Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away

I understand the argument, but the problem is, we're not in the same situation. Trump is up for reelection and not a lame duck.
Where the fit hits the shan is if Biden wins and Democrats take the Senate... and Trump and the Republicans want to go through with confirming a far right conservative to the Supreme Court after November 3rd. That would get ugly.
RIP.......She was a hero to millions.

When the Trump catastrophe began, I said there were three people who deserved to live until the nightmare was over......
John Lewis, RBG, and Jimmy Carter.

How incredibly sad on so many levels.

I'm going to be honest, I never really followed John Lewis's career. What did he do besides march with MLK? I just remember him lately has an angry individual and continued to provide an outdated message.

Can you list some accomplishments?
Don't remember that caveat from mcturtle.
My question is, if this is the standard, when is a 1st term Presisent supposed to stop making appointments and decisions before an election? 2 months out? 3 months? 6 months out?
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Where the fit hits the shan is if Biden wins and Democrats take the Senate... and Trump and the Republicans want to go through with confirming a far right conservative to the Supreme Court after November 3rd. That would get ugly.

Why do u keep using the term "far right'? U got inside info?
Where the fit hits the shan is if Biden wins and Democrats take the Senate... and Trump and the Republicans want to go through with confirming a far right conservative to the Supreme Court after November 3rd. That would get ugly.
After what Democrats tried to do to Kavanaugh, I've got zero confidence we'll see any statesmanship.

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