Killing our kids Future...quit pretending like your side is "good"

Thread so far illustrates why politicians need us fighting...look at the likes and comments from ppl who are the "other side". There is A LOT of agreement on the problem. Politicians cannot have us united against them.
Thread so far illustrates why politicians need us fighting...look at the likes and comments from ppl who are the "other side". There is A LOT of agreement on the problem. Politicians cannot have us united against them.

My aren't you a smart cookie.
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a friend of mine (fellow Baby Boomer cusp member) was talking about how we were the worst generation - we took advantage of all the sacrifices of the previous generation and what they built and at the same time cheered on the entitlement society that rewarded us while starting the debt spiral and normalized the entitlement culture. the result is in the original thread post.

as a cynical side note, Covid may have mitigated this some by taking people who were about to put massive costs on the health care system (old Boomers)

Some strategic minds consider that besides crippling us, this was exactly what China intended when making it.
a friend of mine (fellow Baby Boomer cusp member) was talking about how we were the worst generation - we took advantage of all the sacrifices of the previous generation and what they built and at the same time cheered on the entitlement society that rewarded us while starting the debt spiral and normalized the entitlement culture. the result is in the original thread post.

as a cynical side note, Covid may have mitigated this some by taking people who were about to put massive costs on the health care system (old Boomers)

I posited this notion in the Covid thread.

Boomers are the worst. Or at least most coddled. Their parents went to Europe to defeat the fascists and their kids and grandkids were asked to shut the world down for them, for Covid.
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How many ppl have you seen happy they got a tax refund from the government? Oblivious they paid at all.

I'm actually more surprised that people aren't aware that they're giving the government an interest free loan. Always fun to watch the slow burn of pain wash across them as that fact starts hitting.
True…and we don’t have to. But this level of Debt/GDP ratio is beyond concerning. It will become a serious, systemic economic problem for us shortly. We just need to get a significant portion of it paid off.

Productivity will need to increase. Government spending need to decrease. First one is possible, even probable. Second one, lol.
The birthrate is going down, the debt is going up, and no one has a work ethic anymore. Perfect recipe for a sound economy.
The birthrate is going down, the debt is going up, and no one has a work ethic anymore. Perfect recipe for a sound economy.

The debt is up and the birthrate is down
And you only get mugged if you go downtown

I live back in the woods you see
My woman and the kids and the dogs and me
I got a shotgun, a rifle and a four-wheel drive
And a country boy can survive
Country folks can survive
I'm not convinced they are the most powerful, that would be the ones pulling the strings of the people in DC,
They have a voice. In the eyes of the public, that makes them more powerful.

If you believe the string pullers are in power and a politician went off the rails it's not like they could issue a counter statement to cover up someone that's been "right" in the past.
There should be no withholding on any checks an employee receives. Every person should feel the pain of writing a check to the treasury every 4 months.
The ensuing riots would make the Boston Tea Party look like a Kentucky Derby gathering.

Actually, people wouldn't pay and the government would spend more collecting
You can literally say "Who the hell cares about the budget?" and still be the most popular person in the Republican party. We're doomed.
Why single out the republicans? I your example, one could at least day they are being honest. Or did you think any on the left care one iota?
Both sides turn us against each other as a distraction from where the real tyranny lies, just to buy votes.

Both sides don't give 2 craps about the insane debt and the impending Venezuela-like collapse that this will cause, just to buy votes.

Both sides don't really care about solving problems. They would rather use problems as wedge issues to... you guessed it... buy more votes.

Everything is about power and optics with these psychos we've elected, and when one of them dares to actually try to solve our problems? They get shot down unanimously from both parties.

If you think a Republican President, congress, or both will fix everything, you couldn't be more wrong. The problems with this country are so deep-seated that nothing will reverse the course we're on. It's only a matter of time before we collapse from within.

China will become the next leading world superpower, and the world will plunge into a technocratic dark ages.
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