Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

Which part, defend obstruction and petty politics? I think it's ruining our country.

I don't know about ruining but it certainly destroys faith in government.

I was asking if you would defend the veto if it was petty politics. I'm sure the answer is no but at this point I find it hard to believe a POTUS would veto a bill like this because proper process wasn't followed. Doesn't pass the smell test but it does stink :)
I'm sure the answer is no but at this point I find it hard to believe a POTUS would veto a bill like this because proper process wasn't followed.

The problem is as you stated. There is no reason after six years this should still be ongoing. And there is only one answer that fits that paradigm.

Dragging of the feet. And very likely intentionally as well.
I don't know about ruining but it certainly destroys faith in government.

I was asking if you would defend the veto if it was petty politics. I'm sure the answer is no but at this point I find it hard to believe a POTUS would veto a bill like this because proper process wasn't followed. Doesn't pass the smell test but it does stink :)

I think petty politics have ruined the talent pool for potential leaders. It is now what gets most of our reps elected.
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Obama campaigned on creating jobs and putting America back to work, government spending would create these jobs and has clearly failed. It can’t and won’t get us the jobs we need. But rather than change course and abandon the stimulus, Obama has abandoned, instead, his job creation pledge.
Obama campaigned on creating jobs and putting America back to work, government spending would create these jobs and has clearly failed. It can’t and won’t get us the jobs we need. But rather than change course and abandon the stimulus, Obama has abandoned, instead, his job creation pledge.

He has been a job killing radical since his 1st day in office
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Permit for Alberta Clipper Pipeline Issued

The Department found that the addition of crude oil pipeline capacity between Canada and the United States will advance a number of strategic interests of the United States. These included increasing the diversity of available supplies among the United States’ worldwide crude oil sources in a time of considerable political tension in other major oil producing countries and regions; shortening the transportation pathway for crude oil supplies; and increasing crude oil supplies from a major non-Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries producer. Canada is a stable and reliable ally and trading partner of the United States, with which we have free trade agreements which augment the security of this energy supply.

Approval of the permit sends a positive economic signal, in a difficult economic period, about the future reliability and availability of a portion of United States’ energy imports, and in the immediate term, this shovel-ready project will provide construction jobs for workers in the United States.

Note the date 2009
What have you been reading? The vast majority of crude refined in US is used in the US

that the usage of the Canadian oil would be local (hadn't read that anywhere), everything i had read was saying it was going overseas. which is why there is the focus for the refineries on the southern coast as that (as i understand it) is where we do most of our exporting.
that the usage of the Canadian oil would be local (hadn't read that anywhere), everything i had read was saying it was going overseas. which is why there is the focus for the refineries on the southern coast as that (as i understand it) is where we do most of our exporting.

the State Department's own report on Keystone indicates that a large percentage of the oil coming from Canada will be refined and sold in the US

People saying that Keystone will only employ 200 people and all of the oil goes elsewhere are either lying or sadly misinformed
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the State Department's own report on Keystone indicates that a large percentage of the oil coming from Canada will be refined and sold in the US

People saying that Keystone will only employ 200 people and all of the oil goes elsewhere are either lying or sadly misinformed

The veto was more about protecting Warren Buffet who owns the railroads and also a big liberal and donor
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The veto was more about protecting Warren Buffet who owns the railroads and also a big liberal and donor

It's about keeping WTI out of the east coast refineries forcing them to either close or keep buying more expensive Brent.
Another oil train wrecked, also the new "safer" model cars. 5 of them on fire in a Canadian river. Huge fire
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Still small-timing it, huh?

Canada is America's historical destiny.

And it will happen democratically. It just needs some time.
Environmentalist concerns my many explosive train crashes and spills does this make? I believe that's 5 this year.......stupid environmentalists
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