Kiffin Class: And Then There Were Three

After Oliver's departure only 3 players remain from Kiffin's one and only class.

@GrantRamey ‏@GrantRamey 56m

Left from Lane Kiffin's one and only signing class: Dan Hood, Marlon Walls, Greg King

I thought Kiffin brought Pair in
Maybe. However, I doubt Gruden will ever coach again. I heard is making too much money as a broadcaster. Don't know for sure what he makes a year, but his work hours would at least triple.

However, if he irritates the ESPN brass somehow, and needed to coach again to have a job, it is possible, I guess. Just don't see it happening.

I heard he's got land in the San Fernando valley, fwiw.
Kiffin was responsible for all EE's in the 2010 class. Can't recall who all was already on campus, but I know Jacques Smith and Bray were already here. Say what you will, but Kiffin recruited over half of the 2010 class and we have to give him some credit for that.

I'll also give him credit for being a prick. But that's another matter...
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sorry this is idiotic.. 2007 we are playing for the SEC championship. Has one of the best records as a coach in CFB history. a NC ring, and is in the HOF.

We have not had a single decent season since he was fired, and people seriously still try to defend the decision to fire him.

Or like this joker try to blame our current situation on him.

This has to be the definition of insanity.

You're saying Fulmer didn't deserve to be fired? Two losing seasons in four, a myriad of off the field problems, and lackluster recruiting rightfully cost him his job. Just because Mike Hamilton botched two hires doesn't mean it was a bad decision. In fact it was the only decision that he could have made. If he had hired Brian Kelly or Gary Patterson in 2009, you'd be singing a diefferent tune.
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The late Al Davis warned everybody about him when he left the Raiders, but Hammy hired him anyway....

The same Al Davis that fired Mike Shannahan, hired Norv Turner, and drafted a kicker in the first round? Al was just pissed at Lane because he tried to go behind his back and get the Arkansas job in 2008.
I don't get it why a lot of people have as much dislike for Dooley as Kiffin, at least Dooley tried and gave it his best to turn Tennessee around, Kiffin embarrassed our program and took a huge dump on us.

I have no problem with Dooley, he just wasn't cut out to be an SEC head coach, Kiffin on the other hand, I have a strong dislike for that dude.

You and me both. Kiffin intentionally screwed us after creating an exciting one year after Fulmer went away. Dooley just screwed us up over a longer period of time. Think that is why he gets so much angst.
sorry this is idiotic.. 2007 we are playing for the SEC championship. Has one of the best records as a coach in CFB history. a NC ring, and is in the HOF.

We have not had a single decent season since he was fired, and people seriously still try to defend the decision to fire him.

Or like this joker try to blame our current situation on him.

This has to be the definition of insanity.

Are we talking about the same guy who said P. Willis couldn't cut it in the SEC and who let the SEC competition pass him. The Willis reference is just an example of how the times changed and Fulmer didn't. I have no hard feelings against him, I love the guy, but he gave up and refused to acknowledge the game had changed.

Also, just because you won a title almost a decade before doesn't mean u get a life contract. Every coach fades, it was just Fulmers time. To not acknowledge that the lack of recruiting success hurts you for years going forward is just asinine. Kiffin didn't kill this program. Time did.
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sorry this is idiotic.. 2007 we are playing for the SEC championship. Has one of the best records as a coach in CFB history. a NC ring, and is in the HOF.

We have not had a single decent season since he was fired, and people seriously still try to defend the decision to fire him.

Or like this joker try to blame our current situation on him.

This has to be the definition of insanity.

i was being sarcastic. no one is responsible for a program 5 years after they've been gone.
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i don't mean to defend lane here, but he signed the 2009 recruiting class.

so, the only guys who should still be around are 5th year seniors. there generally aren't a lot of 5th year guys on most squads.

now, the guy to blame is phil fulmer. he signed his last class in 2008 and is clearly responsible for the current state of the program


Truth. Sad that a Gator knows more about us than most of our own fanbase. Or maybe it's just that 99 can look at our program with more objectivity. :dunno:

Also, I think 99 is a closet Vol fan, even if he will never publicly admit it. Go ahead and deny,deny,deny but as they repeatedly said in the movie Avitar " i SEE YOU ".
Are we talking about the same guy who said P. Willis couldn't cut it in the SEC and who let the SEC competition pass him. The Willis reference is just an example of how the times changed and Fulmer didn't. I have no hard feelings against him, I love the guy, but he gave up and refused to acknowledge the game had changed.

