Serious answer, I'm not sure what facts to believe. It was a long time ago and so I'm not sure we can ever feel like we are confident in knowing the accurate facts.
Unlike everyone else, however, I do not question the sincerity of either K or Ford. I think she genuinely believes it happened as she remembers it and I do not think she was put up to it by the Clintons, etc. On the other hand, I think K believes fully in his denials and is not hiding something.
To me, the Dems' demand for more inquiries etc is silly because its not going to help prove whether it happened or not. On the other hand, the GOP's claims that the Dems had this lady fabricate it I find equally absurd.
People hoping for a smoking gun were never going to get what they wanted. It annoys me when either side claims they found one because that is just not, and never was going to be, true.