Lab-Grown Meat Coming to a Restaurant near you THIS YEAR and is due to Hit Grocery Stores by 2028

When I see the crowd at Davos chowing down on Solyent Purple and fried crickets, then I might begin to consider it. This is basically an attempt to return to ye olden days when Marie Antoinette wondered why the peasants didn’t eat cake. They want to starve us into submission while they dine of lobster tail and the finest Kobe beef.

The problem with this is that lab-grown meat is identical to animal-harvested meat.

Once marbling and structuring technology advance sufficiently (which may be the case already), one would not be able to tell the difference in a blind taste test as they are molecularly and structurally the identical. The only difference is the presence or necessity of the animal.
Guarantee a lot of the people hating on this are sitting there chomping down on a McChicken and pounding some Mt Dew.
The problem with this is that lab-grown meat is identical to animal-harvested meat.

Once marbling and structuring technology advance sufficiently (which may be the case already), one would not be able to tell the difference in a blind taste test as they are molecularly and structurally the identical. The only difference is the presence or necessity of the animal.
Thanks but no thanks.
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I ordered one of those things 20+ years ago and it was the most nondescript gooey mass slathered in BBQ sauce I have ever eaten.
Never ever had a McRib. Even when it came out when I was in middle school, something just didn't sit well with me about it.
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