Kim Jong Un Near Death?

CNN blew it?

Color me surprised.
‘It’s Not True’: South Korea Trashes Sensationalist CNN Report on Kim Jong-un

South Korean officials told the nation’s Yonhap news agency on Tuesday a CNN report claiming North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un was “in grave danger” were “not true” and that “nothing unusual” appeared to be happening in the communist country.

Late Monday night, CNN – an American left-wing news network with a long history of publishing poorly-sourced or false news reports – published a story titled “U.S. Monitoring Intelligence that North Korean Leader Is in Grave Danger After Surgery.” The story cited anonymous officials “familiar” with news about Kim’s health who stated only that the U.S. government was concerned about Kim’s health.

“There is nothing unusual going on in North Korea. It’s not true,” a Seoul government official told Yonhap on Tuesday. Yonhap also got a spokesman for President Moon Jae-in, Kang Min-seok, on the record to deny the report.

“No unusual signs have been identified inside North Korea,” Kang reportedly said. “There is nothing we can confirm with regard to Chairman Kim’s alleged health problem.”

'It's Not True': South Korea Trashes CNN Report on Kim Jong-un
Where was the intelligence sourced from? Is it that Mr. Anonymous Source that seems to know everyone?
They jumped the gun. That's how they got it wrong.
Chief CNN apologist LG now working overtime.

Trump was just asked about this in the daily brief and just said he won’t comment on the current speculation and wishes Kim well.

So yeah I’d guess we have intel that says something major is afoot.
Actually no. He said I’m not going to comment on that but I wish him well.

Run along now.
He let on in the press conf last night. His laugh when she claimed a statement from kju told me plenty

And why wish a murderous dictator well? Just say you have no comment
He let on in the press conf last night. His laugh when she claimed a statement from kju told me plenty

And why wish a murderous dictator well? Just say you have no comment
You’re just looking for reasons to complain on now. His statement today which is what I commented on and triggered LG was fine.
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Some on the left are making out like when Kim dies everything will be fantastic. Its been reported that his sister could be more brutal than him.

There is a good chance that she won't be swayed by western things that Trump was able to get Kim to listen too about opening his country up for tourists to visit ski resorts and ocean side hotels etc.. She may not have a love for American sports and film either.
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No, but you fell for the fake criticism of CNN for simply reporting -- CORRECTLY -- that something is going on. Even Trump says that is the case.
I thought CNN said he was dead according to their lame sources. Trump said that their reporting was Fake News.:)

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