Knoxville Mayor attends Drag Queen Christmas

Look at you with your list of catchphrases bitching about your controlled opposition network, Fox. All you do is play linguistic games because manipulating language is the only way you know how to communicate. The stuff you say has dishonesty built into the very words themselves because you need even the language itself to be rigged in your favor because it's the only way your arguments can seem legit.

You are everything you claim to be against.
You still mad because I always say that that creepy guy with a cat you post videos of lives in his mom's basement?
Where did I mention a political party? Lol. Are you saying all the fear-mongering about gay people converting your children came from Republicans? You said it, not me

Hide behind “protecting the children based on a higher calling from God” etc” -

The left doesn’t claim this role as a whole. So you said it by your choice of words.
It's fascinating how fast this forum devolved into deviant sex and transsexuals versus conservatives once the political landscape had very few pickings when our crooks went on vacay for a week or two. acting like fruit-loops, being so exaggerated with everything, ans basically saying "LOOK AT ME IM GAY AND SO SPECIAL". You are not special because you're gay...just like I'm not special because I'm straight. Gays deserve the exact rights as everyone else and NOTHING ELSE. Keep the freeeek show behind closed doors.

So, you do have a problem with gay folks
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It's fascinating how fast this forum devolved into deviant sex and transsexuals versus conservatives once the political landscape had very few pickings when our crooks went on vacay for a week or two.

You guys are so proud of your bigotry.
Out of curiosity, what is your definition of deviant sex? Please be specific and don't paint a broad brush like you did with me.

Any sex which falls outside of consenting adults.
Personally, I don’t call consenting adults who enjoy sexual behavior that I wouldn’t… deviants. Different strokes for different folks.
Look, if you want to be a bigot, that's fine. I support your right to be such.

Just quit being such a pissant and just own it.
Again I'm not anti-gay. I'm just sick of having gayness shoved in my face. I'm sick of seeing Drag Queens grooming LITTLE CHILDREN. Be gay all you want. Just be gay behind closed doors. I'm straight yet I don't shove it in anyone's face. You are not special for being gay no matter how much your Mommy told you that you are. You own it. I just don't need to see it, Nancy.
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Again I'm not anti-gay. I'm just sick of having gayness shoved in my face. I'm sick of seeing Drag Queens grooming LITTLE CHILDREN. Be gay all you want. Just be gay behind closed doors. I'm straight yet I don't shove it in anyone's face. You are not special for being gay no matter how much your Mommy told you that you are. You own it. I just don't need to see it, Nancy.

You can hold hands with your wife in public without fear of small minded bigots accosting you
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Again I'm not anti-gay. I'm just sick of having gayness shoved in my face. I'm sick of seeing Drag Queens grooming LITTLE CHILDREN. Be gay all you want. Just be gay behind closed doors. I'm straight yet I don't shove it in anyone's face. You are not special for being gay no matter how much your Mommy told you that you are. You own it. I just don't need to see it, Nancy.

“I don’t care if you’re gay, just don’t allow even a hint of gayness to appear in public” is anti-gay lol
Like when the left President Clinton singed the “Don’t ask, don’t tell”, or was that a different coward?
Prime example of the goal post moving, I remember when this was hailed as the answer only to have immediately been labeled as underwhelming because gays should be able to serve openly, then pushed to gays had to be embraced
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You can hold hands with your wife in public without fear of small minded bigots accosting you

So you've been accosted while holding a dude's hand in public? I SERIOUSLY doubt that. That isn't what I'm talking about. It's the flamboyant over-the-top Liberace persona that I'm referring to. I assure you if gay people would tone it down about 14 notches, the sentiment would do the same.
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Prime example of the goal post moving, I remember when this was hailed as the answer only to have immediately been labeled as underwhelming because gays should be able to serve openly, then pushed to gays had to be embraced

Now the trans enlisted man can shower with women.

Yea the slippery slope argument from 30 years ago has been shown to be complete and utter nonsense.

People act like one day trans people are going to argue it is good for them to interact with children. Pffft.
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Taken as a whole..yea there is an agenda to actively promote this stuff to impressionable young minds. Books in public schools, drag shows, TV, courageous awards.
Do the hell what one wants to do, but please leave the children out of it.
That is a line I will not accept, ever.
Call me a bigot..go right ahead..I wear it with honor.
Done with this.
Taken as a whole..yea there is an agenda to actively promote this stuff to impressionable young minds. Books in public schools, drag shows, TV, courageous awards.
Do the hell what one wants to do, but please leave the children out of it.
That is a line I will not accept, ever.
Call me a bigot..go right ahead..I wear it with honor.
Done with this.


And you will be called bigot. And in this case it is an honor.
So you've been accosted while holding a dude's hand in public? I SERIOUSLY doubt that. That isn't what I'm talking about. It's the flamboyant over-the-top Liberace persona that I'm referring to. I assure you if gay people would tone it down about 14 notches, the sentiment would do the same.

So, you are the arbiter of acceptable personalities? The sentiment remains, “hide who you are because it offends our sensibilities.”
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