Also, just because you won a title almost a decade before doesn't mean u get a life contract. Every coach fades, it was just Fulmers time. To not acknowledge that the lack of recruiting success hurts you for years going forward is just asinine. Kiffin didn't kill this program. Time did.

So he was wrong about one guy and that means football passed him up?

One year removed from playing for the SECC, and football passed him up?

These are arguments that come from people who no matter what happens refuse to acknowledge when they made a mistake.

Next you are going to tell me, no one else wanted to employ one of the most winning coaches in history, and that's why he is not coaching.

And no a NC ring does not buy you a lifetime pass, but it should sure as heck get you by 2 bad seasons over 14 years. JMO
So he was wrong about one guy and that means football passed him up?

One year removed from playing for the SECC, and football passed him up?

These are arguments that come from people who no matter what happens refuse to acknowledge when they made a mistake.

Next you are going to tell me, no one else wanted to employ one of the most winning coaches in history, and that's why he is not coaching.

And no a NC ring does not buy you a lifetime pass, but it should sure as heck get you by 2 bad seasons over 14 years. JMO

The problem was it wasn't two bad seasons over 14 years, it was two terrible seasons over four years. Anybody that understands football could clearly tell Tennessee took a major step back over the last 5-6 years under Fulmer. Again, just because Hamilton messed up the coaching hires in '09 & '10 doesn't mean firing Fulmer was a bad decision. And btw you're right, he could have had the Kansas or Uconn jobs if he really wanted them, but Clemson, Boston College, and Louisville all said no. That should tell you something.
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Are we talking about the same guy who said P. Willis couldn't cut it in the SEC and who let the SEC competition pass him. The Willis reference is just an example of how the times changed and Fulmer didn't. I have no hard feelings against him, I love the guy, but he gave up and refused to acknowledge the game had changed.

Also, just because you won a title almost a decade before doesn't mean u get a life contract. Every coach fades, it was just Fulmers time. To not acknowledge that the lack of recruiting success hurts you for years going forward is just asinine. Kiffin didn't kill this program. Time did.

I have to agree with this.
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The problem was it wasn't two bad seasons over 14 years, it was two terrible seasons over four years. Anybody that understands football could clearly tell Tennessee took a major step back over the last 5-6 years under Fulmer. Again, just because Hamilton messed up the coaching hires in '09 & '10 doesn't mean firing Fulmer was a bad decision. And btw you're right, he could have had the Kansas or Uconn jobs if he really wanted them, but Clemson, Boston College, and Louisville all said no. That should tell you something.

You are 100% right on this.I could tell there was something wrong before his first 5 win season in 2005.there were more than a hand full of games before that season he got out coached.
Are we talking about the same guy who said P. Willis couldn't cut it in the SEC and who let the SEC competition pass him. The Willis reference is just an example of how the times changed and Fulmer didn't. I have no hard feelings against him, I love the guy, but he gave up and refused to acknowledge the game had changed.

Also, just because you won a title almost a decade before doesn't mean u get a life contract. Every coach fades, it was just Fulmers time. To not acknowledge that the lack of recruiting success hurts you for years going forward is just asinine. Kiffin didn't kill this program. Time did.

I will say this.I am glad cbj is at Tennessee.But.If Fulmer would have changed his game plan and adapted to changes he would still be our coach.
Got to weigh in here.

Kiffin delivered two of the worst recruiting classes in the history of the NCAA. He ran off not one, but TWO NFL QBs and kept the CFL QB not to mention other future NFL former-Vols.

He inherited a nine win squad full of draft picks, All-SEC players, and promptly won only 7. He has shown his true colors at his "dream job" and he will not be there long after they come off probation. He was absolutely the worst hire in NCAA history.

Then Hambone follows up that command performance with probably the second worst hire ever in Derek MF Dooley. These weren't just the "wrong guys" these were two of the worst hires in the history of NCAA football. They make the hiring of Mike Price look like pure genius. At least Price could do no harm.

To hire these guys, Hambone fired a HoF football coach in mid-season. The firing led to a bad loss during the same week which guaranteed a losing season (otherwise, the Vols go bowling). Fulmer had put together a Top Ten recruiting class with a better QB than Bray and one that met needs. Kiffin promptly destroyed that class.

Kiffin and Dooley are still here. They are still on the Hill. The damage they have done has not be fixed. They deserve to be ridiculed in Vol folklore forever.

Go Butch and Team 117!
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