Kavanaugh Confirmation









Daily Mail photos of Leftist Fascists being evicted from Kavanaugh hearing.

The one in the purple hijad is Lynda sarSOUR.
I think Mr Blumenthal has bigger issues than stolen valor. Watching him shake and his semi purple lips.
Do you also make light of Susan Collins speech impediment and shaking or is that strictly a partisan thing? You're such a compassionate nurse. Kudos.
Do you also make light of Susan Collins speech impediment and shaking or is that strictly a partisan thing? You're such a compassionate nurse. Kudos.

I can’t wait for this reply LOL.
Okay, I'll give you the fact I did not specifically state "on CNN's main page" last night when I posted that.

Regardless, the point stands. They covered the initial opening remarks, the idiot Code Pink group and little else from the hearing on their page yesterday.
I was at the gym watching CNN and FOX and I noticed the same thing. FOX was covering the hearings, and CNN had on talking heads going all 'muh Trump' something or other. I thought it odd that for such an anti Trump network they weren't covering the most important thing he has done as of late that will apparently overturn Roe v Wade and put black people back in chains just to name a couple.
I hope Rs do the same thing next time a socialist president picks a SC justice. Complain,be rude,pay protesters,be completely disrespectful
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I hope Rs do the same thing next time a socialist president picks a SC justice. Complain,be rude,pay protesters,be completely disrespectful

I don’t think we are going to be seeing a liberal president anytime soon.
I don’t think we are going to be seeing a liberal president anytime soon.
Hope not but it will happen again one day and when that day comes it's time for every R to treat justices and anyone named to any position the same way President Trump's nominees have been treated. Harass them in restaurants and vote against every one of them
"Nope" with a bogus excuse.

If RBG were to resign/retire in 2019 or 2020, do you think they'd apply the same standard?

I'm thinking "Nope'

A) Blame the Dims they created said bogus excuse.

B) Nope! 😬 Again, (Senate) elections have consequences. The Senate cannot pick who they want as a justice. But they can damn sure say who they don’t want.

Also Scalia passed away in Feb 2016, within the election year and 9 mos from the election. If a SCOTUS seat opens in 2019 I’d say you fill that seat. Doesn’t mean an opposing senate would fill it but I think they should.
A) Blame the Dims they created said bogus excuse.

B) Nope! 😬 Again, (Senate) elections have consequences. The Senate cannot pick who they want as a justice. But they can damn sure say who they don’t want.

Also Scalia passed away in Feb 2016, within the election year and 9 mos from the election. If a SCOTUS seat opens in 2019 I’d say you fill that seat. Doesn’t mean an opposing senate would fill it but I think they should.

They wouldn't follow their own precedent regardless, is what I'm saying. The time frame is relevant, because if he'd died a month or two earlier, I think the result would have been the same.
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