Kim Jong Un Near Death?

I read the headline and thought Kim had been in the vicinity of Keith Richards.
Is there an update here?

I only know what Trump says. KJ may be alive. Or maybe not. Nudge nudge, wink wink, chuckle. I yet again know so many incredible things, a lot of people are talking about it. As you know.

Blather blather, contradict self, whine about being correctly quoted.
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I only know what Trump says. KJ may be alive. Or maybe not. Nudge nudge, wink wink, chuckle. I yet again know so many incredible things, a lot of people are talking about it. As you know.

Blather blather, contradict self, whine about being correctly quoted.

Can you explain what you mean by this in bold? I honestly have no idea.
I only know what Trump says. KJ may be alive. Or maybe not. Nudge nudge, wink wink, chuckle. I yet again know so many incredible things, a lot of people are talking about it. As you know.

Blather blather, contradict self, whine about being correctly quoted.

stfu. You aren't helping anything. 4 years of non-stop BS Trump hate.
I don't really want this guy dead yet. He seems to be kind of a manageable mental midget. His little sister is frightening.
I can see it now: "Dragon Lady"


Yeah, they repeated this same BS on ABC nightly news. No photos or video were supplied to prove any of it.

Nobody is going to believe Kim Jong Un is alive until someone holds up a daily newspaper behind his head and takes a photo or even better a video.
Oh yeah. Was it a half brother? Idk.
That was a spy that's why he killed him. He has a older brother that his dad passed up on to be king because he was a fruit so they say I read that his sister or uncle would be next in line. Kim had set up his sister to be the next in line but others supposedly want is Uncle.

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