Kim Potter sentenced.

In this thread you keep arguing against facts. How are facts right or left?

And you're wrong yet again since I argue against dumb stances by both sides. This forum slants right so it may get the most airplay but I am an equal opportunity big govt hater
No.... I was misinformed but I was not arguing against facts. I was arguing that Chauvin was a victim of a mob because I was under the impression that he went down for murder 1 like BLM wanted. My stance was and is that he was over charged. Come to find out, I was wrong and he went down for murder 3. Which is what I was saying it was all along but YOU kept arguing. It wasn’t until recently in the thread that you enlightened me that he was not convicted of murder 1. So instead of arguing, maybe all you had to say from the beginning was “he went down for murder 3” and I would’ve conceded right away.
No.... I was misinformed but I was not arguing against facts. I was arguing that Chauvin was a victim of a mob because I was under the impression that he went down for murder 1 like BLM wanted. My stance was and is that he was over charged. Come to find out, I was wrong and he went down for murder 3. Which is what I was saying it was all along but YOU kept arguing. It wasn’t until recently in the thread that you enlightened me that he was not convicted of murder 1. So instead of arguing, maybe all you had to say from the beginning was “he went down for murder 3” and I would’ve conceded right away.
What if I were to tell you either left wing fact that he went down for murder 2?
I looked it up and he went down for murder 3 according to google
The fired white officer was convicted in April of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter for pressing his knee against Floyd’s neck for up to 9 1/2 minutes as the 46-year-old man gasped that he couldn’t breathe and went limp on May 25, 2020.
10/10 thread.

My favorite part is when chuckle #2 said PCP increases your strength by "10."

Ten what? Doohickies?

Second favorite part was when chuckle #1 straight up admitted to hating black people just in the past few years.

You bootlickers should ride the short bus.
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Well let's back up. Why did he swallow/ingest the drugs in the first place? Not saying it was the smartest thing to do, but had it not been for these drug laws and the consequences tied to them, he wouldn't have done that.

Let's back up further. Officers were called to the scene and arrested Floyd for passing counterfeit bills. Are we to not have counterfeit laws either?
Don't expect any admission by those assailing @1vol8 they were wrong like he did.

Just blind opposition to cops and law enforcement, generally by quasi-anarchists spouting libertarianism. It's why you see folks like huff finding the meagerest bone to pick with the GOP but can't seem to see the leftist, Last of the Mohicans-spiked thigh bone swinging at the nation; they share an anarchic fetish for a stateless, borderless society with the communists. Because that is the actual definition of Marxian communism, not the transitional Russian, Cuban, Chinese, NK totalitarians who never seem to take that next step from socialist society.

If the Marxists have their way, it'll be some comfort to know libertarians are going into the wood-chipper right after me.
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10/10 thread.

My favorite part is when chuckle #2 said PCP increases your strength by "10."

Ten what? Doohickies?

Second favorite part was when chuckle #1 straight up admitted to hating black people just in the past few years.

You bootlickers should ride the short bus.
Chuckle #2 here. How about getting some PCP and giving it to anyone willing that rivals Floyds size, wait for it to kick in and give it a whirl. What you’ll find is you had just as good of a chance as you would’ve wrestling a grizzly bear.

This is what makes you a punk. You obviously have no idea the effects of PCP, yet you criticize someone that’s witnessed it personally. Furthermore, it’ll be you and your kind that criticize the next cop that has no other choice but shoot the man before them because tasers didn’t work. Stay in your lane
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Seems we’re both correct. But this brings on a different issue. To be convicted of 2nd, 3rd and manslaughter for one death brings me back to being overcharged. Certainly seems that the courts DID give in to the mob after all and since they couldn’t give him what “they” wanted (murder 1), they elected to stack convictions to make up for the time he’ll serve. Sickening. C280E8E2-AA26-48C9-BCD0-8DCFF718CAE3.png
Chuckle #2 here. How about getting some PCP and giving it to anyone willing that rivals Floyds size, wait for it to kick in and give it a whirl. What you’ll find is you had just as good of a chance as you would’ve wrestling a grizzly bear.

This is what makes you a punk. You obviously have no idea the effects of PCP, yet you criticize someone that’s witnessed it personally. Furthermore, it’ll be you and your kind that criticize the next cop that has no other choice but shoot the man before them because tasers didn’t work. Stay in your lane

Post a link that states it if you're so confident. There's no definitive data that proves it increases your strength. Quit acting like your IQ exceeds 80.
Post a link that states it if you're so confident. There's no definitive data that proves it increases your strength. Quit acting like your IQ exceeds 80.
So you need an article over experience? How “left” of you. Should I expect an apology?

They’re too shallow to see the entire time I was only arguing that it wasn’t 1st degree murder (which I was thinking he was charged with and turned out I was wrong).

