Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away

Hate to hear this (I'm not being sarcastic). I think she was an amazing person despite disagreeing with her politically.

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I wouldn't be so sure about that, if Biden wins and the Democrats also take control of the Senate.
If Biden wins and Democrats win control of the senate, why wouldn’t republicans move ahead with a nomination? The only way this doesn’t happen in the lame duck is if Trump wins and Republicans retain control of the senate.
If Biden wins and Democrats win control of the senate, why wouldn’t republicans move ahead with a nomination? The only way this doesn’t happen in the lame duck is of Trump wins and Republicans retain control of the senate.
We will see... That sets a horrible precedent for the future, given that Garland never got a vote. But I guess things can't get much more bitterly divided than they already are.
I understand exactly what you’re saying, but to me it’s bad precedent after bad precedent. We started with Presidential appointment with advise and consent from the Senate. Then it became “Ok. But we’re not letting a lame duck have a SCOTUS nomination”. Now it’s “We can’t allow a nomination with an election in 2 months”. Next it will be “We can’t allow a vote in any election year”.
Next bad precedent will be “you stole a seat from us so we’re packing the court.”
We will see... That sets a horrible precedent for the future, given that Garland never got a vote. But I guess things can't get much more bitterly divided than they already are.
Do you know anything about Mitch McConnell and how he operates? I don’t think he cares one iota about “precedent.”
This is what I hate about politics, she just passed and now her family has to see a bunch of overpaid a$$hats fight over her seat within hours of her death. Both sides are wrong for doing anything other than honoring her right now. I didn't agree with her politics but she lead the way and she was a role model for a lot of people. This is disgusting
Apparently from pancreatic cancer. She had been battling it for a while. Bless her heart. The good kind.

Whether you agree with her opinions or not (and I didn't), I respect her for the position she held as a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. She deserves the honors that go with that office.

RIP Justice Ginsberg.
RIP.......She was a hero to millions.

When the Trump catastrophe began, I said there were three people who deserved to live until the nightmare was over......
John Lewis, RBG, and Jimmy Carter.

How incredibly sad on so many levels.
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This is what I hate about politics, she just passed and now her family has to see a bunch of overpaid a$$hats fight over her seat within hours of her death. Both sides are wrong for doing anything other than honoring her right now. I didn't agree with her politics but she lead the way and she was a role model for a lot of people. This is disgusting

Well she is to blame for that, she should have retired 5 years ago.
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