Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

Uh, this pipeline comes from Canada, right?

Uhhh, Canada doesn't happen to be across the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans. Hence "over" and "seas" meaning "beyond the seas, abroad." Specifically the Middle East.

Just give up this attempt to pick apart my post and find fault. It reeks of basic reading comprehension fail and lack of common sense 4th grade geography.
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Obama's trying to avoid any decision on this project as long as possible, because it has him between a rock and a hard place. If he approves it, he pisses off the environmentalists. If he rejects it, he pisses off the unions. The only way he doesn't alienate a significant faction of his supporters is to stay neutral.


This has nothing to do with pizzing off unions or environmentalists. What makes you think he gives a crap about either, they can't vote for him again?

This has 100% to do with paying back his big money donors and ensuring future funding.
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This has nothing to do with pizzing off unions or environmentalists. What makes you think he gives a crap about either, they can't vote for him again?

This has 100% to do with paying back his big money donors and ensuring future funding.


Hillary will need that funding.
Nothing to do with Hillary either, I don't believe she would be Obama's 1st choice as his replacement.

The funding is all about HIS future.

You don't think he will ride off in the sunset?

And I don't think it's his choice on Hillary. He's real lucky she didn't have him taken out.
I would bet neither. Look for his old buddy Rahm to throw his hat in the ring.

That's a name that hasn't been tossed around yet, but I had this feeling a while back that he was a contender.

And it's a scary thought.
You don't think he will ride off in the sunset?

And I don't think it's his choice on Hillary. He's real lucky she didn't have him taken out.

I don't. Look how he has changed the structure of his PACs and campaign organization.

She missed her chance, he now has just as many fanatical followers and devotees (or more) than the Clintons. They lost their grip on the brass ring.
That's a name that hasn't been tossed around yet, but I had this feeling a while back that he was a contender.

And it's a scary thought.

I'd bet money he runs. He might be smart and let HC and JB slug it out a little, dirty each other up some then jump in. He will have Obama's war chest behind him.
That's a name that hasn't been tossed around yet, but I had this feeling a while back that he was a contender.

And it's a scary thought.

He'll have to take time out from his busy schedule at the down low spa that he and Barry are members of.
We might just have to kill ourselves if Rahm is elected president. I really don't know if I could take it. I guess I could move & live in a cabin, out of touch with the world, in Montana near Glacier National Park. Live like Jermiah Johnson did way up in the Rocky Mtns. away from society.
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I'd bet money he runs. He might be smart and let HC and JB slug it out a little, dirty each other up some then jump in. He will have Obama's war chest behind him.

I'm still unsure if Biden would run or not. It's unusual for a Veep not to throw their hat in the ring, but not unheard of. And he really has been the biggest gaff producing figurehead since Quayle so there is that.

And the political angle of this is what is a little scary. Being Chief of Staff, you know everyone's dirty laundry. And with the AG in his corner, you know there is dirt to be dug up.
I'm still unsure if Biden would run or not. It's unusual for a Veep not to throw their hat in the ring, but not unheard of. And he really has been the biggest gaff producing figurehead since Quayle so there is that.

And the political angle of this is what is a little scary. Being Chief of Staff, you know everyone's dirty laundry. And with the AG in his corner, you know there is dirt to be dug up.

He is set up for a run, hell he can even tout executive experience, something Barry couldn't.
He is set up for a run, hell he can even tout executive experience, something Barry couldn't.

I just look at the stats from the GOP front runner thread that almost the same percent of people that would pick Biden would chose someone else.

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion
of Joe Biden?
Favorable........................................................ 34%
Unfavorable .................................................... 49%
Not sure .......................................................... 18%

Given the choices of Joe Biden, Cory Booker,
Andrew Cuomo, Kirsten Gillibrand, Martin
O’Malley, Brian Schweitzer, Mark Warner, and
Elizabeth Warren, who would you most like to
see as the Democratic candidate for President
in 2016?
Joe Biden........................................................ 32%
Cory Booker.................................................... 7%
Andrew Cuomo ............................................... 7%
Kirsten Gillibrand ............................................ 3%
Martin O'Malley............................................... 1%
Brian Schweitzer ............................................. 2%
Mark Warner ................................................... 2%
Elizabeth Warren ............................................ 16%
Someone else/Not sure .................................. 31%

Hillary was the overwhelming choice by 2/3rds in the same survey, but was omitted for that question to gauge interest in the second best.
Let's see...

66% support the project, 23% opposed. Leaving 11% as unknown, but still won't even make half if they swayed those. And this day in age getting 66% of the people to agree on anything is miraculous.

But we have a president that is courting the environmentalist vote to include extremist groups that threaten "civil disobedience" if the pipeline goes through. And could have been courting the oil industry, roughnecks and supporting jobs that could and would put people to work. But I guess it's better to have them on welfare and to continue getting our oil from overseas sources specifically from nations that typically hate Americans, but love our dollars.

It's BS to have sat on this for so long and after making the oil industry make so many changes voluntarily. Five studies and they all reach the same conclusion that this will have negligible impact on the environment, will create jobs and infrastructure and will lessen our dependence on overseas oil sources. But I guess in the name of politics, that doesn't matter.

Y'all need to make up your minds on what the worst reason is and just stick with that. As is, you keep drifting back and forth between justifications. If I didn't know better I'd say you are just making it up and you don’t really have a clue as to the policy or politics of it.
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