Not surprising at all. Chauvin was so overcharged it was pathetic. Just throw crap at the wall and see what would stick. Prosecutors should have to make up their mind what the charge is - what they can reasonably defend and go with that. If someone was charged with other different crimes then those should be included, but only one charge per specific event - like a death.
Seems we’re both correct. But this brings on a different issue. To be convicted of 2nd, 3rd and manslaughter for one death brings me back to being overcharged. Certainly seems that the courts DID give in to the mob after all and since they couldn’t give him what “they” wanted (murder 1), they elected to stack convictions to make up for the time he’ll serve. Sickening. View attachment 435343

Weird that murder could be termed "unintentional" - even murder as a crime of passion involved intent at some point. If you kill another person with no intent, it should be a different charge like manslaughter. No wonder so many of us don't understand lawyer thinking and the "justice" system.
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Not surprising at all. Chauvin was so overcharged it was pathetic. Just throw crap at the wall and see what would stick. Prosecutors should have to make up their mind what the charge is - what they can reasonably defend and go with that. If someone was charged with other different crimes then those should be included, but only one charge per specific event - like a death.
From what I know of my past a cops job is to book you at the highest possible infraction and let the prosecution and defense attorneys work down from there. I’ve never seen multiple charges pertaining to the same charge in such a simple case. Never
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Weird that murder could be termed "unintentional" - even murder as a crime of passion involved intent at some point. If you kill another person with no intent, it should be a different charge like manslaughter. No wonder so many of us don't understand lawyer thinking and the "justice" system.
I understand it but it’s hard to explain via text. It all has to do with how things unfolded. Lots of “and/ors” involved to prove the elements of each stage. Hope that makes some kind of sense
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Post a link that states it if you're so confident. There's no definitive data that proves it increases your strength. Quit acting like your IQ exceeds 80.
Also, while I’m at it and now that you got your article, let me tell you a short story about the effects of PCP.

I watched a 14 yo boy high on PCP punch a fellow officer in the chest. Through his Kevlar vest, the boy broke his chest plate and ribs. Now of course the boys arm didn’t make it either but none the less, his strength was 10 times what it should have been.

Has my IQ raised any? You know, since you control IQ points?
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A “sense of strength” is not strength.
Read the above post. That “sense of strength” absolutely IS strength. Do you think you can break a man’s chest plate and ribs through a Kevlar vest? Before you answer, I don’t know how big you are but remember this boy was 14 and all of 115 lbs.

I can also find another article that words it differently if that would help you guys understand if you like.
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Read the above post. That “sense of strength” absolutely IS strength. Do you think you can break a man’s chest plate and ribs through a Kevlar vest? Before you answer, I don’t know how big you are but remember this boy was 14 and all of 115 lbs.

I can also find another article that words it differently if that would help you guys understand if you like.
I learned a long time ago (as a HS & college wrestler) not to underestimate anyone’s strength. That said, there isn’t a substance that multiplies strength as you say. There are substances that remove the natural hesitation/control over your physiological/kinesiological norms. Those controls are there for good reason, to prevent injury to joints or vulnerable areas. Remove those safeguards and I could see how someone SEEMS stronger, but really they’re just throwing caution to the wind.
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I learned a long time ago (as a HS & college wrestler) not to underestimate anyone’s strength. That said, there isn’t a substance that multiplies strength as you say. There are substances that remove the natural hesitation/control over your physiological/kinesiological norms. Those controls are there for good reason, to prevent injury to joints or vulnerable areas. Remove those safeguards and I could see how someone SEEMS stronger, but really they’re just throwing caution to the wind.
I get what you’re saying but without those safe guards you are exuding more “strength” than you would ordinarily have. And I’m not sure if your claim is entirely true. Steroids for example. Adrenaline is another example. How would you explain anything preference enhancing? Yes, you are “capable” of doing the things you do on them but it’s untapped potential which in turn, means stronger, faster etc. due to a drug.
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I get what you’re saying but without those safe guards you are exuding more “strength” than you would ordinarily have. And I’m not sure if your claim is entirely true. Steroids for example. Adrenaline is another example. How would you explain anything preference enhancing? Yes, you are “capable” of doing the things you do on them but it’s untapped potential which in turn, means stronger, faster etc. due to a drug.
Strength at any given time is a finite measurable, a substance doesn’t give anyone more than that finite number. Steroids (in the context you’re referring to) allows your muscles to heal faster from workouts. It can make you stronger, faster, over time, with work. Adrenaline activates your sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight), but if you’re in a situation to need strength against a foe, you’ve already started producing it naturally. I understand that people on pcp seem super human, but that effect is mental rather than physical.
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Strength at any given time is a finite measurable, a substance doesn’t give anyone more than that finite number. Steroids (in the context you’re referring to) allows your muscles to heal faster from workouts. It can make you stronger, faster, over time, with work. Adrenaline activates your sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight), but if you’re in a situation to need strength against a foe, you’ve already started producing it naturally. I understand that people on pcp seem super human, but that effect is mental rather than physical.
I can except that as fact but when you’ve had to tangle up with one of them, it’ll change your mind in a heartbeat. Plus when you watch a taser not effect them in the least, it has an effect on your opinion as well.
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Also, while I’m at it and now that you got your article, let me tell you a short story about the effects of PCP.

I watched a 14 yo boy high on PCP punch a fellow officer in the chest. Through his Kevlar vest, the boy broke his chest plate and ribs. Now of course the boys arm didn’t make it either but none the less, his strength was 10 times what it should have been.

Has my IQ raised any? You know, since you control IQ points?

If only PCP raised your IQ.

Sorry your colleague couldn't deflect a punch from a junkie.

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