Ky governor's race

Lol now I gotta watch Cannonball Run again...for some reason the line "take in wind Dr Chaos" just cracks me up...great cast. Great mindless fun
...and doesn't the doctor tell Burt Reynolds that he went to the University of Tennessee? It's been a long time since I saw it, but that is what I remember.
Nor does the president define me.
Does the president(s) effect the way you feel about DC?
Does the president(s) effect the way you feel about politics?

Not really, I loathe DC and career politicians regardless of party.
I beg your pardon... my sister was a kindergarten teacher at Fairview Elementary School in Maryville, Tennessee. She taught for 10 years before she died of thymoma, cancer of the thymus gland, shortly after 3 pm on Wednesday May 26, 2010 in Blount Memorial Hospital in Maryville. She was earning a little over $42,000 annually at the time of her death. I call that being underpaid, when factoring in the importance of the job. Take your stupid bull crap somewhere else. I know what in the hell I am talking about.
Sorry about your sister. The rest was conjecture and anecdotal.
Not really, I loathe DC and career politicians regardless of party.
LOL...You loathe career politicians and DC because politicians and DC have made you feel that way.
There is nothing wrong with loathing a politician, hell, I currently do.
Just don't act like it's somehow irrational for me to loathe and hate Trump and then turn around and say you loathe and hate career politicians and DC.
LOL...You loathe career politicians and DC because politicians and DC have made you feel that way.
There is nothing wrong with loathing a politician, hell, I currently do.
Just don't act like it's somehow irrational for me to loathe and hate Trump and then turn around and say you loathe and hate career politicians and DC.

My loathing does not make me any less proud to be an American.
My loathing does not make me any less proud to be an American.
Sure it does. You loathe the capital of America and the people who largely determine the direction of America.
That's sort of like saying you loathe the flag and the military but yet are no less proud to be an American.
Sure it does. You loathe the capital of America and the people who largely determine the direction of America.
That's sort of like saying you loathe the flag and the military but yet are no less proud to be an American.
The Patriotism Continuum.
I beg your pardon... my sister was a kindergarten teacher at Fairview Elementary School in Maryville, Tennessee. She taught for 10 years before she died of thymoma, cancer of the thymus gland, shortly after 3 pm on Wednesday May 26, 2010 in Blount Memorial Hospital in Maryville. She was earning a little over $42,000 annually at the time of her death. I call that being underpaid, when factoring in the importance of the job. Take your stupid bull crap somewhere else. I know what in the hell I am talking about.
I drive by that school everyday. Every time I do, now, I will think of your sister.

So sorry for your loss. I hate cancer.
Sure it does. You loathe the capital of America and the people who largely determine the direction of America.
That's sort of like saying you loathe the flag and the military but yet are no less proud to be an American.
DC isn't America, its become everything the founding fathers were against. You liberals loathe the flag and the military yet you guys claim to be proud to be an American. You guys only like America more when your gov passes un-american legislation.
DC isn't America, its become everything the founding fathers were against. You liberals loathe the flag and the military yet you guys claim to be proud to be an American. You guys only like America more when your gov passes un-american legislation.
Only white men voting and owning human beings was also All-American to the founding fathers. You have no clue what is un-American based on your post history. Also no idea on basic economics, basic govt, basic math, basic English, etc
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DC isn't America, its become everything the founding fathers were against. You liberals loathe the flag and the military yet you guys claim to be proud to be an American. You guys only like America more when your gov passes un-american legislation.
I don't hate the flag, or the military, or DC, or career politicians....I'm not the one who has been indoctrinated to hate certain things.
Yet you daily tell us how much you hate Trump.
Oh, I do hate Trump. I've never denied that. But I don't hate him because he is a repub. president or because he beat Hillary or because I disagree with most of his policies; I hate him for the human that is.
I beg your pardon... my sister was a kindergarten teacher at Fairview Elementary School in Maryville, Tennessee. She taught for 10 years before she died of thymoma, cancer of the thymus gland, shortly after 3 pm on Wednesday May 26, 2010 in Blount Memorial Hospital in Maryville. She was earning a little over $42,000 annually at the time of her death. I call that being underpaid, when factoring in the importance of the job. Take your stupid bull crap somewhere else. I know what in the hell I am talking about.
OK. First of all, I am sorry for your loss. As someone else said, cancer sucks.

Let's discuss the issue. You claim that public teachers are underpaid. I disagree to an extent, but how do you solve your perceived problem that they are underpaid? I think there are a couple of ways.

1) "Educate" young people that the teaching profession is a low paying/high reward one. The problem there is that young (girls especially) are molded from a very early age (by 'educators') that teaching is a good profession. (Ironically while at the same time bemoaning the low pay) It should be presented as what it is; a calling. You don't get rich teaching unless you get tenure at Harvard or Vanderbilt, and even then it is probably rare. So public education is not an unknown quantity. It should be well known when a young person gets to high school that if they go into teaching, they ain't gonna get rich. I know,money isn't everything. But it is in fact the focus of this discussion.

2) This one will make your skin as a big government liberal absolutely crawl. Privatize education. It is not uncommon for homeschooled kids (for example) to do better than their peers in many subjects when they do return to the public venues. I can hear you and luther screaming at the screen. IF you are then tell me this: Why are there waiting lists for charter schools in almost every major city in the country? And it is not 'rich white' families that are tying to get into them. They are minority families trying to do right by their kids. Yet at every turn, government leaders like Comrade DeBlasio fight them. Why? It's the same exact reason that there are carvings on medieval churches in Europe. Ignorance = absolute control over the populace. That is what the .gov craves. Ignorance and control.

We spar about left vs right on here and imho most of it is in good fun. Education at the primary level is woefully pathetic on the whole. luther will argue otherwise, but facts don't bear him out. Asian kids (especially immigrants) know the value of education and excel here. Why? The public model is broken.

On a side note, I would really like to teach a seminar on money at the local high school. I wouldn't charge for it, and actually have an idea for the kids to 'earn' a little walking around money while learning about it. It is painfully obvious to me that young people today are getting zero education when it comes to money because for some strange reason it is a taboo subject. The other day I bought a couple of bags of ice and a drink at Checkers. The tab was something like $3.78. I gave the girl $5.03 and she looked at me like I had two heads. She actually gave me back my $.03, and THEN gave me the $1.22 that the cash register told her to give me. She couldn't even put $5.03 into the freaking machine! That's not unusual, and it is flat out pathetic. Public education. Tell your buddy luther thanks for me will ya?

Sorry for the partial rant.

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