Where do you get your info, or you can't share, pretty credible? This does sound much more likely.It was a single punch, broken nose, sore jaw...Cheivous still on team.
These things gonna happen
So Stokes jacks a kid in the face, breaks his nose and jaw, yet isn't punished? CM calling the incident a "tough practice" may come back to haunt him if he is lying.
Just too many factors for me not to believe that's what went down.
Any links on Cheivous injuries? I find it hard to believe that a scholarship player at UT could have gotten those type injuries, in a fight no less, and it not be leaked to ESPN or the like by now. For that matter, Martin strikes me as the kind of guy that would have released this type info by now, if it is indeed true.
Yep. I can't think of any reason Memphis fans would want to start rumors about Stokes. /sarcasm
Where do you get your info, or you can't share, pretty credible? This does sound much more likely.
Any details as what exactly caused this or what happened. I'm assuming chievous hasn't been on the bench because of facial damages that's give away the incident?
So how does one walk around campus with a broken nose and nobody notice? If was from a punch, probably blacked the eyes too. Also, are practices closed? Seems someone would have saw it.
For those asking why he isn't on bench, he has been sitting in student section behind the dance team since early January.
The facts are obviously coming from someone close to the UT basketball program.
Also, as a Memphis fan, I like Stokes. I want him to do well, he'll always be a Memphis kid.
It doesn't seem as if anything will come of this, so who cares? Handled internally.
Not to pick a fight. But what facts? I cannot find anything on any site except your posts that are saying this happened. Maybe you are right and it did, but stuff like this doesn't stay hidden and this is something that would have happened a week ago.
Not to pick a fight. But what facts? I cannot find anything on any site except your posts that are saying this happened. Maybe you are right and it did, but stuff like this doesn't stay hidden and this is something that would have happened a week ago.