Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away

It will go past November 3rd... and per the precedent set with Merrick Garland in 2016 after the death of Scalia, the Senate doesn't take up a vote for a Supreme Court Justice nominee from a lame duck president.

A fair point, however the party that set the precedent (or it might be more apt to say breaking precedent?...it hadn’t really happened before 2016) is now the one getting to make the selection; it would likely flip their view on the matter (as it would with many groups in similar situations) especially considering this is a lifetime appointment.
I don’t want to see a far right court swing. I want to see a centrist court who rules by the Constitution’s intent. Nobody is served well by an extremist court either way even if they are extremists in your own leaning
the problem with that is that constitutionalists are seen as "far right" now
In addition to Murkowski, I can see Romney and Collins saying no vote until an election
I don’t want to see a far right court swing. I want to see a centrist court who rules by the Constitution’s intent. Nobody is served well by an extremist court either way even if they are extremists in your own leaning

Garland was way to radical to replace Scalia but replacing RGB would be putting a more conservative on the bench.

But here is the thing, I see a couple conservative judges retiring over the next couple years so if he took the opportunity to put another conservative on the bench I would understand.
In addition to Murkowski, I can see Romney and Collins saying no vote until an election
Collins will definitely have to take that stand since she is up for reelection. There is no way she can vote in favor of a far right conservative and still win reelection... but I don't know about the other two.
What the left did to Kavanaugh? That is showing a one dimensional perspective. What about what the right did to Garland? Garland didn't even get a vote... but she wants to talk about Kavanaugh? Jeez.

Completely different situations. Apples and Oranges.
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You cry for all the babies who got ripped apart because of people like her.

I respect you but save me the WTF comments.

Mass genocide occurred because of her and her kind.

I cry for the 50 million kids who were slaughtered and ripped apart.

I DO NOT mourn her.

Mass genocide? ha
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Might want to change the title in the title from Judge to Justice. A Justice is a Judge but a Judge is not a Justice. There is a difference and it's a sign of respect to use the highest held.
Romney and Collins are probably no goes as well. I don’t think there will be a vote on this until after the election. If Trump wins he will get his pick. If he doesn’t it will be Biden’s choice.
Murkowski said she wouldn’t vote. That’s different than voting no. If Collins and Mittens follow suit on abstention it’s still 50-47
I will try to wait before politicizing this. It's just sad that this is what it's come too. This lady just died and people are already squeezing the rope for a tug of war.

I can say it's another good day to grab your popcorn to watch CNN andSNBC.

Personally I am not a fan of the hispanic lady on the SCOTUS. Has nothing to do with her race. I think she is an activist judge and is terrible.

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