Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

What portion of his current "energy policy" (and I use those terms loosely) has actually succeeded?
The one where his friends get an ass ton of taxpayer money, blow it, then go bankrupt. Friggin stellar solar energy policy.

Was just making sure I hadn't missed anything.....I love how the barry apologists claim that he could have done even worse but he didn't. It's kinda like he could have just stopped the coal industry immediately instead he is letting it die a slow death because f'ing up a little at a time is infinitely better than f'ing up all at once.
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If oil and gas production was declining, you would blame Obama.

He is a politician, he has great ability to interfere, get in the way, cause delay, etc. of private production.

The fact that oil production has increased says nothing about him other than he hasn't blatantly gotten in their way.

Again, he has no energy policy that has encouraged increased production of oil.
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He is a politician, he has great ability to interfere, get in the way, cause delay, etc. of private production.

The fact that oil production has increased says nothing about him other than he hasn't blatantly gotten in their way.

Again, he has no energy policy that has encouraged increased production of oil.

Obviously he has not "interfered, gotten in the way or caused delay" of private production.

Crude oil and natural gas production are up substantially during the Obama administration.
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During the Obama administration, US crude oil production is up nearly 49 percent and natural gas production has increased 21.3 percent.

Well it should be with oil at $101 especially since it was $35 when he took over. Can you imagine if production was down?
And gas prices have increased.

July 2008, the average price of gasoline was $4.42 per gallon. Note that was during the Bush administration.

I did not blame Bush for this high price then nor do I blame Obama for the current price of gas. The President does not control the price of gasoline.
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July 2008, the average price of gasoline was $4.42 per gallon. Note that was during the Bush administration.

I did not blame Bush for this high price then nor do I blame Obama for the current price of gas. The President does not control the price of gasoline.

That's not what my diddy said!
Well it should be with oil at $101 especially since it was $35 when he took over. Can you imagine if production was down?

Refining and distribution capacity or lack there of have a lot to do with it. As much as production.
July 2008, the average price of gasoline was $4.42 per gallon. Note that was during the Bush administration.

I did not blame Bush for this high price then nor do I blame Obama for the current price of gas. The President does not control the price of gasoline.

That was the few months of his administration. A little disingenuous on your part.
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