Kevin McCarthy, did in fact, tell Liz Cheney that he would ask Trump to Resign. (AUDIO)

Seems as though you have the same energy to ignore the buffoonery and damage by Biden? Seems as we near mid-terms the script is flipping to distance those Dems up for re-election from Biden.

I think Biden is a buffoon too. No argument from me. So, now what?
His results are why many support him. His approach is why many would prefer Desantis.

His results blew. Huge deficits. Boosted the already chugging economy by spending like a drunken sailor. Then mismanaged covid with the exception of his support of the vaccine process. Alienated allies. Comforted enemies. It was an unmitigated disaster.
I agree, the culture war definitely comes from both parties and is equally worthless to prudent governance for both. I wasn’t trying to say it doesn’t.

I don’t know that it’s the sole focus for the actual DNC, but their other policies haven’t done anything to move the needle in the right direction since taking over, either.
It is interesting how we view the "opposing" political ideology. Rs are adamant the left is trying to destroy traditional culture. Ls are convinced Rs are dead set on returning to a Puritan society. Sadly, the only casualties in the culture wars are those who esteem individual freedom and free association of individuals above all else...we are the ones suffering collateral damage.
Likely voting third party and wasting my vote.
In Florida, you have to be really convicted to go that route because the electoral votes are significant and the state is unpredictable.
I abstain in Tennessee because they all suck. But it isn't consequential because TN is going red no matter what.
thread title doesn't match what McCarthy said - he did not tell Cheney he would ask Trump to resign. He did tell her he was considering having that conversation.
And here it is! Someone seeing the media manipulation of how headlines get simpletons going.
"Most had worked hard and followed the rules only to see their chance at a better life pissed away or stolen by wolves in sheeps clothing."
What does that mean? How was it pissed away? What exactly was stolen? How is it they do not have a better life?
It sounds like they are angry and bitter over their own shortcomings and looking for a way to direct their anger at something other than their selves.
Are you referring to BLM with that last statement
As far as Kevin McCarthy is concerned? No. He really looks like an a$$ right now ...

Let's see here ...

1) DISHONEST? ............ (check) (No explanation necessary.)

2) UNPRINCIPLED? ...... (check) (He flew down down to Mar-A-Lago in February, and cozied up to Trump like nothing had ever happened - a month after telling Cheney that Trump should resign.)

3) TWO-FACED? ...........,. (check) (See #2)

4) STUPID? ....................... (check) (He should have known that Liz Cheney was the source of that report, and that she had given those reporters that audio recording.)

5) HYPOCRITICAL? ........ (check) (He accused The New York Times reporters of being liars, yesterday.)

... and this guy was going to be your party's next Speaker of the House? Wow.

Even taking all of the above into consideration he would be a huge upgrade over the witch thats holding that position now
thread title doesn't match what McCarthy said - he did not tell Cheney he would ask Trump to resign. He did tell her he was considering having that conversation.
They are obviously speaking about a hypothetical conversation, which hasn't happened yet. However, Kevin McCarthy said more than that he was just "considering" having that conversation.

After expressing a concern at the 1:18 mark in the audio recording that a conversation with Trump might shift towards a potential pardon from Mike Pence, McCarthy said the following :

"Again, the only discussion I would have with him (Trump) is that I think this (a House impeachment resolution) will pass, and it would be my recommendation you (Trump) should resign.

I mean, that would be my take, but I don't think he would take it. But I don't know."

You frequently split hairs in effort to make things seem more favorable to the Republican side. That isn't possible here.

Anyway you look at this, McCarthy lied yesterday when he referred to the story in The New York Times as being "totally wrong and false." The New York Times reporters were specific about what was said in this conversation between McCarthy and Cheney, but that didn't stop McCarthy from saying that it didn't happen. Kevin McCarthy is a flat out liar. No two ways about it.
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And here it is! Someone seeing the media manipulation of how headlines get simpletons going.
There is not an element of "media manipulation" involved with this story. That isn't neccessary when you have a lying idiot like McCarthy basically hanging himself with his own words.
In Florida, you have to be really convicted to go that route because the electoral votes are significant and the state is unpredictable.
I abstain in Tennessee because they all suck. But it isn't consequential because TN is going red no matter what.

I am of the opinion that until more people "waste" their votes we will never get more viable choices. By "wasting" my vote, I hope that encourages others to do it in the future.
Are you referring to BLM with that last statement
Not BLM.........................
But I 100% draw many correlations between those who riot and loot with those who blindly follow Trumpism.
They are far more alike than not.
Book banners and looters are two sides of the same coin.
There is not an element of "media manipulation" involved with this story. That isn't neccessary when you have a lying idiot like McCarthy basically hanging himself with his own words.

Except the audio said, McCarthy would recommend he resign. My I ask you a question about tonight's special .... may I recommend tonight's special. Not the same. But nice try.

Kevin McCarthy, did in fact, tell Liz Cheney that he would ask Trump to Resign
Except the audio said, McCarthy would recommend he resign. My I ask you a question about tonight's special .... may I recommend tonight's special. Not the same. But nice try.

Kevin McCarthy, did in fact, tell Liz Cheney that he would ask Trump to Resign
Right. There are fewer characters in the word "ask", than in the word "recommend". So that is what I went with. Does it change the dynamic of the story? No, it doesn't.

You are desperately trying to make this story sound like a creation of the liberal media or suggest that my headline to this thread on VolNation is somehow a big deal... It is a story created by Kevin McCarthy. If he wasn't a liar... it wouldn't be a story at all.
Except the audio said, McCarthy would recommend he resign. My I ask you a question about tonight's special .... may I recommend tonight's special. Not the same. But nice try.

Kevin McCarthy, did in fact, tell Liz Cheney that he would ask Trump to Resign
It would be more like
I ask that you consider trying tonight's special.
I recommend tonight's special.

Not much of a difference.
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It would be more like
I ask that you consider trying tonight's special.
I recommend tonight's special.

Not much of a difference.
I actually had it "recommend" at first ... But I wanted something shorter for a thread topic, and so I changed it to "ask". You are correct that it's not much of a difference. Am I surprised that the flying monkeys from the right are splitting hairs over it? No, I'm not.
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