Lab-Grown Meat Coming to a Restaurant near you THIS YEAR and is due to Hit Grocery Stores by 2028

The USDA approved it. Are you anti-science?
Oh, that's right, how dare I question the science. The experts approved it, so gosh darn it that's good enough for me. I'm not a fake meat expert so I can't have an opinion on lab-grown untested meat. Besides, I'll also be doing my part to fight climate change, one slab of goop meat at a time.
I saw a brief report on this new "chicken." Evidently the process is something like a 3 D printer except it is using animal and plant cells to create the "meat" so it's not like an impossible burger.

It is more like when they "recreate" the body of Milla Jovovich's body in Fifth Element.

Still not signing up for one of those even though the first two restaurants to serve it are from Jose Andres. He can make shoe leather taste good.
I saw a brief report on this new "chicken." Evidently the process is something like a 3 D printer except it is using animal and plant cells to create the "meat" so it's not like an impossible burger.

It is more like when they "recreate" the body of Milla Jovovich's body in Fifth Element.

Still not signing up for one of those even though the first two restaurants to serve it are from Jose Andres. He can make shoe leather taste good.

Milla Jovovich in the 5th element was worthy of eating.
If anyone has eaten a fast food burger or any sort of chicken from most fast food places, you look pretty silly taking a preemptive mental sh*t on lab engineered meat.
If anyone has eaten a fast food burger or any sort of chicken from most fast food places, you look pretty silly taking a preemptive mental sh*t on lab engineered meat.
You must not have eaten at any fast food place in the last 30 years.

Most of it is pretty good. The new wave of chicken sandwiches changed the game.
You must not have eaten at any fast food place in the last 30 years.

Most of it is pretty good. The new wave of chicken sandwiches changed the game.

Because they're filled with lab engineered additives to make people intoxicated with being fat. Lol.
I'll ask this of anyone contemplating ordering this laboratory meat, what is the purpose of it? You can buy a whole rotisserie chicken in the grocery store for $5 or $6.

I’m not really contemplating ordering it, but the lab meat would be more favorable for the environment and would not be cruel to livestock. I don’t see a downside of creating an alternative for those craving the animal flesh.

If the lab meat was scaled it, it would become a more efficient process and likely less expensive than the $5/$6 chickens.
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I’m not really contemplating ordering it, but the lab meat would be more favorable for the environment and would not be cruel to livestock. I don’t see a downside of creating an alternative for those craving the animal flesh.

If the lab meat was scaled it, it would become a more efficient process and likely less expensive that the $5/$6 chickens.

Vegans like you give the rest a bad name. You want a plant based diet, great. Don’t spread lies about the alternative.

Funny that you mention “spread lies” in the same post that you’ve falsely labeled me.

And it’s hardly a lie that the lab meat is better for the environment and doesn’t ignore the cruel treatment of billions of animals grown to be slaughtered. The videos of the cruelty aren’t isolated instances. There are thousands of examples on YouTube. It’s widespread in the industry that you defend so passionately.
I’m not really contemplating ordering it, but the lab meat would be more favorable for the environment and would not be cruel to livestock. I don’t see a downside of creating an alternative for those craving the animal flesh.

If the lab meat was scaled it, it would become a more efficient process and likely less expensive than the $5/$6 chickens.

Actually it’s far worse for the environment just like electric vehicles.

New study suggests that lab-grown meat produces up to 25 times more CO2
Actually it’s far worse for the environment just like electric vehicles.

New study suggests that lab-grown meat produces up to 25 times more CO2

The “study” “suggests” that lab meat “could” be less environmentally friendly. The most important sentence in the article is that their study is not peer reviewed. But you’re going to believe them and declare “it’s far worse”.

A “new study” is cited in the article’s headline, sub-headline, and in the text. I notice that the creators of this study are kind of anonymous. Who are they? What are their credentials. I wonder which industry might have commissioned this “new study”.
Being a vegan wouldn’t have killed her. An inadequate diet probably did. “Meanwhile, a friend claimed that for the last seven years, Samsonova had only eaten the giant, sweet jackfruit and durian”
Jackfruit and durian are really tasty. Nothing quite like them.

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