Kim Davis

LOL, are you insane?

He used her! He doesn't give a crap about her, or anyone else for that matter. Huckabee is the poster boy for religious charlatans, using faith as a vehicle for worldly goods and power. He is as narcissist as they come.

Your opinion which you are allowed one.
That's what it would appear to be. But you're wrong here about Huckabee. This was nothing about politics at the time.

I think it's adorable that you believe a career politician was being altruistic during election season.

The only reason the guy is where he is - is because he panders to the religious right.

I admire the fact that you try and see the best in people though. I'm jaded, all I see in politicians are leeches looking for angles.
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Not even close.

Maybe not so much in his election, but he sure governed by his religious beliefs. Guess you've already forgot about the Iranian hostage crisis, his religious beliefs played a huge role in his decision making..
It's impossible that Obama could be Muslim. I've been assured by VN that a Muslim POTUS would result in Sharia law being imposed federally.

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We will have to agree to disagree, then.

But let me ask you -- can you recall any politician/tv host/politician, who has ever infused this much religious fervor into a campaign?[/QUOTE]

OMG you're an idiot. Obama has admitted "Our Job Is To Promote Islam".
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We will have to agree to disagree, then.

But let me ask you -- can you recall any politician/tv host/politician, who has ever infused this much religious fervor into a campaign?

OMG you're an idiot. Obama has admitted "Our Job Is To Promote Islam".

He's not doing a very good job of it, droning the **** out of all those muslims overseas. Kind of sends a mixed message!
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I am glad she switched parties. She looks like she would fit in with the Republicans more so than with the Dems.
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I see. I was hoping you would have learned from the 9/11 conspiracy thread that posting YouTube videos does not, in fact, prove your point. If anything, it shows that you have no ability whatsoever to formulate your own opinion.

No need to formulate an opinion, Obama's spells it out for you right there in plain site coming right out of his own mouth.

So tell me genius, who is he referring to when he says "us"? His muslim brothers? The US?
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