Killing our kids Future...quit pretending like your side is "good"

Knowledge is the point. Sedation appears your preference.

Also, you’ve created additional obligations for the business owner. A pain you appear quite happy about.

Don't want the responsibilities? Don't own a business. Or pay someone to run it for you.

I'm married to a former business owner. I do have a clue on these things.
Don't want the responsibilities? Don't own a business. Or pay someone to run it for you.

I'm married to a former business owner. I do have a clue on these things.

Again, suck it business owner.

You are a treat.
Your thread was born almost 12 hours ago. It got active about 1.5 hours ago.
Seeing what's posted and what's argued, do you understand how futile our concerns of spending/debt are?

You can literally say "Who the hell cares about the budget?" and still be the most popular person in the Republican party. We're doomed.
You can literally say "Who the hell cares about the budget?" and still be the most popular person in the Republican party. We're doomed.

That's because everyone's projects are pork, except for mine. We have to keep paying Boeing to be stagnant. And if you're Rand Paul, everyone's natural disasters aren't relief worthy except his.
That's because everyone's projects are pork, except for mine. We have to keep paying Boeing to be stagnant. And if you're Rand Paul, everyone's natural disasters aren't relief worthy except his.

Leave the man alone. He just found out facebook fact-checkers are expressing their own opinions, and he's having a hard time dealing with that.
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Leave the man alone. He just found out facebook fact-checkers are expressing their own opinions, and he's having a hard time dealing with that.

His dad was pretty cool. He's... I see why his neighbor decked him.
By "freeloaders," do you mean people that are making money but take advantage of tax laws to reduce their tax burden to little or nothing, or do you mean people that aren't making much money and take advantage of the tax laws to pay little or nothing?
While I agree to an extent one group provides jobs and countless other benefits to society. The other other doesn't add much of anything. It's comparing apples and oranges.
While I agree to an extent one group provides jobs and countless other benefits to society. The other other doesn't add much of anything. It's comparing apples and oranges.
It's comparing people who take advantage of existing tax laws to people who take advantage of existing tax laws.
Never said that. I acknowledged the realities inherent in owning a business. Sorry it triggered you.

Not triggered. Funny to watch you separate people. Employee feel pain, bad. Business owner feel pain, oh well.
You can literally say "Who the hell cares about the budget?" and still be the most popular person in the Republican party. We're doomed.
We are doomed. The politicians are in charge of the social safety net and the tax code. It is another way we can find our team and try to beat the opposition. We are red ants and black ants so consumed with fighting each other we are blind to the people who keep shaking the jar to agitate us.
You've given the people more time to be productive or enjoy themselves via automatic withholding. You've created added value and convenience.
Lol wut?

This is so so so below your level. This is volprof fencing with forklift levels of bad.
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It does. And it went how I expected. The wake up call is going to be brutal
When economies and countries failed in previous centuries, people immigrated to better lives. When America fails, where do we emigrate? America will take the industrial world down with it. The subsistence agrarian countries won't even notice.
That's because everyone's projects are pork, except for mine. We have to keep paying Boeing to be stagnant. And if you're Rand Paul, everyone's natural disasters aren't relief worthy except his.
Wasn't that classic politician maneuvering? I don't like it for others but when it is my votes on the line, I better change my tune.
Are you willing to fund the hiring of extra processors so that we don't have an even larger backlog than we do now? Switching to a manual system would create even more bureaucracy and create even more federal jobs.

Me and mine? We're still waiting on this year's return. And we filed in March.
Except automatic withholdings arent perfect and have to be checked, and refunds still have to get issued. So it's not more beauracy. It's just taking what is there and changing it.

The only complaint is that people dont want to have to write that check multiple times a year. The reason april 15th is such an issue is because it's one time a year. Broken into multiple trips you get used to it, and its smaller bites.
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