Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away

If you want to burn this country to the ground then push through a justice after denying the last president that opportunity. You haven't seen riots like you will see. If you live in Kentucky you had better get the hell out now.
No one will riot over a ussc nominee. Most currently rioting couldn't name 3 of them anyways
Well, I do. You all have fun with the fireworks.
Had she not gotten political I would feel more sympathy. I don't GAF that she's gone. Sorry. She interjected a personal opinion into a place where she absolutely, unequivocally should not have and imho tainted her own 'qualification' as a SCOTUS justice.
Yes, hopefully Trump nominates a far right conservative... and forces Susan Collins and Corey Gardner to make a vote before the election. Collins is still catching heat for the Kavanaugh vote... this would finish her in Maine.
It’s not going to happen before the election.
I don't like Clay Travis, but there is truth to that. This exacerbates the divide. It's not good for any nation to be as bitterly divided as the United States is at the moment... and it's about to get much worse.

When communicable a disease is killing tens of thousands of Americans and all we can do is fight over it I'm afraid we may never find middle ground again.
There’s no doubt that McConnell wants to move forward with a nominee. Whether or not it happens depends on if Republican senators fall in line. I think that there will be enough against a nomination for it to happen at this time.
McConnell risks short term victory at long term cost.
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The vote won’t be held until AFTER the election but before the new Senate takes office.
If Trump loses and the senate swings to the Dems there would be riots if Trump tried to ram a double lame duck scotus appointment through.
She thought way too much of herself and her importance, she should have retired while Obama was in office and could appoint her replacement. Her hubris will be the cause of her seat moving right.
You are consistently on the wrong side.
You should write it all down "History Through the Eyes of the Bitter Old White Guy".
Subtitled "An Unsettling Glimpse into the Mind of a Trumper".
You are consistently on the wrong side.
You should write it all down "History Through the Eyes of the Bitter Old White Guy".
Subtitled "An Unsettling Glimpse into the Mind of a Trumper".
Don't you think though that every justice needs to think about retirement around age 75 whenever there's a palatable administration in office? It's common sense.
It is. I didn't word that very well. I should’ve said add even MORE seats to the court. I knew what I meant lol.
I’m sorry but I need some sources saying that’s what you meant. But it’s ok anonymous sources are good this time 😂

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