Kim Potter sentenced.

You still are not making sense. He was on the ground for 9 minutes. Why didn't they hand cuff him if the threat was gone? Now you are saying they didn't know what he was high on, yet you came in quizzing me about subduing someone on PCP. You are just doing everything you can to justify the unjustifiable.
Maybe it just doesn’t make sense because you have no experience in the field. Idk. I reread it and it makes perfect sense to me.
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So why didn't they put cuffs on his hands and feet once he was on the ground?
Because he was not resisting anymore I guess. All I can do is speculate on what I would’ve done and why. I would’ve put my knee on his neck too given the opportunity. But not for 9 min. Once he stopped resisting, I would’ve had the others help cuff him and rolled him to his butt. But that’s just me
Because he was not resisting anymore I guess. All I can do is speculate on what I would’ve done and why. I would’ve put my knee on his neck too given the opportunity. But not for 9 min. Once he stopped resisting, I would’ve had the others help cuff him and rolled him to his butt. But that’s just me
You are not making any sense. At all..

Hell, not even @Rickyvol77 is offering an assist.
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You are not making any sense. At all..

Hell, not even @Rickyvol77 is offering an assist.
How does it not make sense? The man was high. On what no one knew. He resisted which leads to him being in the position he was in. Once subdued, the back up officers provided assistance with crowd control while Chauvin held detain on Floyd. If the question is “why wasn’t he handcuffed?” , the answer is likely because the backup officers were preoccupied with said crowd control and Chauvin was no match for Floyd by himself IF he were high on PCP. Get it now?
So why didn't they put cuffs on his hands and feet once he was on the ground?

My other question from the first time I saw the video was why did it take over 10 minutes for the cavalry to arrive. Those three cops in the video didn't get much help - or maybe the other two didn't communicate very well.
How does it not make sense? The man was high. On what no one knew. He resisted which leads to him being in the position he was in. Once subdued, the back up officers provided assistance with crowd control while Chauvin held detain on Floyd. If the question is “why wasn’t he handcuffed?” , the answer is likely because the backup officers were preoccupied with said crowd control and Chauvin was no match for Floyd by himself IF he were high on PCP. Get it now?

My fault, he was already handcuffed...

I've told my sons to avoid doing things that put one in a bad situation. Don't rob banks, don't walk through a bad part of town after midnight with a roll of $100 bills in your hand, don't drink and drive, don't beat up on women, etc, etc, etc. Instead, do things to avoid interaction with law enforcement, like keeping your tag and driver's license current, etc, etc, etc.

The reason why is because the more times one puts oneself in a bad situation, the higher the probability to eventually have a bad outcome. In the George Floyd case, ole' Saint George spent his entire life making bad decisions until finally he put himself into a situation where someone else made a bad decision: he died and the other guy is in prison.

Daunte put himself in a bad situation, an accident happened and he won a Darwin award. I do not believe Potter had any intention of using deadly force in this case; she made a horrible mistake. Highly probable he's not there if he had not made a series of bad decisions leading up to the event. Hate it. Do not for one instance believe he deserved to die. But people die all the time from making stupid decisions. Stop making stupid decisions.
Sounds like White Supremacy and Privilege...or common sense.
So then... why was there still a need to be on his neck for that long if he is handcuffed and on the ground?

This actually makes your case worse, right?
Yes it does. And I’m man enough to admit when I’m wrong. However the original argument is the fact that it wasn’t 1st degree. Still isn’t. It still wasn’t premeditated or intentional. I still see negligent Homicide
Yes it does. And I’m man enough to admit when I’m wrong. However the original argument is the fact that it wasn’t 1st degree. Still isn’t. It still wasn’t premeditated or intentional. I still see negligent Homicide
A knee on a neck for 10min is absolutely intentional
You are not making any sense. At all..

Hell, not even @Rickyvol77 is offering an assist.
The officers should’ve worked together “quicker” to subdue, cuff and get him in the car initially however as he said someone on drugs is a little different strength wise and controlling wise and when Floyd claimed he couldn’t breathe the officers at that point couldn’t put him in the car and had to lay him and wait for medical to arrive. I also believe the crowd didn’t help and distracted the other officers.
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So you think 10min of a knee on an unresponsive, handcuffed man's neck isn't intentional? Yeah, I'm clueless. You're an apologist and part of the problem
Yes. You are completely clueless and you’re speaking out of ignorance. Open your mind to what I’m about to say. Hypothetically speaking, if I were in the process of detaining you and I kneel on your neck. There is a natural gap created between my shin and the ground therefore not creating “pressure” on your neck unless YOU try to move. That holds true as long as I remain on the balls of my foot. However, if I wanted to intentionally kill you, all I have to do is is straighten my ankle, driving my shin into your neck and snapping your neck or choking you out. Chauvin remained on the balls of his foot the entire 10 min (yes too long for visual purposes) and never left that position. Therefore giving Floyd adequate air supply. So you don’t know what you’re talking about.

