Why, if all teams, "under the umbrella of inclusiveness", are "representatives of the same Power T that has been decided as the unifying symbol around which to assemble those individuals", do you feel the need to point out that they are "Tennessee Volunteer Women's Softball"?
Isn't designating the team by gender unnecessary and simply an expression of sexism?
And, in case my use of the blue font isn't enough to make it clear that I, personally, do not feel that the gender identification of any particular sports team is, in any way, sexist, I will restate my position. Since it is, in fact, necessary to differentiate between teams based on gender (at least until we start requiring that all college level sports teams are co-ed), I find it difficult to understand why the proponents of the club of 'inclusiveness" find the term "Women" or "Women's" acceptable and yet find the term "Lady" or "Ladies" so offensive.