Kevin McCarthy, did in fact, tell Liz Cheney that he would ask Trump to Resign. (AUDIO)

It would be more like
I ask that you consider trying tonight's special.
I recommend tonight's special.

Not much of a difference.

Except that is not how it was phrased. "He would ask" is not the same as "recommend". Title is misleading
I am of the opinion that until more people "waste" their votes we will never get more viable choices. By "wasting" my vote, I hope that encourages others to do it in the future.
Optimism? You feeling okay? ;)

We may disagree on what defines a viable choice or what the better choice from the viable options actually is but I share your hope. If we cannot find better people to lead, then the future is very bleak indeed. What's ironic to me is how Americans are improving over time (with notable, vocal exceptions acknowledged). As a society we are more integrated, more peaceful, more prosperous, more helpful, and more connected than at any other point in history. All of those improvements have not been inspired or enhanced by any politician. And yet, our political choices continue to worsen.
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They are obviously speaking about a hypothetical conversation, which hasn't happened yet. However, Kevin McCarthy said more than that he was just "considering" having that conversation.

After expressing a concern at the 1:18 mark in the audio recording that a conversation with Trump might shift towards a potential pardon from Mike Pence, McCarthy said the following :

"Again, the only discussion I would have with him (Trump) is that I think this (a House impeachment resolution) will pass, and it would be my recommendation you (Trump) should resign.

I mean, that would be my take, but I don't think he would take it. But I don't know."

You frequently split hairs in effort to make things seem more favorable to the Republican side. That isn't possible here.

Anyway you look at this, McCarthy lied yesterday when he referred to the story in The New York Times as being "totally wrong and false." The New York Times reporters were specific about what was said in this conversation between McCarthy and Cheney, but that didn't stop McCarthy from saying that it didn't happen. Kevin McCarthy is a flat out liar. No two ways about it.

Saying I'm going to do something is different than saying I'm considering doing something.

I'm not defending McCarthy, I'm correcting an overstated headline from you.
Saying I'm going to do something is different than saying I'm considering doing something.

I'm not defending McCarthy, I'm correcting an overstated headline from you.
As I've already explained, I had started to leave the topic of the thread as:

"Kevin McCarthy did, in fact, discuss recommending Trump's resignation with Liz Cheney."

I went with the topic as it appears now, in the interest of having fewer characters ...

... and I was afraid of getting arrested by the grammar police for having the 1st comma out of place. LOL.

You guys kill me.
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Opinion | Kevin McCarthy Will Live to Lie Again

This is an editorial from Politico which offers a differing view of this story than what I've mostly been seeing today. The more I think about this, their opinion is probably accurate. As long as Kevin McCarthy is willing to sacrifice his dignity and beg for Trump's forgiveness (and he will), then he probably has nothing to worry about as far as his standing from within the party is concerned.
Opinion | Kevin McCarthy Will Live to Lie Again

This is an editorial from Politico which offers a differing view of this story than what I've mostly been seeing today. The more I think about this, their opinion is probably accurate. As long as Kevin McCarthy is willing to sacrifice his dignity and beg for Trump's forgiveness (and he will), then he probably has nothing to worry about as far as his standing from within the party is concerned.

This is hilarious. As if any politician has "dignity".
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As far as Kevin McCarthy is concerned? No. He really looks like an a$$ right now ...

Let's see here ...

1) DISHONEST? ............ (check) (No explanation necessary.)

2) UNPRINCIPLED? ...... (check) (He flew down down to Mar-A-Lago in February, and cozied up to Trump like nothing had ever happened - a month after telling Cheney that Trump should resign.)

3) TWO-FACED? ...........,. (check) (See #2)

4) STUPID? ....................... (check) (He should have known that Liz Cheney was the source of that report, and that she had given those reporters that audio recording.)

5) HYPOCRITICAL? ........ (check) (He accused The New York Times reporters of being liars, yesterday.)

... and this guy was going to be your party's next Speaker of the House? Wow.

Is there anything you listed above that doesn’t describe Pelosi , Schumer or the Turtle ? If you are honest then you have the answer as to “ How he could be speaker “
Is there anything you listed above that doesn’t describe Pelosi , Schumer or the Turtle ? If you are honest then you have the answer as to “ How he could be speaker “
Always forget about the fingers pointing back when they decide to point at the faults of others.
Always forget about the fingers pointing back when they decide to point at the faults of others.

They mostly just ignore it and keep pushing the unscrupulous angle . It’s fascinating to watch when a simple goggle search would blow that out of the water .

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