because you think you've proven something. So there's no libertarian to vote for, you don't have much in the way of options. Go back to writing down the reasons you hate Bush and conservatives, and sit around and think of new smarmy insults to call anyone who doesn't agree with you. Do you pleasure yourself after you call someone that? " I just called him a buffoon, Oh yes..."

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