There most certainly will be a Libertarian Party candidate on the ballot. Are you really this uninformed? Wait, you believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Of course you're that uninformed. Now, go back to disgracing the concept of conservatism with your hawkish, theocratical beliefs.Hatvol: everyone sucks but me.
Now pat yourself on the back because you think you've proven something. So there's no libertarian to vote for, you don't have much in the way of options.
There most certainly will be a Libertarian Party candidate on the ballot. Are you really this uninformed? Wait, you believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Of course you're that uninformed. Now, go back to disgracing the concept of conservatism with your hawkish, theocratical beliefs.
Given his approval ratings, it's quite apparent that the opinion that Bush is an incompetent fool crosses all political, ethnic, gender, and other lines.Then if I was you, I would be ashamed to be spouting off the same rhetoric as the above mentioned. Here's a hint for you: if you find yourself agreeing with what Sean Penn has to say, it's time to sit back and analyze some things.
No. I shouldn't. If Michael Moore says that Cuba is a model for the American health care system, I say he's an imbecile. If he says George Bush is an inept, corrupt, psedoChristian moron, I say he's right. See, I'm smart enough to separate messenger from message. Plenty of people around here are obviously lacking in that regard.Then if I was you, I would be ashamed to be spouting off the same rhetoric as the above mentioned. Here's a hint for you: if you find yourself agreeing with what Sean Penn has to say, it's time to sit back and analyze some things.
Did Obama vote to authorize the single most idiotic foreign policy excursion in American history? There's plenty wrong with Obama's platform. However, I at least respect the man's intellect and integrity. Can't say either of those things about the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.Wow I'm glad I came back... there will be otons of names on the ballot, but feel free to vote for whoever you choose. Isn't America great? Or does saying that make me 'hawkish and theocratical"?
Thanks for the entertainment, before I go to bed tonight I think I'm going to put that on my profile.
Oh yeah, can't let the WMD comment pass, so you know more than an Iraqi general? I knew you had a high opinion of yourself, but come on... anyways I'm typing all this with a big theorcratical smile on my face. Also if you're going to say your the other kind of "lib" (Libertarian), then instaed of the talkig points the DNC uses about Bush and the other R's, how about giving some deserved critcism for Obama and company?
You seriously respect Obama's integrity? Come on. You know just like I that he would walk an extra mile to say what people want hear rather than stay put and tell the truth. That's probably true of most politicians, but Obama seems especially Chameleon-like.There's plenty wrong with Obama's platform. However, I at least respect the man's intellect and integrity. Can't say either of those things about the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Did Obama vote to authorize the single most idiotic foreign policy excursion in American history? There's plenty wrong with Obama's platform. However, I at least respect the man's intellect and integrity. Can't say either of those things about the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
No. I shouldn't. If Michael Moore says that Cuba is a model for the American health care system, I say he's an imbecile. If he says George Bush is an inept, corrupt, psedoChristian moron, I say he's right. See, I'm smart enough to separate messenger from message. Plenty of people around here are obviously lacking in that regard.
Yeah, inhibiting medical research because the lamebrain inhabitant of the Oval Office thinks stem cell usage offends God, that really is saving religious freedom. Attempting to put limits on a woman's right to make her own reproductive decisions is essential to people's free exercise of religion. Right.
Yeah, inhibiting medical research because the lamebrain inhabitant of the Oval Office thinks stem cell usage offends God, that really is saving religious freedom.
The thing that amazes me about people that throw out the WMD argument with Bush is the fact that they seem to ignore the previous 3-4 years before 9/11... when Clinton and the Dems were all harping on Saddam and WMD's. Clinton even went so far as to send a few tomahawks into a few tents in Afghanistan with WMD's as the justification for that action.