On the flip side, one side effect of Fentanyl is heart failure if introduced to a high stress situation while on it. Given the FACT that Chauvin stayed on the ball of foot, is it more likely that Floyd died from Asphyxia or heart failure?

Like I told you before, leave your “expert” analysis at the door.
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Yes. You are completely clueless and you’re speaking out of ignorance. Open your mind to what I’m about to say. Hypothetically speaking, if I were in the process of detaining you and I kneel on your neck. There is a natural gap created between my shin and the ground therefore not creating “pressure” on your neck unless YOU try to move. That holds true as long as I remain on the balls of my foot. However, if I wanted to intentionally kill you, all I have to do is is straighten my ankle, driving my shin into your neck and snapping your neck or choking you out. Chauvin remained on the balls of his foot the entire 10 min (yes too long for visual purposes) and never left that position. Therefore giving Floyd adequate air supply. So you don’t know what you’re talking about.

On the flip side, one side effect of Fentanyl is heart failure if introduced to a high stress situation while on it. Given the FACT that Chauvin stayed on the ball of foot, is it more likely that Floyd died from Asphyxia or heart failure?

Like I told you before, leave your “expert” analysis at the door.

Man, they should have called you in as an expert witness to explain to everybody that Chauvin didn't actually kill the man, the man killed himself.

I put a pillow over the baby's head but it would have been able to breathe still if it didn't turn face up, so I didn't kill it. It killed itself.
Man, they should have called you in as an expert witness to explain to everybody that Chauvin didn't actually kill the man, the man killed himself.

I put a pillow over the baby's face but it would have been able to breathe still if it didn't turn face up, so I didn't kill it. It killed itself.
Yes he did
Yes. You are completely clueless and you’re speaking out of ignorance. Open your mind to what I’m about to say. Hypothetically speaking, if I were in the process of detaining you and I kneel on your neck. There is a natural gap created between my shin and the ground therefore not creating “pressure” on your neck unless YOU try to move. That holds true as long as I remain on the balls of my foot. However, if I wanted to intentionally kill you, all I have to do is is straighten my ankle, driving my shin into your neck and snapping your neck or choking you out. Chauvin remained on the balls of his foot the entire 10 min (yes too long for visual purposes) and never left that position. Therefore giving Floyd adequate air supply. So you don’t know what you’re talking about.

On the flip side, one side effect of Fentanyl is heart failure if introduced to a high stress situation while on it. Given the FACT that Chauvin stayed on the ball of foot, is it more likely that Floyd died from Asphyxia or heart failure?

Like I told you before, leave your “expert” analysis at the door.
You act as if there is only one way to put pressure on a neck. Also if he was on fentanyl then the added stress of being short of air would also be a huge issue. His goal was to cause pain, stress and to make life very uncomfortable for the restrained man lying face down. That shows intent
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You act as if there is only one way to put pressure on a neck. Also if he was on fentanyl then the added stress of being short of air would also be a huge issue. His goal was to cause pain, stress and to make life very uncomfortable for the restrained man lying face down. That shows intent

The idea that you can't put enough weight on him with the ball of your foot on the ground makes no sense to me. He's saying "intentional" killing which I don't think anybody in here is alleging. He just intentionally dug in too far with the knee.
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You act as if there is only one way to put pressure on a neck. Also if he was on fentanyl then the added stress of being short of air would also be a huge issue. His goal was to cause pain, stress and to make life very uncomfortable for the restrained man lying face down. That shows intent
BS. You’re looking at it through a liberal lens and only how it “looked”. Where his neck was placed under Chauvins shin, he essentially had his head stuck been between fence posts. Air supply wasn’t the issue. Fentanyl however was.
The idea that you can't put enough weight on him with the ball of your foot on the ground makes no sense to me. He's saying "intentional" killing which I don't think anybody in here is alleging. He just intentionally dug in too far with the knee.
Kneel on the ground with the ball of your foot in place and tell me if a man’s neck wouldn’t comfortably fit in there and get back to me. I’m 5’10 and I can tell you with absolute certainty that it can. But try for yourself.
Kneel on the ground with the ball of your foot in place and tell me if a man’s neck wouldn’t comfortably fit in there and get back to me. I’m 5’10 and I can tell you with absolute certainty that it can. But try for yourself.

Weird how the first picture I found doesn't have the ball of his foot on the ground, so I guess we don't even have to figure out if ^ this is BS or not.


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