Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away

After what Democrats tried to do to Kavanaugh, I've got zero confidence we'll see any statesmanship.
What about what Republicans did to Garland? Why are you so hung up on Kavanaugh? He was eventually confirmed. Garland never got a vote. Which came first? Which is worse?
Agreed. Centrist, Constitutionalist. Period.

I disagree. What is this fascination with being a centrist? Trying to cater to both political ideologies out of some misplaced sense of being viewed as centrist is, in fact, antithetical to and the opposite of constitutionalism.

Put a damned constitutionalist in, period.
Kavanaugh had his character assassinated and went through hell. Garland just didn’t get a vote.
Boo hoo, cry me a river and all the other metaphors. Garland was qualified and a reasonable nominee. He didn't get a vote. Kavanaugh is on the court.
Don't you think though that every justice needs to think about retirement around age 75 whenever there's a palatable administration in office? It's common sense.
If you look at the history of the SC this stay till I die thing is relatively new. Most only did it for a few years. The lifetime appointment is to remove any political pressure from the positions, as it should.
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