Killing our kids Future...quit pretending like your side is "good"

Not triggered. Funny to watch you separate people. Employee feel pain, bad. Business owner feel pain, oh well.

I want businesses to have it easy, too. It was worth my wife's and in-laws sanity to spend part of their profits to have someone else handle the books.

I don't want anyone to feel pain.
So the misery is the point. Got it.
How do you get good at a subject? You work at it. For a long time. And it sucks. It sucks less and less the more you do it, until its "normal".

We are too comfortable to the point we are crippling ourselves. A little work now for a better pay off in the end should be encouraged instead of being thought of as suffering. First world issues to the extreme.
Change the tax laws.
The premise of the thread is neither of the two main parties have moral ground on which to stand.

The poster you replied to is powerless to change tax laws. So, Which political party (if any) do you see pursuing a change to tax laws and not tax rates?
The premise of the thread is neither of the two main parties have moral ground on which to stand.

The poster you replied to is powerless to change tax laws. So, Which political party (if any) do you see pursuing a change to tax laws and not tax rates?

The premise of my comment is that people whine about some using tax laws to their advantage while praising others. I see no difference between groups not sharing in the national tax burden by using tax laws to their advantage.
We are doomed. The politicians are in charge of the social safety net and the tax code. It is another way we can find our team and try to beat the opposition. We are red ants and black ants so consumed with fighting each other we are blind to the people who keep shaking the jar to agitate us.
We are like the videos of dogs separated by a gate. With the gate shut we bark and growl aggressively at each other. But you open it up and we great each other nicely. The politicians are the ones controlling the gate.
The premise of my comment is that people whine about some using tax laws to their advantage while praising others. I see no difference between groups not sharing in the national tax burden by using tax laws to their advantage.
My fault. I didn't realize you weren't whining about the original whine which is my whine, but were whining about whiners who were whining on the tangential whines.

Commence with your whining.
Change the tax laws.
Why? I'm much more interested in the spending side of the equation, that's where the real issue is.

I look at politicians like trust fund 20-somethings. We give them a crap tin of money and say here........ Get people to like you.
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I want businesses to have it easy, too. It was worth my wife's and in-laws sanity to spend part of their profits to have someone else handle the books.

I don't want anyone to feel pain.

You want sedated followers.
I want aware, responsible citizens operating in an efficient community.

Do you think the worst case scenario of everyone who isn't lockstep with you?

You don’t want aware. 95% of the people you stop on the street couldn’t tell you how much gets withheld on their weekly paycheck.
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When economies and countries failed in previous centuries, people immigrated to better lives. When America fails, where do we emigrate? America will take the industrial world down with it. The subsistence agrarian countries won't even notice.
That's an interesting question. Allow me to think on that.
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I agree 100%.

You will see as this thread gets posts and then dies, very few give a sh!t. The "conservatives" don't and the liberals never have.

But this should be a "blood in the streets" issue.

When Dems are in control, GOPers shriek "All of this government spending is adding to the debt!"

When the GOP is in control, the Dems shriek "All of these tax giveaways to the wealthy are adding to the debt!"

And the debt goes up under both and nobody does anything about it other than make it a campaign slogan.
So the misery is the point. Got it.

Yes, in a way.

When people are tuned in and pay attention to the taxes they pay - they'd hold their representatives more accountable for it's usage.

Too many folks have no idea and thus don't care about the absolute waste of their tax dollars. It's not real money since they are never in possession of it. Allvol is right (this one time), people ought to know the pain of handing over cash to Uncle Sam.
By "freeloaders," do you mean people that are making money but take advantage of tax laws to reduce their tax burden to little or nothing, or do you mean people that aren't making much money and take advantage of the tax laws to pay little or nothing?
I think he means the 90-13-10.
Debt and deficits will never go away no matter who is elected, debt is too entrenched into government policies including the military. Our debt will never be paid off
When Dems are in control, GOPers shriek "All of this government spending is adding to the debt!"

When the GOP is in control, the Dems shriek "All of these tax giveaways to the wealthy are adding to the debt!"

And the debt goes up under both and nobody does anything about it other than make it a campaign slogan.
Precisely. Only exception is both increase spending, borrowing, and pursue idiotic tax policy.
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We are like the videos of dogs separated by a gate. With the gate shut we bark and growl aggressively at each other. But you open it up and we great each other nicely. The politicians are the ones controlling the gate.
I love that video, and it is the perfect analogy.
The moment we don't greet each other nicely when the gates open up is when the real problems begin.
There are those who push for that moment......and they are even more repulsive than those who fight dogs for sport.
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I love that video, and it is the perfect analogy.
The moment we don't greet each other nicely when the gates open up is when the real problems begin.
There are those who push for that moment......and they are even more repulsive than those who fight dogs for sport.
DC will be pushing it once we no longer bark because of the gate.
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Yes, in a way.

When people are tuned in and pay attention to the taxes they pay - they'd hold their representatives more accountable for it's usage.

Too many folks have no idea and thus don't care about the absolute waste of their tax dollars. It's not real money since they are never in possession of it. Allvol is right (this one time), people ought to know the pain of handing over cash to Uncle Sam.
How many ppl have you seen happy they got a tax refund from the government? Oblivious they paid at all.
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