Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away

...but he’s not a lame duck until he’s a lame duck.
"Fair is fair." - Sen. Lisa Murkowski

There is no way that Senators from blue states in close elections such as Susan Collins and Corey Gardner can vote in favor of a far right nominee before the election and keep their seats. Mitt Romney probably won't either. I think that makes four who wouldn't want a vote before the election.
Romney and Collins are probably no goes as well. I don’t think there will be a vote on this until after the election. If Trump wins he will get his pick. If he doesn’t it will be Biden’s choice.

You may be right. Given this event, my take is even though some people in the middle detest Trump, they know the SCOTUS cannot be turned over to the liberal left. They'll vote to protect the republic to get a center/right justice appointed.
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Leftist melt of the day.


I have a lot of respect for RBG, but she really f*/=&d the country over by not retiring during Obama's second term.
"Fair is fair." - Sen. Lisa Murkowski

There is no way that Senators from blue states in close elections such as Susan Collins and Corey Gardner can vote in favor of a far right nominee before the election and keep their seats. Mitt Romney probably won't either. I think that makes four who wouldn't want a vote before the election.
A lame duck senate can confirm judicial appointments between election day and January 3, 2021.
Romney and Collins are probably no goes as well. I don’t think there will be a vote on this until after the election. If Trump wins he will get his pick. If he doesn’t it will be Biden’s choice.

Either way it will be Trumps pick, they will confirm after the election.
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Romney and Collins are probably no goes as well. I don’t think there will be a vote on this until after the election. If Trump wins he will get his pick. If he doesn’t it will be Biden’s choice.
If Trump was shrewd, he would go ahead and nominate Merrick Garland. Biden will definitely go far left of Garland, if he wins.
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You may be right. Given this event, my take is even though some people in the middle detest Trump, they know the SCOTUS cannot be turned over to the liberal left. They'll vote to protect the republic to get a center/right justice appointed.
I think that is wishful thinking
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There’s no doubt that McConnell wants to move forward with a nominee. Whether or not it happens depends on if Republican senators fall in line. I think that there will be enough against a nomination for it to happen at this time.
We’ll see if they have the stones. Which rules Romney out.
"Fair is fair." - Sen. Lisa Murkowski

There is no way that Senators from blue states in close elections such as Susan Collins and Corey Gardner can vote in favor of a far right nominee before the election and keep their seats. Mitt Romney probably won't either. I think that makes four who wouldn't want a vote before the election.
I understand exactly what you’re saying, but to me it’s bad precedent after bad precedent. We started with Presidential appointment with advise and consent from the Senate. Then it became “Ok. But we’re not letting a lame duck have a SCOTUS nomination”. Now it’s “We can’t allow a nomination with an election in 2 months”. Next it will be “We can’t allow a vote in any election year”.

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