Killing our kids Future...quit pretending like your side is "good"

There should be no withholding on any checks an employee receives. Every person should feel the pain of writing a check to the treasury every 4 months.

I would even go to once per year for the individual. Everybody sends that check in by April 15th and move the elections to the very next Tuesday.
My side is the side wanting the federal .gov shrunk to pre civil war levels. Taking away most of their ability to spend is the only way we'll get them to reduce spending.
If we could prune it back even 50 years, let alone pre civil war, it would be a tremendous improvement.
If we could prune it back even 50 years, let alone pre civil war, it would be a tremendous improvement.

IDK if 50 years is enough to make much of a difference. Would have to at least go back to pre FDR days.
There should be no withholding on any checks an employee receives. Every person should feel the pain of writing a check to the treasury every 4 months.

"My life is uncomfortable, so everyone else's should be too."
"My life is uncomfortable, so everyone else's should be too."
No one knows how much they are already spending and with the current system they have no idea how much more they will be paying.

"Knowing creates uncomfortable questions, so it's best to stay ignorant." Would be the counterpoint to you.

Really they are already miserable, they just dont know how miserable they are. The truth, especially when it comes to our government, is often terrible. Doesnt mean it should be hid.

How can we say we have an educated voter base when they dont even know, or want to know, their own financial involvement.

It's why the two sides can push that the other benefiting from the tax system is wrong. It relies on ignorance.
More like knowledge is power.

You’ve dulled the senses of people with automatic withholding. You’re purposefully creating ignorant stakeholders.

You've given the people more time to be productive or enjoy themselves via automatic withholding. You've created added value and convenience.
You've given the people more time to be productive or enjoy themselves via automatic withholding. You've created added value and convenience.

Lol. You’ve manipulated them so they become numb to the transaction and don’t feel the pain.
Awareness is uncomfortable? The money is coming out already.

Are you willing to fund the hiring of extra processors so that we don't have an even larger backlog than we do now? Switching to a manual system would create even more bureaucracy and create even more federal jobs.

Me and mine? We're still waiting on this year's return. And we filed in March.
You've given the people more time to be productive or enjoy themselves via automatic withholding. You've created added value and convenience.

Come on Ash? We've created a host society, we're so used to being bled dry we don't even know the leaches are attached.
Are you willing to fund the hiring of extra processors so that we don't have an even larger backlog than we do now? Switching to a manual system would create even more bureaucracy and create even more federal jobs.

Me and mine? We're still waiting on this year's return. And we filed in March.

Stop withholding and you wouldn't be waiting on a return.

I don't see why it would require any additional IRS employees.
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Are you willing to fund the hiring of extra processors so that we don't have an even larger backlog than we do now? Switching to a manual system would create even more bureaucracy and create even more federal jobs.

Me and mine? We're still waiting on this year's return. And we filed in March.

Less processors is the result. The system is automated .
I call the IRS and make my corp deposit every month. It's a computer system. I have never spoken to a person.
I already get to do this **** with the state of Maryland. They pay me, then I turn around and pay the be same damn department for my employee insurance. That also makes it post tax instead of pre tax.

Just another hoop to jump through.
Cut the federal government by 90%, get rid of the progressive tax system, and replace all the missing programs with a UBI that we can afford while paying down the debt.

It won't happen, but that's the pathway to best satisfying our needs while living within our means.

It's so incredibly selfish to say "**** our grandchildren, I need a $1.7T F-35 program rn." - Bernie Sanders

Or rather, "pay my medical bills with compound interest, kids."
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Are you willing to fund the hiring of extra processors so that we don't have an even larger backlog than we do now? Switching to a manual system would create even more bureaucracy and create even more federal jobs.

Me and mine? We're still waiting on this year's return. And we filed in March.

I understand what you’re getting at in this reply and others, but these are points that are not relevant and aside from @volfanhill’s op. It’s more of the inner minutiae of our problems. Not banging away at you Ash, but we have two options going forward. Massive spending cuts or continue on toward our Argentinian/Greek tipping point. Taxes won’t make a dent, but that doesn’t mean “some” reasonable, targeted taxes shouldn’t be part of the solution. We cannot, on whole, tax our ways out of this. Either way, everyone will experience pain. There’s no stopping it due to .gov/political malfeasance.
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Assuming a flat tax would raise revenues about 25%, you could give every citizen $750/month, pay $1T to the debt, and still have $1T to operate.

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