Kellie Harper discussion/debate thread [merged]

Kellie had Tennessee ranked#4
Kellie beat South Carolina once I think.
Josh Heaupel not beat Georgia yet.
Or has Josh Heaupel made it to Sec championship game like Kellie.
All non playoffs bowls are like Women's basketball non NCAA tournament just a place for players to get play more games and get more money for the University
Reread that out loud. Terms like had and once aren’t worthy of staying.

And in regard to Heupel, Neyland stadium each week says he’s doing what he needs to be doing currently.
I do often. Tourist trap for burnt mediocre ribs
When you start counterarguing jokes, maybe you are getting a little too wrapped up in your contrarian persona.

You now have me wondering- are you the latest incarnation of Darth/Elvee, who has sort of disappeared?
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I usually wouldn't make a comment in a Vol post, but I see these former Vol coaches trying too hard and under so much pressure because they are alumni. I would think an outside of the program hire would be better. Geno wasn't a Husky and Dawn wasn't a Gamecock. Waltz didn't play at Louisville and Mulkey didn't play at Baylor or LSU VanDerveer didn't play at Stanford. I am starting to see a pattern here.....
yes all true i look at the new Alabama football coach couple of years coaching washington couple more at Fresno State played in south dakota i think.... no restrictions we need an alum with shorter hair brown eyes etc...... i never understand those who call for staley ($3M) or Moore (67 years old) or walz ($2M plus.... plus no real interest in TN) Alabama did their homework they were ready with succession when saban called it a career 18 years ago the steelers were ready mike tomlin was an assistant coach somewhere he was not the sexy pick
When you start counterarguing jokes, maybe you are getting a little too wrapped up in your contrarian persona.

You now have me wondering- are you the latest incarnation of Darth/Elvee, who has sort of disappeared?
Not sure who Elvee is maybe before my time but Darth and I have been seen in the same message at the same time. So there’s probably more among us with similar views than those of all shucks, get along gang, maybe next time mentality.

Free Darth Friday.
Because its Tennessee. Now we do not look that we are "Tennessee" right now, but guys like Walz have a huge ego and relish in the fact of returning something to its glory. Not many coaches like this. But he is one of them. He has a edge and would have come here for less. I have said this before. I am not guessing or speculating on this either.
i just know that he has used us for leverage on at least 2 contracts....... i honestly don't think he has interest in us especially now that he has his money.......

Hard to get us back to the days of wine and roses..... difficult in that holly was allowed to stay 7 years..... now kellie is here 5 and counting......

i have questioned for a while athletic dept commitment to the program..... i can only hope for the right moves to be made hwy that is the mode we all are in .
Not sure who Elvee is maybe before my time but Darth and I have been seen in the same message at the same time. So there’s probably more among us with similar views than those of all shucks, get along gang, maybe next time mentality.

Free Darth Friday.
Don't always agree with Darth
But never had personal attack my Darth
Far as calling people trolls its fun way Telling those who are for Kellie getting fired you still support her.
Not sure who Elvee is maybe before my time but Darth and I have been seen in the same message at the same time. So there’s probably more among us with similar views than those of all shucks, get along gang, maybe next time mentality.

Free Darth Friday.
Kellie getting more complains on Facebook.
But their breaking point is not making NCAA tournament. Mostly
Kellie still has got more than half defender her.
But if they don't make NCAA tournament
I believe they more people on their who in the same boat as you.
This is what happened last time. Walz to Tennessee was done if Tennessee wanted him. Fulmer did. But as you say "Subaru" or whatever term you would like to call them, got involved. We must move on. Let me be very clear, there is only one Pat. Just like there will be only one Geno or Tara. I just don't understand why everyone does not want what's best for our program.
You tell them OldNSlow I said in another post that if Waltz came here now he would win a championship with in 3 years
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I was a Kelly fan seemed a good hire, but simple truth she just isn't getting the job done. Kelly needs to be replaced....soon.
Needs to be gone after last regular season game but there still half the fans thinks she needs more time obviously they are the ones that want only LVS being the coach.
I love the “who you gonna get to replace her” crowd as if replacing a slightly above average coach is hard to do lol and that’s being generous. I have no doubt she is a very nice person and is doing the best she can but it’s year 5 and they aren’t improving. Next year is looking pretty bleak as well but I think she will get at least one more year

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