Kevin McCarthy, did in fact, tell Liz Cheney that he would ask Trump to Resign. (AUDIO)



1 star recruit
Sep 18, 2013


On January 10, 2021, in the aftermath of the January 6th riot at the Capital, Republican House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy, told Rep. Liz Cheney in a recorded phone conversation that he would talk to then-President Donald Trump and recommend that Trump resign as the President of the United States.

As recently as yesterday (Thursday April 21st, 2022), House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, flatly denied that this conversation with Rep. Liz Cheney ever took place.

Audio contradicts McCarthy's denial that he considered asking Trump to resign after Capitol riot | CNN Politics

Bombshell New Audio Destroys Kevin McCarthy’s Credibility And Could Damage His Career

New audio undermines McCarthy’s denial over Jan 6 comments - live

McCarthy said he would urge Trump to resign after Jan. 6, new audio reveals

New audio confirms Rep. Kevin McCarthy told House GOP members that he was going to urge Trump to resign following Jan. 6

McCarthy planned to tell Trump to resign after Jan. 6: new audio

What are the ramifications of this, you ask?

This is not a good development for Kevin McCarthy's prospects of becoming the Speaker of the House next January, when the Republican Party takes control of the House of Representatives ... which they definitely will. McCarthy's fate will likely rest with how Donald Trump wants to handle it. My guess is, that this audio recording is not going to sit well with Trump.
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In the immediate aftermath of the January 6th riot at the Capital, Republican House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy, told Rep. Liz Cheney in a recorded phone conversation that he would talk to then-President Donald Trump and recommend that Trump resign as the President of the United States.

In the past, House Minority Leader McCarthy, has flatly denied that this conversation with Rep. Liz Cheney ever took place.

Audio contradicts McCarthy's denial that he considered asking Trump to resign after Capitol riot | CNN Politics

Bombshell New Audio Destroys Kevin McCarthy’s Credibility And Could Damage His Career

New audio undermines McCarthy’s denial over Jan 6 comments - live

What are the ramifications of this, you ask?

This is not a good development for Kevin McCarthy's prospects of becoming the Speaker of the House next January, when the Republican Party takes control of the House of Representatives ... which they definitely will. McCarthy's fate will likely rest with how Donald Trump wants to handle it. My guess is, that this audio recording is not going to sit well with Trump.

Breaking news … politician lies to protect his position , news at 7 . Solution- immediate impeachment and not allowed to hold any federal job for 10 years if proven guilty . We aren’t interested in solutions though .
I definitely agree with you that this isn't a good look for McCarthy. Was this recording in the immediate aftermath of Jan. 6?? I will say that we now know a lot more details about what truly happened on that day. McCarthy's approach and words may have been a lot different had he known what we know now of how in some cases the police were basically welcoming the "insurrectionists" inside.
Breaking news … politician lies to protect his position , news at 7 . Solution- immediate impeachment and not allowed to hold any federal job for 10 years if proven guilty . We aren’t interested in solutions though .
Breaking news ... Donald Trump is a thin-skinned, petty and vindictive person. He won't like this audio recording one damn bit. Trump will want pay back for this, and he will rally his allies in the House (and there are plenty of Trump fan boys in the House of Reps.) against McCarthy's bid to be the next Speaker.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy just lost Speaker of the House.
I definitely agree with you that this isn't a good look for McCarthy. Was this recording in the immediate aftermath of Jan. 6?? I will say that we now know a lot more details about what truly happened on that day. McCarthy's approach and words may have been a lot different had he known what we know now of how in some cases the police were basically welcoming the "insurrectionists" inside.
That is an understatement. At the very least, McCarthy has lied his butt off.
Breaking news ... Donald Trump is a thin-skinned, petty and vindictive person. He won't like this audio recording one damn bit. Trump will want pay back for this, and he will rally his allies in the House (and there are plenty of Trump fan boys in the House of Reps.) against McCarthy's bid to be the next Speaker.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy just lost Speaker of the House.

More breaking news .. Ex president Trump doesn’t matter and I’m sure they will find someone to replace him as speaker . Will it really matter who is speaker as long as Pelosi is done ? The drunken witch is on her last run and everyone should be both happy and ashamed that she was able to keep maneuvering herself back into that role for so many years . We should adopt a law that says any multimillionaire congressman that has trouble keeping the plates in when they talk should be automatically retired . I’m all about solutions .
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Just for fun since we are shocked about a potential speaker of the house lying , I googled .. Pelosi lied . You should try it and watch what happens 😂

Edit : then do Chuck Schumer lied 😂
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I definitely agree with you that this isn't a good look for McCarthy. Was this recording in the immediate aftermath of Jan. 6?? I will say that we now know a lot more details about what truly happened on that day. McCarthy's approach and words may have been a lot different had he known what we know now of how in some cases the police were basically welcoming the "insurrectionists" inside.
It was January 10th.
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I definitely agree with you that this isn't a good look for McCarthy. Was this recording in the immediate aftermath of Jan. 6?? I will say that we now know a lot more details about what truly happened on that day. McCarthy's approach and words may have been a lot different had he known what we know now of how in some cases the police were basically welcoming the "insurrectionists" inside.

After windows/doors were broken and they were being overrun. Don’t be a dummy and act like this was okay.
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Wait, what ? A politician has lied? I am shocked, just stunned and outraged at this new development in politics. This could set a precedent and set the tone for more lying politicians, therefore it must not be allowed to go unpunished, if you let McCarthy be the first politician to lie others will most certainly follow.

Geez ... what a new development and giant nothing burger. If anything, it’ll make him super qualified to be elected POTUS one day by our current low standard voting population.
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More breaking news .. Ex president Trump doesn’t matter and I’m sure they will find someone to replace him as speaker . Will it really matter who is speaker as long as Pelosi is done ? The drunken witch is on her last run and everyone should be both happy and ashamed that she was able to keep maneuvering herself back into that role for so many years . We should adopt a law that says any multimillionaire congressman that has trouble keeping the plates in when they talk should be automatically retired . I’m all about solutions .
If Trump didn't matter, why would candidates seek and then flaunt his endorsement?
We all know the answer to that one.
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I definitely agree with you that this isn't a good look for McCarthy. Was this recording in the immediate aftermath of Jan. 6?? I will say that we now know a lot more details about what truly happened on that day. McCarthy's approach and words may have been a lot different had he known what we know now of how in some cases the police were basically welcoming the "insurrectionists" inside.

That's why it's important to not make half baked statements shortly afterwards. I'm not sure why McCarthy is republican leader of the house anyway. Funny that he was instrumental of stripping Chaney of her powers.
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