Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

What did we all get from solyndra and other failed stimulus fiascos?

"It literally kick-started the whole utility-scale photovoltaic industry," Moniz says. The program funded the first of five huge solar projects in the West. Moniz says before that, developers couldn't get money from private lenders. But now, with proven business models, they can.

But he says the Energy Department doesn't want to go too far in the direction of only lending to safe investments. "We have to be careful that we don't walk away from risk, because otherwise we're not really going to advance the marketplace," he says.

Moniz points to a small company called Beacon Power as an example. It got an Energy Department loan, went bankrupt and defaulted on about $14 million in debt. Today the company is back in business, providing a valuable service to electricity grids and repaying the rest of its loan."
Keystone was never about 1 pipeline to the gulf. It was about an offshoot line to ship to the east coast refineries, mainly the big one outside of Philly. This is the reason Obama is blocking it. If the east coast refineries could get WTI they would no longer need to buy Brent.
He's batting .005% so yeah, I could do better than him.

How is it gonna taint waters? Besides, got create all these new jobs for all these immigrants coming illegally.

Actually we are catching them and paying money to put them into prisons so the CCA can turn huge profits.
Keystone was never about 1 pipeline to the gulf. It was about an offshoot line to ship to the east coast refineries, mainly the big one outside of Philly. This is the reason Obama is blocking it. If the east coast refineries could get WTI they would no longer need to buy Brent.

You don't think he finally caves in? I think he does.
Keystone was never about 1 pipeline to the gulf. It was about an offshoot line to ship to the east coast refineries, mainly the big one outside of Philly. This is the reason Obama is blocking it. If the east coast refineries could get WTI they would no longer need to buy Brent.

first i have heard of any offshoot. have any additional info on this?
You don't think he finally caves in? I think he does.


If we would repeal/modify the Jones act, allow export of crude and build the pipeline to the east coast we would no longer have any need to buy oil outside of NA. We also could further supply Europe with refined product.
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first i have heard of any offshoot. have any additional info on this?

I hadn't either until last week, I attended a luncheon where the speaker was an analyst with Argus. His presentation was eye opening and disturbing.

Good news is they predict crude to stay at or below $55-$60 bbl through 2016.

If we would repeal/modify the Jones act, allow export of crude and build the pipeline to the east coast we would no longer have any need to buy oil outside of NA. We also could further supply Europe with refined product.

Sounds like a good start to me. Do you think that is what the GOP is trying to do?
Greater than 60% favorability among the public. Bipartisan support in both houses of Congress and over 60% support in each.

POTUS owes everyone an explanation of why preventing commerce in this case should occur and why he is going against the expressed and represented will of the people.

I won't hold my breath.
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@markknoller: In a rapid response, @SpeakerBoehner decries the veto as "a national embarrassment." Says Pres Obama "too close to environmental extremists"
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Greater than 60% favorability among the public. Bipartisan support in both houses of Congress and over 60% support in each.

POTUS owes everyone an explanation of why preventing commerce in this case should occur and why he is going against the expressed and represented will of the people.

I won't hold my breath.

We will never get the true explanation.
POTUS owes everyone an explanation of why preventing commerce in this case should occur and why he is going against the expressed and represented will of the people.


I am returning herewith without my approval S. 1, the "Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Act." Through this bill, the United States Congress attempts to circumvent longstanding and proven processes for determining whether or not building and operating a cross-border pipeline serves the national interest.

The Presidential power to veto legislation is one I take seriously. But I also take seriously my responsibility to the American people. And because this act of Congress conflicts with established executive branch procedures and cuts short thorough consideration of issues that could bear on our national interest -- including our security, safety, and environment -- it has earned my veto.


Veto Message to the Senate: S. 1, Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Act | The White House
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