Kavanaugh Confirmation

Yes, you do, but David Souter and Anthony Kennedy would beg to differ. And I don't think many expected John Roberts' swing vote on Obamacare.

That’s why the main goal for either party is to put as many picks on the bench as possible and hope the odds are in your favor
Yes, you do, but David Souter and Anthony Kennedy would beg to differ. And I don't think many expected John Roberts' swing vote on Obamacare.

Exhibit one: Kagan and Sotomayor. I don't think you can go back further than ten years to use your argument anymore.
Do you also make light of Susan Collins speech impediment and shaking or is that strictly a partisan thing? You're such a compassionate nurse. Kudos.
I was not making fun of Blumenthal. Merely pointing out, from my experience, that he has health issues. When i see certain signs, i know what it means. He is a man of advanced age and i happen to deal with that populace daily.
No matter what side of the isle you are on you has to give this man props for being able to sit through 30 min question and answer sessions knowing that just one mistake in his wording will set off a firestorm , I don’t know how people like him are able to remember details of case law on every decision he’s ever made .. very impressive .
I just want to see the screeching from the DNC if Trump nominated him.
You know if Ginsburg leaves I think he’d be a decent candidate. And I don’t want to see an extreme court one way or the other. That wouldn’t serve the majority of the country I feel. I remember when his name came up I seriously thought “wow this guy looks like a great candidate” he just had the stink of Big Ears Barry on him.
You know if Ginsburg leaves I think he’d be a decent candidate. And I don’t want to see an extreme court one way or the other. That wouldn’t serve the majority of the country I feel. I remember when his name came up I seriously thought “wow this guy looks like a great candidate” he just had the stink of Big Ears Barry on him.

You know, the odd thing is he and Kavanaugh are kinda similar. Both are well respected in their positions and in the legal community, both have good knowledge of the law, but neither have (to my knowledge) been involved in high profile, game changing legal decisions. I mean, Gorsuch had the Hobby Lobby case the media dwelled on, but neither Garland nor Kavanaugh have been involved in anything really controversial.

I'm sure CWV or another legal type can or will point out something major they did, bit all told, they really are low key.
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You know, the odd thing is he and Kavanaugh are kinda similar. Both are well respected in their positions and in the legal community, both have good knowledge of the law, but neither have (to my knowledge) been involved in high profile, game changing legal decisions. I mean, Gorsuch had the Hobby Lobby case the media dwelled on, but neither Garland nor Kavanaugh have been involved in anything really controversial.

I'm sure CWV or another legal type can or will point out something major they did, bit all told, they really are low key.

Well it's all about politics now days. Obama nominated him thinking he wouldn't get a vote. He figured he'd leave it to Hillary.
If the Republicans would actually nominate him when RBG croaks, they would oppose him too.
Well it's all about politics now days. Obama nominated him thinking he wouldn't get a vote. He figured he'd leave it to Hillary.
If the Republicans would actually nominate him when RBG croaks, they would oppose him too.

The GOP would oppose Garland or the DNC?

From all accounts, he was a pretty middle of the road justice from all accounts.
You know if Ginsburg leaves I think he’d be a decent candidate. And I don’t want to see an extreme court one way or the other. That wouldn’t serve the majority of the country I feel. I remember when his name came up I seriously thought “wow this guy looks like a great candidate” he just had the stink of Big Ears Barry on him.

Ginsburg isn’t retiring, she’s a crusader that believes the country needs her. She will die on the bench.
No matter what side of the isle you are on you has to give this man props for being able to sit through 30 min question and answer sessions knowing that just one mistake in his wording will set off a firestorm , I don’t know how people like him are able to remember details of case law on every decision he’s ever made .. very impressive .

HRC agrees.
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Democrats are really, really angry.

Every now and then, it’s worth recalling what it is they are so angry about. It boils down to this: they are powerless, unable to enact a progressive agenda disliked by the majority of the country. Since Democrats are in the minority in Congress, they cannot legislate. Since President Trump beat Hillary Clinton, they lost the ability to whip up diktats through White House executive orders.

And if Judge Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed as an associate justice of the Supreme Court, Democrats won’t be able to look to that branch of government to further their ends.

Liz Peek: At Kavanaugh hearing, Democratic anger boils over
HRC agrees.

LOL ... maybe just me but I didnt see a group of people handing him notes all the time like see had just to turn around and say something stupid that would be made into memes and audio clips for decades .... “ AT THIS POINT , WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?” Hes more than holding his own quoting case files .

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